Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Vacation

Going Home was nice. I even spent three whole nights there in Long Beach. Booya!

If you remember (points below) my family drove down to Monmouth and picked me up on Sunday the 13th. We stopped at a restaurant on the way home called Humps (no joke) and managed to make it through the icy rain without incident to Astoria. Where it was much colder, oddly enough.

Didn't do too terribly much my few days at home. I felt guilty, though. Corina's been begging me to see her for ages and i either forget or don't feel like it. Seriously, I should be more compassionate, you know? My best Friend Tosha skipped out on seeing me before I left for WOU and has avoided me since. So I know how Corina feels.

Monday, the 14th, I just sat in the family business on the computer all day long.

Tuesday I went to Astoria early to see Ai (Hi Ai!) and ostensibly to get my fencing gear.

Which I forgot.

We had fun, though. I bought a painting, we drew on the wall in the LIT room (building is about to be remodeled), then we caught a ride to Long Beach and went thrift shopping.

Wednesday I had errands. Mum gave me idiot proof directions (money for doctor in correspondingly labeled envelopes) and Gramma drove me. Hit up the dentis (which reminded me of my neglected wisdom teeth...), the Hospital clinic, and the family doctor (closed).

Gramma let me go into the bookstore while we waited (mistake) but I managed to restrain myself to only one bargain book.

The entire ride down from the house across the peninsula to the port Gramma nattered on and on and on about how much stuff I had (1 backpack of clothes, satchel with notebooks and novels, art portfolio, bag with big jacket and blanket and shoes, Camera) and wouldn't let me get a word in edgewise about it. Which was a little humorous, actually.

So when she asked me how in the world I was going to get home on Thursday, to my chagrin, I had to tell her I was not coming home.

The look on her face made me feel kind of guilty.

The plan (originally) was that I spend Sunday and possibly Monday night at home, spend a couple of days at John and Melanie's and then they would drive me to Long View on Friday so that I could take the bus to Yakima to see my Dad.

Mum knew this. I told her if I had time that I would visit a bit during the second half of the week...But instead she pleaded with me to stay Sunday Monday and Tuesday night. So I agreed.

Obviously I forgot to inform Gramma. She seemed a little...bitter that I wouldnt' be there for Christmas, but I've been planning to see my Dad for it for months, so there's no real excuse for that I'm thinking.

Next year I think I'll switch Thanksgiving and Christmas around, to make it fair.

The bus ride to Astoria was good (if one forgot the betrayed look on one's Gramma's face). Got to chat with the residential drunk, and my old chem study on the bus buddy. His name is Matt, and he's my bff Jake's older brother. Or one of them at least.

When I got off the bus I had to chase down the 12 (with Matt's help), which Which meant I had no time to text Melanie and tell her I had arrived in Astoria and was on my way. So I showed up 3 blocks from her doorstep (stupid new bus regulations) to a house she wasn't in.


Thank goodness Jake was.

Then we did Yule. Which was pretty cool. I got my two favorite flower pictures taken by Melanie in frames, and a bunch of other things. Including a fuzzy pillow case. :)

Thursday was devoted to retrieving my fencing bag (again). Did I mention that it's been in Clatsop's P.E. equipment room for nigh on a year? O.o Bravo Monica.

Every time I send someone to retrieve it they "can't find it". Which is total claptrap. Ai looked for me and confirmed it was right where it should've been.

Good girl. Thanks Ai!

Have I ever mentioned that I have terrible luck with Transportation?

I walked all the way down the bloody hill from the college to town because I missed the bus. Which wouldn't've been bad since all I had was a small painting (of a nude lady), my handy dandy messenger bag, and my fencing bag.

None of that is that heavy, but apparently all my walking in Monmouth adds up to much less than what I did in Astoria, so my shoulders were killing me and trying to convince me that I had 60 pounds on my back.

Not the 15 I actually had.

Did you know? I've never actually been shopping on Christmas before. The fiasco at Dennis Company on Black Friday is about as clase as I've ever gotten.

Deals Only was bloody well PACKED! I'm a pretty good sneaker, but I think I would've had trouble getting around the business, with my stupid fencing gear, even without all the people.

Those aisles are pretty small.

But back to my mission: Melanie gave me some cool photos for Yule, right? Well they were in some awesome frameless frames that she got for a couple dollars at Deals.


I had already been planning on getting a few: one for mum, one for Gramma, one for John and Melanie....And if I could muster up a selfish bone in my body, maybe even one for me!

But on my way down the blasted hill from the college my Aunt Ester Called me. Did I mention that I have a Dad floating around somewhere? :D

Long story short:

1. He lives in Yakima Washington
2. Didn't meet him till I was 9.
3. I promised I'd visit for Christmas.

So Aunt Ester (his sister) called all hysterical like to find out when I was coming. I told her I'd be on a bus at 3 on Friday.

And she told me she'd already drawn the name of the person I had to give a gift to for Christmas.

That throws a small wrench in my gears.

So the frame for me became one for dad, and I tossed a 5th one into the mix for my cousin Melissa.

Whoever the heck that is. :P

Also, have I mentioned what kind of cutlery I've been using? Kids stuff :) They are in bright colors like neon green, blue, and pink. And are shaped like animals.

Really. I've been using them for months. I bought them at Deals :) Right now my favorite is a green knife with the alligator snout as the blade....

I bought a new pack for me, but decided to give it to my baby cousins.

Got my shopping done and trudged down tot he bus station. the good news is I bumped into Jake and got to chat. The bad news was that I got there as soon as my bus left.

End Part One

Regard from Purgatory,

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Post Script

Did I mention that I don't miss the construction one single bit?

Oh, and I can still hear the annoying school bell from our apartment >.<

The Big Move

Gods, that sounds like Max Keebles movie or whatever :)

Long time no chat, dearest fans!

Okay, yeah I remember: I'm actually talking to thin air. But that's all right! Apparently that's what us emos with blogs do anyways....Did I mention that apparently I'm an emo just because I have a blog? Watch out world! An emo who wears Argyle and colors is on their way!

So I actually moved over a week ago. Sorry for the incommunicado-ness. Moving day was Friday the...11th. And I had a little bit of internet on Saturday but didn't want to write my blog for some reason: I think it was because I was so blasted lonely.

But do you guys remember that Christmas party I went to? Well, not sure if I mentioned this (and I'm far too lazy to go back and check...), the man whose house we went to was Miki's Host Father. Nice man. At the moment I conveniently can't remember his name...Oh yeah! Dale :) He and his wife opened a Christian book store 2 blocks from our house (on the edge of campus) in early November. It's coming along quite nicely. But since Miki knows more adults in the area than I do she asked him if he could help us move. It took us two trips. Thank the Gods. I thought with all my junk it'd take much longer...Turned out that Mikiko has amassed a lot of stuff as well.

What in the world are you guys going to read my blog for, once she's gone? :D

After, we had to rush back to campus and check out of the dorms. Good thing I ended up rushing my bicycle to the apartment: I forgot my fish with my jacket and coat at the dorms >.<. Mkay, well I had brought my big tank and other fish a couple days before the move, but my beta Kyoushi needs quite a bit of attention so I left him until last.

Signed out, grabbed my fish, and went on a mission to use the last of my food money in the dining hall. Thanks to my amazing luck (yeah right) they had already cleared the majority of everything out. So I ended up buying strawberry milk, chocolate milk, two odwalla fruit smoothies, cereal, and a ham and cheese hot pocket.

I don't even like ham and cheese.

I still has 40 cents left :)

But since I've moved off campus my money doesn't roll over, it just goes....*Poof!*

So here I was, tossed out in the cold as it was getting dark with a large jacket, a spare jacket and hoodie, my blasted heavy laptop, my satchel stuffed to the brim with things I jacked from the dorm..., and a fish.

In a mayo jar with no lid, no less.

And of course that's when the person I had been trying to get a hold of for several hours called me and demanded my time.

"Moe-nica! It is Daisy! You wanted me to help with your fish? (I needed a fish-sitter) Can I come see your house now?"

Imagine this with a chinese accent for full effect.

Turns out that she was on my way, at Yang's the teriaki restaurant. Approximately a block and a half from where I was and 3 blocks from my house. So I stopped to pick her up. She was extremely fascinated by my fish. I told her that I wasn't going to give up my key to the apartment for her because Miki and I needed it (we only had one) and that likely my Plecostomus would survive and that I'd take my Dannio with me and here meet my Beta :)

I asked her to think about it and that he was easy: didn't need too much heat, just needed a few pellets of food a day, maybe a radio. And then we went to my apartment so I could show it off.

Mikiko was not there. She was off printing something at the library. Either that or doing internet type stuff: we only have electricity so far.

So I explained about Kyoushi and his care and how long she would have him and that he wasn't too terribly easy to kill unless you didn't feed him altogether, and said that I was leaving on Monday and that if she was interested I'd bring him to her then.

In fact, I was quite counting on having him for company, cause the Danny has ADHD and has no idea I exist, and Mr. P just glares. Kyou loves me and gets quite depressed if I don't talk to him. I was counting on having him when Miki left.

But as Daisy and her roomie Mandy started to leave I noticed Kyou in her hands! I have NO IDEA what happened. It kinda went like this.

"So I'll see you on Mon....Hey! Where's Kyou?"

"Moe-nica? You said he is easy, right? He will be okay. Bye bye!"

"Hey? Where are you taking my fish?"

Mandy: "Your house is very beautiful, Moe-nica!"

"Daisy! What about Kyou?"

