Monday, March 29, 2010

There's a Conspiracy At Work, I know It.

I lost my Financial Aid, last week.

No, I am not joking.

It's taken me a few days to calm down about it to even think on it rationally, but here I am.

I suppose I can kill two birds with one stone and tell you about my final grades as well.

B+ in Business Writing!!!!! :D I'm excited. Near the end I pushed for an A (mostly cause I was desperate) but a B+ is good too.

C- in Linguistics. Not too surprised. I expected a C. The minus is a bummer. I could've done without that. I LOVE Linguistics, I just never seem to do much better than a C. It doesn't help that somehow I failed the midterm: That sucked. I studied and did homework and all that and everything!

C- in American Lit. Okay, this was dissappointing. I failed the Midterm so bad that it wasn't even an F: it was lower. But I attended every class but one, worked my butt off studying for the Final and even answered every single question but one on the final. I even answered a bunch of extra credit questions!

Thanks, Evan! You are a sweetheart for quizzing me. But either my 60 words too short essay looked like total BS (and really was, too) or that Midterm just drug everything down more than I could control. *sighs* I guess I'll live though.

And here comes the one that just doesn't surprise me one single little bit:

D+ Spanish 102

Okay, I lied. The plus surprises me a lot. But considering that everyone cept for a few outliers were failing in that class I think the teacher backpedaled and gave us all Ds. How else could she make them look different than adding pluses and minuses?

So this added up to exactly 2.0


This is good. This got me off of Academic Warning! And since I'm off of that, that means that I now am NOT on Academic Probation!


Now, I was told by the Advisor I met with, and the fine print of the email detailing what my Academic Warning meant, that if I got on probation I'd lose my Financial Aid.

Well, even more reason to NOT be, right?

So I'm doing my happy dance and I'm all excited that I dodged the bullet (I worked ridiculously hard for that stupid 2.0. It's humbling considering the uber good grades I got in Highschool and fair to middling I got at Clatsop Community College.) when I read my school email.....

And find that my Financial Aid has been taken away.


So now I have to fill out a petition. Well, more specifically I have to write a petition letter, and if it gets accepted they'll snail mail me a bunch of paperwork. I've already written the letter, But I've got to get some other paperwork to attach to it to back up my story.

I'm thinking about signing up for the Spanish Conversation class just to show that I AM working hard at grasping Spanish. But it's taught by the teacher I just escaped from...

So would that be a good idea?

The good news is: It's a one credit class so that'd make it so I'm only taking 13 credits. That's good, yeah?

Regards from Purgatory,

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I Think That I Have Been Cursed

Saturday night Mikiko's friend Sabrina had a going away party for herself. Yet another party I was invited to that I couldn't enjoy to the fullest. But she made it so that the underagers could come early and have food, and then after 9:30 leave so that everyone else could drink.

Sadly I was the only underager.

But approximately 50 feet from her door I crashed my scooter on a branch on the dark street because I was going around the sidewalk. For some odd reason it has a gigantic hole in the middle of it and signs that say "Sidewalk Closed". It has for several months now.

But I hit the branch, and totally went down. I had suspected that the scooter was rather unstable. But I was unaware exactly how unstable until the moment I went flying.

I sprained my ankle.

So I'm sure that you're thinking "You were a long distance runner! I'm sure this has happened before!"

Sure, I've hurt my ankles, and knees. I don't have the strongest joints in the world. And in my first couple of years sprinting in track I had to tape one or both of my ankles to keep them from giving out on me. But after years of training and strengthening I could roll them and ache a little bit for a day or two at the most and then be fine.

So I went to the party and sat on the floor next to the table eating stuffed peppers expecting my ankle to be just fine by the time I had to leave. I had arrived at 8:40.

I left at 10 at a pathetic limp.

I was suddenly aware that this was unlike any ankle injury I'd ever had before. I've hurt them, sure. I've had to ice and tape them, definitely. They've been weak enough that I've been unable to run several times. But I've never gotten the distinct feeling that I had actually fucked them up.

It was not a comfortable feeling to realize this, for sure.

I used my scooter as a makeshift cane to limp home, alone, and iced my ankle. In the middle of the night it even woke me up. I knew then that something as wrong. It's not uncommon for me to hurt myself and have a hurt for a few days, but to have it wake me up at night when I'm not doing anything to it?


The next day I overdosed the poor thing with tape, hoping that immobilizing it would keep swelling from happening. I sat with it taped all day and hoped to whoever is up in the bright blue sky that all would be better.