"Do not worry Moe-nica! He will be fine."


"We will see you after Christmas!" Chorus

"At least take his food!"

Door slams.

I felt robbed >.<;;;

So he left a few days early, and before I even got a chance to head back to Washington I was getting hysterical texts all about how he wasn't eating. I figured that a. he was a little cold in her house and lethargic b. she was feeding him too much and c. he missed me.

Which is hysterical cause when I took him to Gramma's for Thanksgiving (yes, he is a travel fish) he was just fine. Energetic even. But then that might have been because he had lots of other Betas to glare and posture at...:D

When Miki got home I was getting ready to watch a movie. That day I had spent 40 minutes in the bloody post office trying to get a package sent to my secret santa (the 11th was the last day for Xmas post to Canada), and stumbled across an estate sale (which I returned to after moving our stuff but before signing out of the dorm to get pots and pans...), and rented dvds from the library. I had started Shakespeare in Love round when Mikiko made something for herself for dinner (I had already eaten that hot pocket) and when I opened my door to invite her to watch the movie with me....She walked all over me with a bunch of papers in hand!

Actually, I'm quite thrilled that she feels welcome in my bedroom. It's so bloody huge compared to hers, I feel like I rattle around in it. Hers feels like a closet and causes me no end of guilt. In fact, I'd have her move into mine with me and shove a roomie into her room if not for the fact I know she needs her own room. My grandparents think I should put a bunkbed in my room and have a third roomie in there. It's an okay idea, but the only person I'd feel comfortable with sharing a room with now would be Miki. And she needs her own space. Our dynamic is going to be shaken up enough by a new place as it is: no need to make eachother uncomfortable with a 3rd person.

So she waltzes in with a bunch of paperwork and my heart fluttered at how she just made herself at home on my floor with all of it (and her dinner) and joined my movie with me. In fact? It was awesome. She only stayed for the first movie though: sadly. But we still had a blast. I'm getting used to having subtitles on movies now. Turns out that in asian countries just about all of their movies have subtitles whether they are in their language or not. So even though Miki understands English just fine, it's easier with the words because she's a creature of habit.

Several times after she left I caught myself watching movies with subtitles.....:)

Directly after the first movie she retreated to her room (ostensibly to arrange her peter perfect closet. It's a little scary, actually) and I started up Star Wars Episode 1....

I'm not entirely sure, but when I started humming to the theme song and reciting the prologue I think she threatened me from the other room :)

Miki left super early that Saturday. I think I woke up before she left. I vaguely remember stumbling through the hall without my glasses on early that morning and snuggling someone with smell good still wet hair.

I hope I didn't traumatize her too much. At least she left me a nice goodbye note on the counter :)

Saturday I didn't do too terribly much. I actually slept quite late in the day. Until noon I think. Maybe ten? Hmm...But I woke up after Miki left and decided to hunt down a computer on campus.

Ostensibly to write my blog: obviously, that did not happen. That week...It was extremely cold. I know I wrote about it, but I'm not sure you understand: It is 40 degrees with snow where I am write now. But there, in Monmouth?


10 whole flipping degrees.

That Saturday that I ventured out for a computer I almost killed myself on my doorstep.

You know? I've never seen black ice before. In fact? I still haven't. Slipped on the bloody stuff a million times between my door and the school. It really is invisible. I adopted this funny little slide step to save my goose after slipping and almost getting hit crossing a road not a block from my home.

Go figure.

Isn't it that 80 percent of accidents occur within 30 blocks of your home? I'm sure that's an automobile accident where your driving your car...But still, these 'they' have a point :D

Sunday my family showed up.

After two night of watching movies and most of a day lazy about and another attempting to unpack (emphasis on attempt) they practically showed up without calling.

It felt like an invasion.

"Oh dear?! Is this the door frame you were talking about?" says the gramma who's looking at doors on the wrong floor entirely.

"Did you know that you do not have a shower curtain rod?" Bellows the grandfather from upstairs.

"Where do you want this?" Asks the mom.

"Wrong door gramma, yes I know! And Mum! Where I put it of course!"

"Shall I put your plant on the microwave, dear?"

"Why won't this door open?"

Where did you want this?"

"Gramma! A plant in the kitchen? Grampa please be careful I'll be right up!" whips head around. "Mum! Just put that down!"

Stomps upstairs as splitting of doorframe is heard.

"Oops I've got it."

"Where is the light?"

"Did you know that the dead bolt won't work?"


All in all it was fun. I wish they could've stayed much longer. There were plenty of things I needed help with. Like gramma's advice on how to organize the cupboards and maybe some help putting all my food away. The doorframe fixed properly, not just temporarily, maybe just some company in general...

But they always get on MY case for rushing! They wanted in and out in an HOUR!

An HOUR! That's not nearly enough time to help me! Let me tell you, my frontroom is a mess and that's not because it's not organized. It's because it has no stuff of its own and all the stuff from the REST of the house is down there.

My bedroom? It's the sterotypical bachelor pad type. Cept I don't have the mattress to pile the safety barrier of clothes around yet. Anyone have a spare mattress?

Wish me luck and more info on my break will be here soon!

Regards from Purgatory,

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Hero Returns and the Useless Cleaning Lady

So I cleaned out the bathroom yesterday. When I say clean out, I mean clean out. I got up at 8 something and cleared everything out of the bathroom, including Mikiko's stuff. Miki slept until 11, I swear.

The cleaning lady never showed up.

A week ago she told me to have everything out of the bathroom (even put up a sign) so that she could come in for deep cleaning before she went on her Christmas break. I went to all that trouble and....nada.

So of course that means that she showed up this morning. Miki really did sleep until 11 this morning. She got up super early to talk to Yuuki (at 1 around when I was going to bed...) so I don't blame her for sleeping in. But the lady spent a good 20 minutes chattering about goodness knows what (I think nuclear power plants came up) and then she asked if it was all right if she just took the garbage and replaced the TP and well....She didn't clean.

What the heck?

Well, I did get one good thing out of this. I gave her a note for maintenence crying out for help, because my heater went out again in the night. Of course it was just the living room one. Miki sleeps next to the bedroom one (lucky sod) so she had no problems.

But when the cleaning lady left she closed the bedroom door so my toes went blue even though I had a blanket....>.<

It sucked.

I can't remember when/why Miki left this morning. Or was it afternoon? But I DO know that my Hero returned at 1 :D


I totally expected someone else to come. But either Gentle is his building, or heaters are his thing, or he saw my room number and thought he'd check up on us....Hell. The first time he fixed the heat he came back the same day to check on us. He must like Miki and I even though she wasn't there either time :)

I got to chat with him for a while, but then he had to go find out why there wasn't ANY hot water going to that one heater (the one in the bedroom was still fine) and I mentioned that the cleaning lady had mentioned a problem downstairs so he was gone in a flash.

I love how she brought it up like it meant nothing "I went to unlock and clean the laundry room this morning and one of the hot water pipes had burst and it was flooded so of course I couldn't clean so I just shut and locked the door."

I asked if she had reported it and she said "Of course!"

But Barry still took off pretty quick :)

I had to go to my Spanish exam (which went terrible. If I get a D in that class I will be surprised) so I left a note on the door for him thanking him.

When I got back Miki was ecstatic cause she finally got to meet Barry and....*drum roll* We had heat!


So I moved a little of my stuff today. Mostly stuff I didn't think I could hazard moving with the majority of my junk tomorrow. I'm still nervous about moving stuff, but things should go fine, I hope.

So Jocelyn and Jesus and I drove to the apartment with Mr. P and one Danny (one got flipped into the sink by accident) and set up the tank. Thank the Gods I had the presence of mind not to turn on the heater: I boiled my tank with it once >.< It's actually pretty tricky setting one of those up.

I didn't like leaving my Playstation there, but I figured it'd get crushed in the rest of the packing. So I hid it in the closet. The remodelling stuff was SUPPOSED to be out today. But there was still a paint machine thingy in the kitchen. And some dumbwad had left all the lights on which heat the place better than the heaters, I swear. But since Miki and I are paying the electricity officially starting today, I wasn't going to stand for that. AND the door was unlocked when I got there.

Oops >.< We forgot to give Alfredo the copy of our receipt of deposit for the electricity.

He's going on vacation to Mexico. FUN! Good thing we'll be gone. In theory nothing bad will happen that we'll need the manager for if we're not there either....:)

So I turned down the heat (it was a sauna) made sure the sink was dripping (pipes have been freezing all over the place) locked the patio door, turned off all the lights I could find, and then locked the front door.

You know what's lovely? Brand new door, brand new locks: The dead bold didn't turn with the key and the key was a poor fit. Greeeeaaaat.

But I moved some stuff into my new place! *cheers*

Now I need a job to pay for it *scowls*

Regards from Purgatory,

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wednesday is for Frostbite. What?

It's bloody cold outside. So bloody cold outside, that it's...bloody cold outside :)

I took my Lit. Studies final yesterday. In about a half hour. But I'll talk more about it later. I will say that I feel pretty confident about it.

Took my Ling Final today, and surprisingly enough? I feel confident about THAT too! Which is weird considering I was a few pity points away from my D being an F on the last test....I KNOW these things! I study! I read! I go to groups! I write notes and listen to lectures!

And I still fail the tests >.<

Which is almost hysterical considering I'm in the 90th percentile on standardized tests, usually.

But it was pretty easy, surprisingly enough.

Miki has some secrets. Turns out she has some blank checks (account number included) squirrelled away from her bank. Which is neat. It means we didn't have to go get that much cash or get a cashiers check with the potentially wrong number written on it.

So we did the math and figured that with the rent and the deposit he quoted us the first month would be $1250. Not horrendous. So we wrote a check out for that and took off at 4:40 after I woke up from my several hour nap. Man, I needed that. I was groggy until the cold air hit me though >.<

We got there and called the manager and he was late. He's always late. :) It could become either annoying, or endearing I think.

Oh btw, Our application was accepted! *cheers*. We called him earlier in the day and he told us we had the apartment. :) It was neat. When we walked up the walk our door was open. A couple works were in there cursing in Spanish. I had to giggle :) But I DID wonder what they were doing if they had been supposed to finish everything on Tuesday.

The manager got in and he showed us the little things they needed to finish up and how clean they had made it. I was impressed, Miki likes to look at the little things though...(like the squeaky drawers and their loose handles) so I could see her lips pursed in concentration. I HOPE that's just her thinking about cleaning and not about torturing the manager into doing all sorts of odd jobs for us >.<

The contract was pretty straight forward. The kicker though? Officially, it says no pets except for therapy animals. The real deal? He says that only DOGS aren't allowed. That cats are :)

Thank the Gods! I would've argued that one to death considering he allows KIDS there and I guess the last tenants kids demolished the walls (I gathered that from the 10 minute lecture on how the new paint was easier to clean) and Cats aren't always as destructive as children, you know?

I'm a little nervous about taking Ryou away from Gramma, AND about how in the world she's going to get down here....

Now that I think about it, how are my fish getting fed while I'm gone for Christmas? My beta can travel with...And I think the Plecostomus (Mr. P) will have plenty to clean if I fail to clean the cage before I leave (which I really REALLY need to do so maybe not) but the danny-os? I don't think they can be left for 2 weeks...

Crap! I don't want to derail holiday plans because of FISH! *bangs head against wall*

So I can have the cat. We got a copy of the contract so I'll show it to the family etc. but I'm fairly certain I understood everything and it all seemed reasonable to me. Actually, it had the least legal jargon I've ever seen in any sort of Contract.

I has a key.

Only one. He replaced the door so Alfredo only had the 2 keys that came with the new doorknob. But he says he'll make a copy and give us a second one, that we don't need to do that but that we CAN if we want to.

Oh, and btw? Mister Alfredo is also a Fireman :) Those fire detectors better be replaced by tomorrow or I'll be upset...

SO! Also the first month's rent was prorated and the deposit less than he quoted. Which was amazing. It also meant Miki had to write another check >.<

$445 for the first month at $550 for deposit. Another $25 if I decide to bring Ryou. Miki says I should :)

So tomorrow we have to go to City Hall (small town) to get electricity. The $100 deposit made Miki wince. But Monmouth has the best electricity rates in the state (little known fact) so I think we'll be fine. Specially since we're college students and we won't be there constantly, you know? I AM looking forwards to having enough space to invite people over without stowing them in my bedroom. Lemme rephrase that. Enough space that they won't bother Miki if they're in the living room and my OWN living room so I don't have to stow them in my room like I had to do back at home. Don't get me wrong, I had a fairly good sized room. In the basement >.<

Anyone have a t.v. larger than my 17 inch one I can have so that we can watch movies? :D

Oh, and there's no curtain rod for the shower. Did I mention this already? Well Miki and I noticed it last night. So I asked Alfredo. He said "That's not something we provide" and I believe him because even underneath the new paint there aren't any holes in the wall from an old one. But he said that at the old hardware down the street (coincidentally a few doors down from City Hall....) has those easy to install spring type ones or whatever and that that will service us just fine.

They better not cost a lot =.=

We still need cookware. Anyone have any spare pots and pans? :D

Regards from Purgatory,


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Exam Week and Superman

It's Tuesday morning and I'm rubbing my sweating palms on my pants all nervous like because I have my first exam at noon.

Miki's not here, no idea where she's at. She has two classes, I think. A presentation or something? For Children's lit. I think. She had to read 60 childrens/picture books for that. Holy Cow.

But on to other things: The Maintenance guy showed up bright and early this morning.

Mikiko woke up round 7 something 8 something and I tried my best to ignore her. I was drowsily stuffed under 6 or so blankets and I was NOT moving. I think her class started at 9:30, but I was phasing in and out and one moment she was there, the next someone was knocked and she was NOT answering.

My alarm said 8:40 which means it was closer to 8:10-8:20 and that Miki had left ridiculously early for a class again.

Which makes me admire her even more :)

The point is I knew EXACTLY who was at the door and tore through in my pajamas to answer the door before he left.

Please! HEAT! My Toes are blue! It took me two hours to warm my bed enough to sleep last night! If I cocoon up like that again I might suffocate!

He looked like an angel.

I couldn't hear the construction, oddly enough. But thank the Gods because I might've gone out there with murder on my mind if they had been the ones to wake me up....

But he had sunlight streaming in around him (dur, my door faces east. But of course I forget that...) And he had a large smile on his face as he asked "What's the problem?"

I about leaped backwards to let him in and started chattering at a million miles an hour. Quite literally because it was so cold I was literally chattering.

He grinned wryly and aimed straight for the living room heater "Yup, you have a heat problem. Since Friday? Niiiice. Guess you got lost in the mix up. Did you hear about how I fixed the Main Heater single handedly?"

Now see here, I'm not a morning person. But if you're bringing me heat I'll flipping make you coffee.

As it was, that wasn't necessary (and I didn't have any anyways) but I DID scramble about clearing stuff away from the heater telling him all he wanted to know about how one gurgled and one didn't but both had definitely been out since Friday and that it was close to 50 degrees in there and that Miki and I preferred 80 degrees.

He was pretty good company when you got used to talking around the power drill. It was nice. I was so excited I needed someone to deal with my hyperness and he seemed glad to, oddly enough. Also, Barry (my superhero) turned out to be a photographer so we chattered about that. That was nice.

Shout out to Barry "Hope you found my blog eventually!"


It's not quite warm in here yet, But it's warm enough I can write a blog...So that's good, yeah?

Baaaarrrryyyyy! My Hero :)

So today is my first day of real exams. I had two papers due yesterday which I got turned in. I was awfully proud of my Literature Studies paper. But I have Lit. Studies today, Linguistics tomorrow, Spanish on Thursday, and Western Literature on Friday. Wish me luck I'll update on those on Friday.

Regards from Purgatory,

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Application

It's So bloody cold outside.

One would not believe how many of those blasted handwarmers I've used. I'm so used to it not getting super cold/snowy until like...March >.<;;; I mean, we had snow for Christmas last year, but that was a fluke you know? Although I can't help but remember the winter holidays when I was little when the birdbaths would freeze solid (as well as the lake) and I would sled down the hill in the backyard and Plow through the garden....

Wasn't Grampa thrilled :D

So Miki and I venture out at dark, fun fun. We're sposed to meet him at 6 or something. But he's always late. I think I can live with a late manager considering how much he's gotten done with that apartment. It's definitely one of those "Don't judge a book by it's cover places". The last tenants treated it terribly, and there's still remnants of that evident in odd places. Like the strange closet doors with handles missing, or the loose handles on the kitchen drawers (Anyone have a screwdriver they'd give to me for Christmas? Phillips please thank you). But other than that the manager has done absolute miracles.

I can kinda see what the place used to look like so it's amazing that he's got it looking so good now. And it's not that fake kind of looking good either. He's actually fixed stuff.

Turns out Alfredo has 15 cars. Several are for him. The nice sports car, the small pickup, the bigger nice truck, the super large I have a too small penis truck......:) But it turns out that he runs a contracting business, so that explains his handiness/lots of vehicles.

So it's super warm in the house as Miki and I fill out the applications. I'm so nervous that the pen slips in my sweaty hands and I stop every few moments to chatter excitedly. Miki is very purposeful about hers. Like she's signing a warrant for someone's death or something.

I am impressed.

I almost forgot to put my drivers license on it, though >.< He was amazed that technically I'm a Washington resident. There actually aren't that many of those here at WOU. The few people I've met that used to live in Washington are Oregon residents now (i.e. they've married had kids etc.) So I'm a....what do you call it when you fit outside of the equation? Maybe an outlier :D

I felt kinda stupid about not having any credit for him to check, or a current job. And I put down the family business as my last job since technically it WAS my last job. Although I more consider the Lightship as that....But that was a while ago. Winter of 2008 I think? It's been a whole year since I've been a busser.

Soooooo....For once I'm the one that's prepared. I want to cry when I see $25 disappear into his pocket for the application fee, and Miki has a blank amazed look on her face. But it might just be apprehension because I forgot to remind her about the fee (maybe I didn't tell her at all? I could've sworn I did....) and I didn't have enough to cover her (laughs hysterically) So he offered to pay for her if we brought the money later.

WOOHOO WE'RE IN! *cheers*

So I probably Should've mention this sooner...But Miki and I have been without heat since Friday. Quite literally I might add. I'm in the library typing this because it's hit 50 degrees in our room. Mikiko is hiding out underneath several blankets on her bed with her laptop, having given up the living room as a lost cause.

Did you know that when you don't have constant heat it's easier to feel the stiff breeze under the door? I never though I'd have to use tricks from when I was little and stuff a towel under the door....

An annoying blond brought the breeze back. She and her cheerfulness knocked merrily announcing a Christmas party downstairs that was "huge" (I'm guessing that at least 10 dormers showed up to make that quota) and if Miki hadn't have been in the bathroom I might've drug the girl in so I could go drown her in the toilet.

Fudge it's cold outside, go away!

So I told her nicely (snorts) that neither of us were going, thank you, and to go away.

Am I a bad person for loving to see her face drop?

Not an hour later I was stomping downstairs to find my R.A. at that blasted party (hypocrite, I know. But it had just hit 40 something in my room and I had lost my temper). I almost got distracted by the crafts tables but managed to zero in on Kelsey. Apparently on Saturday the entire building went out (something wrong with the main generator for heat) and she said it had been fixed days ago. I talked to lots of people and that was the consensus and everyone else had THEIR heat back!

So she told me to file a work order. What's that you ask? Pretty much something busts and you cry over the internet to the techs and they come replace your lightbulb for you because everyone knows college students can't do that.

One problem: OUR (the residency offices) took Miki and I off the residents list early. So neither of us had the capabilities to file a work order. So I stashed all the food I had stolen from the party (I snagged a lot) and the Christmas ornament I had made, and flew back down the stairs to give her a piece of my mind.

In the ten seconds it took me to get down there (running) I had lost feeling in my fingers, nose, and ears. Stupid cold. 8 o'clock at night and it has to be 15 degrees outside.

I told her what was going on and that both my heaters had been out since FRIDAY, not saturday, and that I wanted heat and SOON so I didn't get frostbite, she filed me a report.

Good Girl.

Wish me luck!

Regards from Purgatory,

Christmas Party and Resulting Madness

Mikiko actually caused me to be excited about a Christian Christmas party, surprise surprise. Heck, I even bought a gift for the exchange and wrapped it.

Okay, so it was 99 cent wrapping paper and I bought a box of candy canes for 79 cents only because I was buying a box of the tutti fruity ones for me anyways....

But still :)

It sounded like lots of fun!

There's a bus, that came to pick us up from campus. And it was JAMMED FULL of International students with one or two Americans here or there.

But as we were waiting for the bus in the Library lobby we bumped into Miki's best friend Sabrina (german exchange student) and her roommate Megan. Which was really cool! We were both really excited that they would be at the party. We've all four of us been looking for apartments so Sabrina asked Miki and I how we had been doing.

We had just gotten a call from Chuck from the house we had seen, and since Miki was so gung ho and she's just too cute for me to refuse....We told him we wanted to meet on Sunday to sign the applications forms. He told us that the two people that viewed the house before us weren't planning on staying for the entire lease, and that since I was (even though Miki will be replaced by a new roommate come June) we were first on the list by the Landlord's standards.

We were super excited and told Sabrina and Megan all about it. We mentioned a few things about the place and they looked startled.

"Wait," Sabrina said. "Was the poster there," She pointed to the wall behind me "On that board?"

It turned out that Megan and Sabrina were the people that had been there not an hour before us. And that while Chuck had called Miki and I, he had not called them.

We were silent an embarrassed for several long moments. I thought that Megan might kills someone (she gives off that vibe on purpose, I think) and Sabrina looked quite torn. I couldn't tell you what Miki was feeling. She looked undecided and frantic. While I was just extremely embarrassed and humiliated. I had made a decision, and had decided to take the place out from underneath two other people, and then had found out that I knew these people.

I was scarlet.

I was also sad. I had spent 24 hours trying to convince myself that the responsibility wasn't too great, and that the place would be worth it and good. And that we WERE going to take it and that I should just suck it up and then that was pulled out from underneath me. I didn't want to let go. So I nattered along quite nervously and handed over my apartment hunt list to a quite unsatisfied Megan and confused Sabrina and tried to hush Miki's demands of "What are we going to do?"

Because of course I knew what we had to do. I'm not heartless. It's one thing to totally cheat people you don't know. I'm practical enough to know that no one can get by without doing that at some point. But I can't do that to friends! I would prolong it, of course. And hold onto my hope as long as I could. But I knew what had to be done.

Especially since Chuck's favoritism was totally unwarranted: Sabrina and Megan's situation is exactly the same as Miki's and mine. Megan needs a place to live until she graduates, and Sabrina is leaving this spring.

The bus ride was terrible. The other two girls sat across the aisle from us and we all tried desperate not to hiss amongst ourselves or talk across the aisle. The bus was packed and everyone was loud and joyous. I thought it was sacrilegious that everyone was so happy when Miki and I were so miserable.

I dropped my head to my chest and felt like crying. It was so dark on the bus that I pretended I was alone and tried not to press up against Miki because I know she doesn't always appreciate people being close.

The house we went into wasn't too warm. But with 50 people in it that quickly changed. Lots of people tried the piano and I got plenty of chances to sing songs I haven't sung in years. I miss choir. Miki and I got to forget our problems for quite a while with all the Christmas cheer. The dinner was pretty good. A lot of it was foreign food, which was interesting, and the...uh...I think the Vietnamese dish was called Fuh, to be perfectly honest >.<>.< owner =".="">.< Go figure.

Everything was pretty much over after that. Well, 20 or so people left, including Sabrina and Megan but everyone else was having dessert. And so I cornered the two girls in the "coat room" (a spare room) and told them the house was theirs. That Miki and I would take them with us on Sunday and let them sign the applications and we'd back off and go for the other place, that it was only fair.

Sabrina thought I was mad. Megan's calculating look made me a bit nervous. But I was just tired, overwrought, and sad. I hadn't wanted the blasted place in the first place and then I went and got my hopes up over it and then things went to Hell.

Someone better bring Murphy to life and kill him again for me, I swear.

The dessert was really bittersweet. There was cake and cookies and ice cream and thank the God's it was vanilla. So I asked for just vanilla and retreated to the hall to have a good cry, goodness knows why. As I was petting a cat Miki came out to cry with me too after I told her what I had done. You know what made me feel better though? She told me that she was proud of me. And she has since, and that made me feel MUCH better.

So Sunday was miserably cold, and nervewracking. But we met Sabrina and Megan at the library, explained to Chuck what went wrong and left. We know that we could've applied and competed against them, but we were tired, you know? Tired of fighting for no reason. We had found a perfectly fine apartment just round the corner, and we'd have friends nearby, and they deserved the house.

Even though I'm still a little bitter that it's gone to an American who's a party girl and a German girl who will be leaving in March. But I like them both so it won't be a hard feeling to let go of, I think.

Deep inside I wish I had the place though. Because it had enough room for a third roommate and I'm terrified that I won't be able to pull my own. That I'm not responsible enough and that I'll let Mikiko down because I'm such a horrible person.

But, we DID call Alfredo and we're applying for the apartment round the corner on Monday. Wish us luck!

Regards from Purgatory,

Friday, December 4, 2009

Apartment Hunting II

Today we saw two more apartments. Well, one house and one apartment :)

They were both pretty neat.

The apartment was really close to campus. Got onto main street, went a block down, and a block and a half over and we were there. They were called "townhouses". I think because they had two floors inside. How ironic. When I was little, everytime I was invited over to a playmates I used to ask (all excited) "Do you have two floors?!"

The place was a mess. Because of remodeling I mean. Other than that it was pretty cool. It had a terrible stove but the manager (Alfredo) said that they are replacing it with a new one. On the ground floor there is a small kitchen (but bigger than that crazy manager place's), a half bath (toilet and sink), and a good sized front room. There's even a broom closet with water heater in it. It's got a small cement patio on the north side. Good for ambient light and maybe I can put some plants out there...

Upstairs has two bedrooms. The large bedroom is bigger than I expected, and the small one was TINY! That was a check mark against the place. It had a half bath that I liked.

I think the only things that made it stand out were the brand new flooring, carpeting, tiling, paint, plumbing under sinks, and new toilets. Okay, so those are pretty good things :)

Water/Sewer/Garbage included, cheap electricity, $600 rent $650 deposit. I know, the deposit sounds steep. But you wouldn't argue either if you heard how much he quoted the new flooring at *shudders*.

The next place we saw two hours later, at 2. The guy showing it to us was late. He wasn't even the manager or landlord, he was the next door tenant renting from the same owner. Which is....weird.

The place was old. Large, but old. Two bedrooms (neither as big or small as the last), okay closets (not as big as I'd like), crappy bathroom, TWO living rooms (one with an alcove big enough for a bed) and a good sized kitchen/mudroom with washer and drier.

Water/Sewer/Garbage/ELECTRICITY Included. $630 rent, one months rent for deposit.

Miki really likes it so we might take it..... But I'm really nervous about the responsibility thing. That really REALLY freaks me out.

Why is it so hard to find a place?

So P.S. to this, last night I found a 24/7 computer lounge. I spent quite a bit of the night there and missed the band concert from my sulking. But I DID go to the Choir concert tonight. It was so bloody amazing. Miki and I dressed up (le gasp) and we trotted through the cold with scarves and gloves and used our i.d. cards to get in for free and listened...It was so good we didn't even feel the hours pass.

Ever heard of Bach's Magnificat? Well....Let's just say that I never thought 80 people singing could be any less that terrible bellowing....It was amazing. :) I'd go to another recital anyday.

Regards from Purgatory,

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas Tree Lighting

Miki and I had an AMAZING TIME!

Turned out that the Christmas tree lighting is a big huge deal around here. I swear that the whole county showed up on Monmouth Ave. (the street that runs along campus). We went first to the art building to look at the Christmas trees. The little ones were SO cute. We got Hot Chocolate while we were there. We paused briefly at her House Mother's Christian bookstore to wave, she had cool lights. Then we saw Santa down the street and I took pictures of Miki with Santa :)

Then we got to see Miki's first Nativity scene. It was at a Gazebo in the Main Street park. There was straw, and the shepherds dressed more like kings....And kittens, and chickens, and even a goat! Then we went to the farmer's market that opened especial three days in a row. Miki got a free hat from one of the vendorsIsn't it cute? She made me try on one too....But I didn't buy it =.=

As we were there a bunch of police cars went buy to start the parade. A parade! For Christmas! How cool! We missed quite a bit of it though and only really got to see the Firetruck with that Santa we had met on it....But we ran super fast and caught up with a few "floats" (decorated cars) before they hit campus.

Then we got to here a 13 year old read her winning essay (about a magic piece of paper that would bring to life whatever you drew) and then there was a COUNT DOWN(!) for her to turn on the Christmas tree light.

Did I mention that WOU is home to the second largest live Christmas tree in the U.S.? How neat it that!

There was a Choir concert of local kids from Polk County in the Werner Center. We went and listened to them and took lots of photos. Miki really liked it. It was fun. They didn't sing anything MY schools sung at pagents when I was little though....

And now all the fun was over :)

Regards from Purgatory,

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

While I was Cleaning My Desk...

...I found my dorm contract. The contract I never signed. The contract I contacted my R.A. about to help me get another one and never got any results.

So I was looking at it, trying to figure out why I hadn't signed it in the first place....And realized that it was for 3 terms. Here's the tricky thing about the dorm contracts. If you have a single term you can switch it to a 3 term, no fees. If you have a 3's non transferrable. And if you break it you owe $7 a day for every day you don't live in the dorms.

It's a good thing I never signed that blasted thing back in September.

So I stormed the OUR office the day after I found it to see if I could get the problem fixed. I mean, heck! I paid $150 dollars non-refundable to get a single term contract, and I want that bugger. You know? So I went in and everyone was flabbergasted at what had happened. There was record of me paying the money, but I was never charged for it. So it got dumped into some general fund and paid for my classes (supposedly) so fun thing number 1. Now I owe $150 and it's NOT my fault.

Fun thing number two, they were shocked to learn I had no contract in my folder...Well duh! You gave me the wrong one and miss forgetful/coward lost it and avoided the office at all possible....Should've been a follow-up on me, I tell you.

So I had to sign a contract, Sign a Petition to get off campus, and rescue my roommate from the wolves. When I found the contract last night I told her what was up and she got the funniest look on her face. I found out why today when I bumped into her at the OUR:

They had made her sign a 3 term contract and we were planning on moving out together.

So she was in there signing a petition too and trying to get the fee waived since they had strong armed her into the contract she knew she didn't want....She was kind of upset to say the least.

I hope she doesn't have to pay the $7 a day. I sent her to the International Student building to see if her advisor could help. After that Miki was pretty upset and ran into her best friend Sabrina. Apparently Sabrina is willfully breaking the contract and told Miki that she figured in the $7 a day AND rent on an apartment and it still came up cheaper than dorm fees.

So Miki still wants to move out with me *sighs* Good :)

Regards from Purgatory,

Monday, November 30, 2009


Okay so I know this is a little late, and I'm going to make this brief for me cause you'll be getting a few posts within the next few day....(I hope)

Miki and I went home for Thanksgiving! Okay, so when we returned we realized that the little goober accidentally signed on to "stay here for the holiday" so we had messages on the door and maybe our R.A. was wondering where Miki went.....:)

Silly Mikiko.

So we headed over to Arbor Park (darn it's chilly outside!) and sat down (I paced Miki sat) at the smoke shack bench to wait for our ride. I managed to arrange a ride with an old classmate from Clatsop Community College cause she lives in Astoria and it's easy to get a ride home from there so it was nice :D

So last minute I realized I forgot Kyoshi (my beta) so we were at the bench huffing and puffing with an irate fish in a tiny cup between us thrashing about. Miki had three bags and her lappy, and I had my art portfolio (a large one) my satchel, and a laundry bag.

Because I decided last minute that it'd be more practical to take only dirty clothes home with me so that I could wash them for free and then wear them.

Later I realized that I had not packed any shirts >.< Flaw in plan will be fixed next time! :D

The trip was good. I quickly found out that any and all suggestions were not up for debate. That's what happens when you look like a 17 year old freshmen, I guess! We took the Tillamook Route. i.e. the nauseating enough to make anyone's stomach crawl out their mouth route. Not that fun. But it only took us 3 hours! That was good :) Apparently Ester's mum had run late (we didn't leave until four) because I5 had slow traffic so that's why we didn't go back that way. Fine with me :) We got home pretty darned fast.

Went out for Pizza with John and Melanie, equally fun. Mikiko does not like the veggie pizza at Pizza A'Fetta though. I'm not too terribly surprised. Went in a couple nights after and asked what was ON the vegetable pizza and apparently it changes everyday....Jake's had hot green peppers on it :) I thought he was going to die!

I didn't recognize my cat. Not one whit. And she didn't purr for me at all the entire time I was there. I'll admit though, I was a chicken and didn't take her into the basement to sleep with me. But I think that is because I am letting her go. Gramma loves and cares for her and she'd be heartbroken if I took her now. Sides, an apartment that takes pets in this town is a myth. A Total and Utter MYTH.

Bye bye Ryou-Ohki. *cries*

Grampa made the most AMAZING DINNER! And surprisingly enough I liked the turkey better than the Elk. Which is weird cause I love Venison and usually hate Turkey. Huh. *shrugs* Who knows.

He also made homemade cranberry sauce. I've never had such a beast! It was AMAZING. I wants more....*drools*

Got to share all my Drawing projects from class with the family. That is fun. I haven't really done anything more than doodle in class otherwise, but they are really impressed how much I've improved. doubtless mum will be running around bragging about me again soon. Silly woman. I Love You!!! *glomps*

Did I mention there was lots of high tempers and grumpiness in the house over dinner? Which is totally normal, I assure you. If there wasn't, I'd wonder if I was in the wrong house ;). Of course Aunt Charity showed up after the brunt of it.

It's taken me 19 long years but I've finally realized something: Gramma, Mum, and Aunt Charity ALWAYS do the dishes together after a large family dinner. It's gotta be some weird tradition cause both Jim and Grampa high-tail it out of there and I seem to remember trying to help when I was a kid and getting booted out. Some sort of weird adult/woman thing, Huh? 0.o Who knows.

Shout out to Ai! PSST! I scanned in those documents and then added them to my blog as pictures. Some I edited in Paint to block things out, and others I just scribbled with pencil :) That answer your question?

Regards from Purgatory,

Beuracracy Bites

Got a letter while I was home for Thanksgiving. From Western. They've frozen my Financial Aid progress until I redo the entire application.

Life bites.

But if I understand everything correctly, the process won't restart it'll just resume. Which means no month long wait (hopefully)

Wish me luck.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Adventures in My Own Backyard

So I never got to take Miki on a tour of the family property *sad* mostly because the weather was so darned bad over break and the one nice day (two) we used for exploring town and going out to the parks before Miki went to Portland with Kody and Ai.

So Miki only got to see the Chickens, and not all the rabbits and the woods and stuff. Aww.....too bad. Maybe another time, yeah?

So the day after Thanksgiving we went out for the day round 1. Grampa had told me that an old English teacher of mine had set up a booksigning table at a Christmas Bazaar so we decided to go crash that. Mum gave me "incidental" money so I used that (incidentally) on a book from Ms. Bono. She keeps trying to get me to call her Jan, but I just respect her too much to do otherwise. Or maybe it's fear....:) I think she's resigned to it by now.

So I got her newest book, Just Joshin, and even got it signed just for me :) Afterwards I parked smack dab in the center of town and took Mikiko EVERYWHERE.

How many of you live in a small town that has one of those hardware stores that sells everything? Well, the big difference between Dennis Company in Long Beach and Jack's in Ocean Park is that Dennis Company doesn't sell food or milk. But otherwise it's one of those run of the mill hardware stores with a pet section, and a washer drier section, and shoes, and clothes, and toys, and pretty stuff, and chimes....Miki looked like a kid in a candy shop :)

We bought some cheap kitchen utensils (and by we I mean I pointed it out and she bought it) those big spoons carved out of wood. Slotted, regular, spatula like...And a Bamboo cutting board that is AMAZING.

Mum reminded me that we better label one side for meat and the other for vegetable. Although since we're poor college students I sincerely doubt we will ever be able to afford meat >.<

Miki found something adorable in Dennis company she freaked out about.Can you tell why? She is claiming in this photo that they leapt into her cart and that she isn't actually buying them.....CUUUUTE!

Then we went to a tourist trap called Marsh's Free Museum. The town Mascot is there.

Yes, that is a look of disgust on Miki's face. I thought she might throw up, actually. His name is Jake the Alligator man. And yes, that is a Key to the City in his case...

After that we went to the beach. We walked halfway down the board walk and then took off across the sand to see the ocean. You can't see the water too well from the boardwalk, really. So Miki got to touch the water, she was super excited. Even though it was windy and dreary outside (a nice break from the rain) there were people out with Kites so Miki got to see that :)
We went to the Bakery after that. Biggest in the area. It's really cool, and pretty traditional. Makes a mean clam chowder and really good sandwiches. I worked there for a bit: I don't recommend it :)

Finally found a sweet not too sweet for Miki: A Buttermilk bar. I don't like them that much cause they aren't sweet ENOUGH for me....But she loved it. You should've seen her with the crumbs!

We ran out of daylight on Friday so didn't get to go to the parks. So we went with Ai and Kody on Saturday.

That's the North Head Lighthouse in the distance. We only went to one of the Lighthouses. It was a lot of fun.They even have tours up to the top nowadays. It was never open when I was little, so I've never been inside. My mum hasn't either. And the other Lighthouse is still in use by the Coast Guard so you can't get within 50 feet of it, really.....

So this was cool. After we wandered up some trails to an old bunker that I know about with a pretty wicked view of the cliffs.
After that Miki went with Kody and Ai to Beaverton (near Portland) to go to an Asian Superstore called Uwajimayas. So that's it for my part in the holiday! :)

Regards from Purgatory,

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Apartment Hunting from H-E-Double Hockysticks

The first place we saw? DREAM HOUSE! Bramblewood is close to campus (right next door to some dorm complexes) had two bedroom of good size, the little bedroom had a water heater and a walk in closet that was HUGE a good sized living room, nice full bath, had overhead lights (yeah that was a problem in some places) nice kitchen appliances AND a dishwasher, and the coup de grace......Had a balcony AND in the garage there was a space to lock up your bicycle.

*angels singing*

We loved it but didn't wanna decide on the first place. Water/Sewer/Garbage was included, electricity is cheap around here so no problems...It was a little walk from our classes cause it was right next to the dorms that are farthest away but no too bad....But she didn't mention a laundry room and the laundromate in town was on the other side of campus at least a mile away. That's a long walk for laundry >.< $649 a month with a $500 deposit but a Co-signer was required otherwise the deposit would be $1000 dollars. So we went through some rental agencies to find another place. The next place was on Jackson Street. Bout 5 blocks east from class, not too bad. The only problem with the distance was that it was across highway 99 and we were likely to get killed out there. That's a huge checkmark in it's disfavor. The way the realtor kept going over and over about how it had a courtyard with trees meant she was overcompensating for something for sure. Quiet place, had families and kids, no partiers. Second floor.....The carpet used to be white in the 60's, I am sure. And it was one of those odd shag rugs that had a million different lengths to it. All of the floor creaked which creeped me out. But also displayed a large chance of there being something wrong with it i.e. MOLD. Which is a large problem. It smelled damp. That immediately took it off my list. The windows (closed) felt like sieves for the wind. Not cool. It had poor lighting. As in, no overheads. They had these weird lamps that hung in the corner...Looked like antiques. Didn't light anything too well and didn't do much good in the corners of rooms or next to closets anyways. The bedroom were okay. The Bathroom was not worth talking about. The kitchen was...Strange. I'd have to say that it had space we wouldn't use, which seemed silly. It was like a large rectangle (mostly long rather than wide) with the door into in in the exact middle. To the left was the counters, shelves, fridge, and sink. To the right was....empty space. I'm assuming it was a kitchen nook. But we are college students. It would be a miracle if we got a dining table. So it was just space we would never ever use. Miki thought it was haunted. So we went down the street to another realty. The showed us a place on the same street as campus next to the ROTC, we were not impressed. (This was a couple of weeks ago, by the way. Before Thanksgiving.) The entire building was nice and well kept except for the last part and it was total crap. Of course that's where the apartment they wanted to show us was. It was an old Manager's apartment so it made no sense at all. Super small living space intersected by a tiny kitchen (with bar) tiny as in Miki and I could MAYBE stand side by side between the counters. The bathroom is between the bathrooms. Literally. The only way to get into it is to go through one or the other of the bathrooms. Miki doesn't like that lack of privacy, I can agree with that. The bigger bedroom has attached to it. A fair sized room that has a door outside. No IDEA what we would do with that. And the frontroom has a long window...into a hallway where the laundry is >.<

So we said no.

That's the end of our first adventure before Thanksgiving! Wish us luck with the rest :)

Regards from Purgatory,

Monday, November 16, 2009

Getting that Fat Camel off My Back

So. Called my mum last week like I mentioned in that totally incomprehensible blog of mine. No, I didn't actually read it until today.

And no, I don't get it either >.<

So mum asks me if I got the package last Saturday. I didn't. But I DID get it today. After I lug the blasted heavy thing up three flights of stairs I start to wonder what the Bloody Hell is in it? O.o

I open it and the first thing I see are some Turkey Day window clings. WOOHOO! What I always wanted :) SO I go digging through the Chewy Bars (c) and find the letter. I force myself to read my Mum's letter first (I never realized how much she used me to spell for her until I left) and THEN I looked at the first of the goodies.

The first about made me have a heart attack.
The second wasn't much better, but it was a heart attack in the opposite direction.

Do you see that not so little number? Yeah, I was thinking OMG I might have CREDIT on my account! So I snap a photo, cataloged all the stuff in my care package and sip all the way to administration like a fool (okay so I walked) and went to the cashier desk with a smile and my i.d. card.

Things did NOT go as planned.

Oh sure. It was easy. Hand the lady my card, hand her my money order, and then be told I owe 97 cents or something or rather =.=

Turns out I didn't act quite fast enough and I accrued $57 in interest. Bloody Hell!

See that little circle? Yeah, that's how much I owe. And I'm all out of change so with my luck that tiny little amount is going to earn it's OWN interest and then I'll be screwed.

The good news is I can register for next term now :)

The bad news is I'll prolly be just as bad off then as I am now. BUT since I was in the same building....I went up the Financial Aid Office. I didn't even get the same lady I got the other five and a half million times I've been up there! I got some dumpy lady (she was actually quite nice) with a scowl on her face reminding me of a bulldog and made me want to run just as badly as one.

Not a good sign.

So I stuttered and handed over my i.d. card (I swear those things are like credit cards round here) and asked her if we could check on my FAFSA Awards letter to see where the Hell it was.

Well even though I turned in the correction form for my goofed up Social Security number AGES before the rest of the paper work and the other Lady had told me I was all set and my Awards Letter should arrive soon...Apparently that goof up delayed things more than I was informed and not only that but the random verification check I was selected for took even longer so I haven't even got to the point where a package is chosen for me.

Which means the Beurecrats know even less about what loans/grants/workstudy I qualify than I do.


It'll be another couple weeks she said. *sour voice* I just can't wait.

Mikiko still wants to move out. I really wanna move out with her. If I get enough in Loans I wanna use some to get an apartment with her and get a job right away to keep up my side of the rent. It'd be pretty awesme having a kitchen and living space and a neat roomie. Even if I'd have to find another person for the summer. I'm sure I could do it though. Put up posters or something.

What do you guys think? Do you think using the Loan to get myself going would be okay? Cause if I stay on campus in the dorms the bills will stack up and I won't be able to get out and then they'll just keep getting higher...And deposit fees are crazy. I'd have to work for months to pay for that! My only problem is that if we pick out an apartment and rush to move into it I might not find "the one" that I'd want to stay in for as long as possible. Or even one that would take my cat.

Hell, does Mikiko even LIKE cats? O.o

I've never asked.

But I really is it something I should work towards?

On another note, I hate "speak of the Devil moments". I was helping a classmate get something from the bookstore for Drawing and I was about to mention that I need to find a Dental Surgeon to get my teeth pulled and I found this:Should I go? I think I should go. I'm just hoping my college insurance will cover it. I KNOW I need my wisdom teeth pulled and my dentist would give me a referral for anywhere I wanted to go..But would this work to get my foot in the door? I have a $20 co-pay (terrible I know. But I've never had insurance before so it's nice anyways) but does my health insurance even COVER dental? O.o

I should prolly check that out first. But I'm getting super tired of teething....And also a filling I got right before school started is still giving me grief. Not even sure that's fixable. But it REALLY hurts all the time. Ugh.

So as a last bit of news, here's all that I got in my box from Mum this morning.

1 set of Thanksgiving Window Clings
1 Box of Frosted Wheats (still have the last one)
2 Neato Thanksgiving paper napkins
8 Fruit Snacks
2 Pairs of Thick Socks (yay!)
5 Chocolate Chip Chewy (c) Bars
6 Cookie 'n Cream Chewy Bars
2 Apricot Clif Bars
2 Beef Ramen Packs
2 Chicken Ramen Packs
6 Pack of Cinnamon Apple Sauce (smacks lips)
2 Boxes of Mac 'n Cheese
4 Mini Kleenex Packs
1 Strawberry Vitamin C Halls Lozenges
1 Citrus " "
1 Cherry Nyquil with VICKS
1 Cold Liquid Nite-Time
1 Orange Liquid Day-Time
1 Bottle of 50 ADVIL
1 Pack of Chocolate Striped Short Bread
1 Pack of Chocolate Chunk
12 Cans of Asstd. Chunky Soup


Regards from Purgatory,

What's that Word Again? Oh yeah, Alzheimers

I forgot to mention that my aunt sent the most amazing box ever last week. Or was it the week before? I can't believe I forgot to post it! And of course I didn't write down the contents. BUT! She packed it pretty much full of those shaking activated hand-warmers...Mikiko was shocked when I told her that I'd never seen or had any of them before.

I've already used one pack on a cold wet and rainy day :) They were nice! Also, she gave me gloves.

I love you Aunt Charity! You are my light in the darkness :D

Regards from Purgatory,

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Term is Nearing it's End, I Think >.<

I'm gonna combine a few topic today, so bear with me and cross your fingers that this entry won't be that long. All right? I'm gonna start with the serious stuff:

It's been over three weeks and my awards letter hasn't arrived yet. Not only is that distressing on it's own....I just got news about registering for next term. I have to register for classes between the 19th of November and the 22nd.

ARE THEY NUCKING FUTS? I mean SERIOUSLY?! If they expect 5000 students to register within 4 days they have another thing coming.

But then this might just be for transfer students...But I sincerely doubt it.

The good news is that when I got the email telling me about my (distressing) deadline I found out who my Advisor is. Not that I know WHO they are...But I have a name.

I actually advised with a teacher a while back to figure out which classes were important for me to take and I thought we figured it all out, and I've just realized we didn't fit Spanish in there. So I'm gonna hafta give something up for Spanish.Which sucks. We planned for 4 classes for my Major (English) and one for my minor (Fine Art) But I'll have to sacrifice one of the English thingamabobbies....Cause I think if I wait for next year to finish spanish I'll be terrible. Sides, I'm in 101 And I'm fairly certain I have to go through the 200's to graduate. Which will take both the years I'm here! Although It's looking like I might be a super senior....

Moving on. So I decided that since my deferment is going to be expiring sometime around when I'm required to register for next term anyways and since my Financial Aid awards letter isn't here yet...I'd call home. Mum had offered to help for this term ages ago but my pride got in the way.

No more! Specially since she's getting all my bills at the house anyways >.< I just can't live with the added stress of not knowing if I can continue next term. I need it resolved. Technically I only need 2/3s paid to register and attend next term, which isn't that bad. And I'm going to try to find an apartment.

Roomie anyone? *puppy dog eyes*

On another note I was going to complain about all my testing troubles. They are flaring up again. I absorb the facts and study and all that rot and fail tests left and right...It's infuriating. Although in Western Lit it's been my own damn fault the last few tests since I was never able to get The Greek Tragedy book. But I do have Comedy and that's what we're doing next so I should be fine. I'm good at reading comprehension quizes for lit classes. I'm just terrible at any other kind. So far on those I haven't gotten any worse than a D...But they are the lowest D's you can get without getting an F >.< Stupid Monica.

BUT! I have a B+ in Drawing! Mostly cause with my first project I got a C or a D (I can't recall) but on my next three I got A's! I can only get one absence (or 3 more tardies. I have 6 >.<) before it starts taking my grade down though >.< Wish me luck on my last few weeks for that!

On a cute note I randomly remembered this little rhyme my gramma used to do with me when I was little (and did disturbingly recently to me when I fell asleep on the couch without socks on...) About the five little piggies!

Anyone else remember that?

WELL! Mikiko LOVES Piggies. In fact, that's what her boyfriend calls her. And she has cute little fuzzy piggy stickers, and clips, and she made them with origami...And she is AMAZING at drawing them. They are so cute!

So I yanked off my sock (she looked so nervous it was hilarious) and I showed her the 5 little piggies rhyme. It was worth the regression to my childhood. She thought you could rhyme about anything though!!!


It was cute. Next time I'll have to tell her the story about the 3 little pigs and the big bad wolf, yeah?

Regards from Purgatory,


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Giant Hotdogs, Sherlock Holmes, and Pink Hair

Hello all, yes I successfully went trick-or-treating :)

*sighs* I know, everyone told me it would go okay and I was STILL worried about it!

It was a total an utter fiasco, though. We were supposed to all meet at the Werner Center (at the center of campus) at 6 o'clock. I chose there because a couple people were coming from off campus so I though it fair to make residents AND them walk a bit :D

I had 14 people who were probably coming.

At 3:00 Anny called and said that she was having costume problems and Miki asked her to come over at 5 and we'd help her with her costume.

At 4:00 Kody texted and said he'd like to get dinner before we left and Miki told him at 5:30, thinking that we'd go to the dining hall since Anny would probably take a while anyways.

We probably should've just told him to go get dinner on his own. I mean, since when do girls adhere to schedules? 0.o

At 4:40 Pinkey called and said she was having costume problems too and wanted to know why she couldn't just wear normal clothes. I asked her to come over so we could help out and she said that she was waiting for Daisy (the only off campus girl coming) to make it to her house.

5 minutes later Anny called and said she'd be 15 minutes late.

15 minutes after 5 Kody showed up and was grumpy when he found out we couldn't go anywhere because Anny wasn't there and THEN we learned that he was actually expecting to go OUT for dinner. Is this the part where I laugh hysterically? there's no time for that!

At 5:30 Anny arrives with some strange costume I don't blame her for not wearing so Miki puts her in a Yukata. Of course that takes forever and THEN Kody finally figures out why I was laughing when he brought up food and the likes. Hell, I wasn't even expecting to be able to EAT last night. Seriously.

At a quarter till 6 I rush to the dining hall for food and snag some curly fries while calling Pinkey. Daisy has arrived and SHE doesn't have a costume either! I demand they come over immediately so I can sort them out.

They make it at 5 till 6 and Jocelyn calls me to find out where I am. I pass on the message that I will be late because of three costumeless girls (I've now been dressed for an hour) and that I'd be bringing plastic bags for candy.

I ask Miki where her camera and Sabrina is and she tells me Sabrina has it and that she's not coming. So Kody offers to go get HIS camera. It's now 10 after 6 and I tell him that we'll be done soon so he's welcome to go get his and that we'd meet at the Werner center.

I dig in Anny's bag of costumes and thrust a jamaican hat (braids and beads included) and an odd shirt at Daisy. Pinkey presents her (perfectly fine even though she says otherwise) costume to me and I thrust a skirt at her.

We shrug and call her a 50's girl.

Miki is wearing a floor length purple velvet princess dress with ballooning sleeves and a hot pink wig. I convince her to ditch the 3 inch heels. She agrees that they won't be fun for walking :)

We get another frantic call from Jocelyn and take off for Werner. We get there and are greeted by a huge crowd.

Somehow we picked up Sherlock Holmes. Don't get me wrong, I know the guy. In fact, I knew that he was dressing as Sherlock Holmes WEEKS ago cause we had breakfast together one morning. i.e. we sat at the same table while reading and eating and didn't pay much attention to each other :D

And earlier that evening Kody had exclaimed that he saw Sherlock Holmes walk by the building.

How he ended up in our group, I have no idea :) (HI Ross!) But I still get a kick out of how he appeared in the crowd in his trench and dear stalker with a pipe in his mouth and said "Hello!" all friendly like :D It was priceless.

There there was a blond girl who's name I STILL don't know wearing thick black makeup looking kinda goth that proceeded to pinch and pet me calling me cute 0.0

Excuse me while I run away with my tail between my legs!

She was accompanied by a boy that I didn't see much of. He just walked ahead of us a lot.

And then there's Jocelyn, dressed as Naruto, she waves and smiles at me. "About time!" She exclaims. Jonathan is dressed as a roman. kinda soldier-ish. It's neat. And he's not that surprised I'm late because he was in the dining hall when I ran in to grab those curly fries.

Which I never got to eat, really. Half of them were left in my room to get cold and slimy. When I got back I tossed them out.

And then there's Jocelyn's roommate, Kendra. She was a sexy vampire. I love her outfit. A corset type gothy dress with a foofy skirt to it. And it covered her boobs properly too. I'm tired of seeing girls hang out of their costumes. She was refreshing :)

Kody wasn't there.

We waited a few minutes. But it was already 20 after! So we called him, and then started walking. Of course, he didn't have his phone because he was dressed as a shadow and was COVERED in grease paint so couldn't really carry that type of thing.

We got one block down the street before all the asian girls stopped dead.

"Wait!" They cried. "Patricia is inside Werner! Let her catch up!"

Wait, who's Patricia? 2 blocks later a little girl trots up with a ridiculous witches cap with spiders hanging off of it and a large smile.

"Hallo Moe-nica! You are very tall today."

Why yes I am :) I was wearing boots and she's not all that tall in the first place :D

Not even a block later I notice that Miki is freaking out while on the phone and finally thrusts it at me.

"Kody is VERRY angry!" she exclaims.

I snag it and Kody says he'll catch up. Mkay.

We have a lot of ppl I notice. And I can't keep them together to save my life >.<

I guess Daisy's nickname for me is rather apt: Moe-ther Moe-nica

>.< So me and my baby ducklings head into town and run into...Jesus! Okay not really. That's actually Jonathon in his Roman outfit. And I think it was actually John the Baptist we ran into anyways.

Anyone remember those kids carnivals you used to go to/take your kids to? The ones with cakewalks? Well this one had holy ppl. But it was cool. They let us go through in a conga line and raid all the candy, go outside, and then come back in and play games. They said that they welcomed the company and wanted to do something nice for us since we were so nervous about our trick-or-treating expedition. I get the feeling that having 12 ppl on their doorstep (the weird guy in the headphones waited down the street) got other ppl coming in and that's what they really wanted.

Well, it bolstered our confidence at least!

So after that we were off. The 2nd or third house we went to the lady was outside lighting her pumpkins and turning on lights and didn't look friendly so I asked from a distance if we could trick-or-treat.....Well let's just say I told the girls that that lady wasn't passing out candy. I'm pretty glad that they didn't hear her. But Jonathon and Sherlock were pretty upset with her. I was a little, but I can live and let things be. Better to ask and be told no than to impose upon someone rudely, yeah?

Turned out we went to a sparse part of town (lotsa burbs though) where mothers pulled up to the curb, tossed 6 kids out, and then drove them down to the next house with a porchlight on. I much preferred walking with all my friends.

Most of the houses Jon knocked. Sometimes Kody did, And Sherlock did once or twice. And Daisy even tried once! She was so excited that she practically shouted "Trick-or-treat!" In a squealing voice. The lady was enthused. We had just let a little toddler dressed as a cowboy go first, and then WE knocked on the door and apparently we (and the kid) were the only ppl that had knocked all night. Of course it was just gone 7 by then. BUt I said we more than made up for it cause we had 12 ppl :D She was happy. Although as she was loading us with piles of candy each she admitted that if she wasn't so dissappointed she might not be humoring adults (who, us? :) ) and giving us candy.

I thanked her. She was nice and honest. And I told her that Miki, Daisy, Pinky, Anny, and Patricia had never had a Halloween before so she was doing a good deed :D

While we had been waiting for Mr. Cowboy at his first door we crossed the street. We stuck religiously to the porchlight rule and approached a big house with lights on inside and a bright porch. we knocked. hear nothing. waited. And then departed dissappointed. When we turned away from the lonely lady's house I saw the oddest thing.

"Jon!" I tugged on his armour. "Jon, look at that!"

"I know, right? Isn't the moon pretty? But you don't need to tell me to look, I'm already looking."

"No Jon! There is a door...walking across the street!"

And there was a rickety beaten up door was meandering across the street and reminded me oddly of a crab, or those crazy guys in the tube from chitty chitty bang bang, as it scurried towards us.

"The door has a sign! Quick girls it says knock!"

Everyone is stunned behind and twittering and Sherlock leaps forward "Let me!"

The door has muttering behind it. I hear things like "They read the door, yes they did! Well knock on the door, they're knocking! We're opening the door"

It was odd.

The door swung open and there were two crochety old ladies (quite literally) stooped in the door frame muttering like crazy ppl one with a pot and the other a pan waving them through the door chattering at themselves but still having a weird little conversations.

"Trick-or-treat!" We chorused Snagging candy from the pots and pans. We all giggled at the sight of hunched old ladies in shawls with crossed eyes and gnarly teeth. They were the best yet! And when we were all finished (which tool quite a while with pictures and such) They scurried right on back to the front door of the house that never answered the door!

I figure they felt bad and hunted us down cause from then on they had their fun door on their porch.

Near that place was a small complex. At the first door we tried twice but all we got was a cat in the window. The second had a beware sign in a hanging flower basket (petunias) that I didn't see until we left cause it had an awesome green porchlight. There was an elderly couple inside and the Old Man was tickled pink to have us at the door and had a running commentary for his wife since she couldn't see the door or get up. And he told her all about how kids were getting so big nowadays :D Jon was equally humored since he has a beard :D (he really does look like Jesus with his hair down, too)

That was fun. And by the time we left THAT door the first one had a lady standing in it so we sprinted over.

Down the line there was another where a poor young man answered. He was terrified of us and refused to pass us the candy, so we had to snag it ourselves. He was prolly 15, poor guy! :) Good chap though, gave us entire Reeses packets!

One of the earlier houses we went to, we were drawn to because of it's amazing yard. And as we got closer we realized that not only was it the only yard actually decorated in town (no joke, most had pathetic pumpkins or gravestones) they also had a haunted thing going on in their garage! They had a smoke machine and strobe lights (no wonder I woke up with a migraine this morning) and everything! That was pretty cool. We got a handful of candy there too.

There were other houses, but those were all the coolest. At a couple there were college students that a. recognized us or b. were just happy to see trick-or-treaters in general and were ecstatic that we were at their door. The former were sitting at their couch all dressed up with nowhere to go and I'm glad we made them smile. I think they needed it as much as that lonely lady. And when we were wrapping up (some of the girls were cold and it was 7:30 by then) we kinda ended up near that cranky ladies house again.

I'm standing on the corner arguing with Sherlock and Jon about whether it was her house or not cause she hadn't had orange lights or pumpkins out lady when we saw a guy dressed up as a hotdog (no joke) jamming himself in door.

"Hey Jon, isn't that the guy, that friend of yours that was at the Halloween dance with us the other night?"

Drifting down the street we can hear the hind end of an argument. Well, actually we can hear the lady bitching and the guy answering with great humor in his voice.

"Now now, I knocked, you answered, now hand over the candy! I won't leave your door until you do! Hey! Don't shut it on me!"

And as we watched she cursed him, gave him candy and slammed the door on him. It was priceless. I'm glad that she finally let an "adult" trick-or-treat even if she didn't want to. And I think she deserved it a little for being so mean. It's not like we were stealing from children! Although he certainly looked like it as he ran down the street before we could say hello....We ALWAYS let the kids go to the door first, and we didn't crowd them, we'd wait at the street. And unless the ppl shoved handfuls in our bags, we only took one piece a piece.

One lady had tangerines and Kiwis. I wish the tangerines were ripe...>.< Then it woulda been pretty cool!

Oh, Btw, I DID get to be a Cat School Girl. My cat ears came on saturday morning with the tail. I was so excited!

What did YOU do for Halloween?

Regards from Purgatory,

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Jack Frost

Go away.

No really Jack. You are ruining my life. Don't get me wrong. My most favorite time of year is the part when it's so cold it won't even rain and it's super cold and dry outside. BUT I have super poor blood circulation so even though I was only out in the cold for 30 seconds to bicycle from my class to the library I can't feel my fingers.

You evil evil man.


And lemme tell ya, I HATE those magic stretch gloves. I have long and slender fingers so they are super uncomfortable.

Anyone got anything nice? Like something fuzzy or fur lined? *puppy dog eyes* I'm tired of spraining my wrists by sitting on my hands all the time....Although I don't have to do that at home. I am aware that since Miki and my thermometer is above the heater on the window it prolly isn't all that accurate for the whole room.

But it averages about 80 degrees. THANK GOD I'm living with someone who likes heat as much as I do.

It's going to be torture when I move out. You know....The dreaded electricity bills and everything. I wonder how much I can conserve? I hardly ever use lamps anyways >.<


Regards from Purgatory,


Monday, October 26, 2009

The Last Straw

...That Broke the Camel's Back.

Reason Number 4:

When I tried to get my bike out of that gear on my way to Lingustics....

My chain fell off.

Excuse me while I go pull a Garfield and hunt down Monday for ruining my life =.=

I've Changed My Mind

I have this odd thing where I actually like Mondays, right? They dawn dreary and crisp, I actually have motivation to go do things and I HAVE things to do. I get to see people, places to see, food to eat....*stomach grumbles*

But this morning I changed my mind.

For some odd reason, for the first time in a month I actually woke up when my alarm went off at 6. Since the blasted thing isn't actually MEANT to wake me up AT 6, I was annoyed. Stumbling into the frontroom, sleep in my eyes, I tried to wake up.

To no avail.

When I stood to get yogurt out of the fridge, open the door and almost fell (nearly pulling the damn fridge with me) I realized my actual problem: I wasn't sleepy, I have a migraine.

Reason number one.

Just great!

So I go out the door with 15 minutes to spare and stumble and trip and sway to the dining hall for a donut. It's a total and utter downpour outside.

Actually, it sounds like a typhoon now. Greeeeat.

Reason number two.

So I got down the back stairs out of the dining hall thinking to bike as fast as I can to class and blink.

I turn away, look back, and blink again.

My bicycle is gone.

Reason number 3.

Okay, so last time this happened I panicked and then realized that I had just left it at the Humanities building the day before after forgetting it and walking home. No big deal.

But as I'm standing there, blinking and muttering like an idiot I don't have any straws like that to grasp at. At the moment I stood at that empty rack I was absolutely certain that the last time I rode my bike was after dark round 7 on my way home from Anime club on Friday. I know I rode it up because I specifically remember not bothering to tie it up...


And I didn't bike anywhere this weekend either.

So I peer halfheartedly at a few other racks, cursing my laziness and stumble through the rain (head muzzy and pounding) to class. I resolve to check the classroom racks after class and get into the classroom just as the bell finishes ringing.

I couldn't focus to save my life. How the hell does 'bowling' equal 'dancing' anyways, Monica? 0.o

Seriously, take some sleep meds and go to bed. This is just ridiculous.

So after bitterly complaining about stupid bike thieves I morosely look at the racks. Nothing there. The fence. Nothing.

Wait...I turn back and peer into the far corner. Yes, that's my lock.

I sluggishly move towards my bicycle with it's bright red chain.

What are you doing here, old friend? I caress the bike and check to make sure it's registration number (so I can report it lost with Security) is still there and wonder at all the mud that's on it.

No, I definitely didn't leave it here. It's muddy, wet. And as I climb on it to coast down the street I curse.

Someone moved it to 2nd tier (presumable so it's easier to ride) but the fucked up thing about that, is that it's nearly impossible to get it OUT of 2nd tier and back into third. FUCK.

It's got 3 tiers, 7 gears for each. So that means 7 easy gears, 7 medium, and 7 hard.

Although in reality more like 17 or 18 of those work. But I know better than to set it to medium cause ever since I broke the gear shifter and some jack ass clipped my chain and cut my cables it's never shifted the same ever since. Of course it's got a new chain, new gear shifter AND new cables....

But it still doesn't stop it from being a jackass to me. I tried for a quarter mile and the blasted thing is still stuck.

So I've parked it back at home sweet home. And even locked it up this time. And if I catch anyone even glancing at it I'm gonna beat them for shifting the damn gears. And then some.

Thank God for lousy thieves that park what they've stolen at the owners main class building (I have 4 classes in there) :)

Regards from Purgatory, (all this blasted rain isn't helping me head. Goddammit quit sneezing!)