It wasn't. I have developed a sudden hatred of the fact I live in a two story apartment, actually.

So Monday morning I woke up to a bright blue sky (not really), birds chirping, and a throbbing ankle.

Needless to say, I called the Health Center.

I got a recording, oddly enough. So I left my name, number, and what was up.

I went to the Humanities building to drop off a paper, but the teacher wasn't there so I took it to the Humanities' office to get it stamped. Just as I went in my phone rang. I answered, answered all the questions the desk lady posed me and then she asked me how I sprained my ankle. When I told her that I crashed my scooter she laughed at me!!! I couldn't believe it, this random lady started laughing over the phone at me. And then she said "I'll have someone call you back." And hung up.

So I hobbled down the stairs, was stopped by someone and shoved into the elevator, and rode it to the basement.

My Ling. teacher set up a super long study session in the basement from 8:30 until 11:50, and only two ppl showed up!

It got interrupted for me cause the Health Center finally called me back, accused me of not making the appointment soon enough (hullo! I injured myself on saturday, they aren't even opened on the weekend!)and was told to come in at 1 even though they had no appointments free and they'd try to shove me in.

I stayed at the Ling. study session for the full 3 hours even though I hadn't planned to because I felt so guilty that no one else showed up. As a direct result I had to spend my entire lunch date with a friend (no really, just a friend) typing up the paper I had put off that was due for Literature.

Normally not a problem, but I obviously wasn't in the headspace for it, so it was like pulling teeth.

At 10 until one the friend walked with me whilst i hobbled to the Health Center to make sure I didn't attempt suicide or something again, and with the amount of stress I was in it was entirely possible that I would've tried :D

I show up and the secretary frowns at me for a bit and shuffles me from window to window. But since the other receptionist remembers fitting me in she signs me in and tells me to sit down. I sling my wounded leg over the edge of the chair and just get comfortable when I realize that I left my soda at the receptionist window.

So I get up and stagger across the room, and snag a "Where's Waldo" book on the way back.

I sit down, get comfy, make sure I haven't forgotten anything, and then settle into finding Waldo.

Which is of course when the receptionist tells me that my "appointment" (ha, what appointment? Those are mythical around here) was actually for 2 o'clock.

SO?! Did it really look like I was going anywhere? I didn't care if I had to wait for 3 hours: I wasn't budging.

Luckily, the nurse came to get me within 20 minutes.

The nurse was even more impersonal than normal, but she was nice. And didn't make any odd comments.

I am a little excited though: I've gained weight! Okay, so that's not always a good thing. But considering that I'm 6 ft. tall and even for me 124 pounds is a little over the top....Gaining up to 134 is pretty darned cool. I imagine a couple pounds of that is clothes, but who cares? I'm healthier! My ribs won't stick out as much! I might be skinny, but I don't like being skinny. The idea of anorexia scares the crap out of me, it's a huge phobia of mine. And with my poor eating habits and my excellent metabolism it's a very real possibility. So to all of you people out there that ask me if I'm anorexic? Piss off! Over my dead body.

So the nice nursey-poo got the doctor in (another nurse, actually. I'm not sure if the school has any doctors) he poked and prodded me and said that i did an excellent job with my injury after-care *preens*.

Learned something new, though: Don't ever heat an actual injury. Not entirely certain why, but I think it has to do with the inflammation or something. Muscles on the other hand, they are fair game. Good thing I didn't make this mistake!

So he recommended that I try the stirrup brace and that I could wear it in my shoe and that I be super careful for the next month: I guess that is the danger zone or something. If I injure the blasted thing again during that time, I guess there is a chance of me really screwing up my poor ankle for the rest of my life.

*salutes* Yes Sir! I'll be super careful :D

The next day I had to go back because the lady gave me a brace for the right foot, and it was my left >.< This wouldn't have bugged me, except she's the one who helped me put it on! So I had to limp all the way back to the Health Center (my scooter is temporarily retired) and return the blasted thing.

Question: If I have insurance, then why the heck is every single doctor bill of mine being added onto my tuition? Why am I paying for insurance if it's not actually COVERING anything?!

That's all :)

Regards from Purgatory,

Friday, March 12, 2010

Sometimes I Wonder

The most ridiculous thing ever happened just now: The fire alarm went off.

And I don't mean a test run to test and see how fast we got out of the building (evidently not very). I mean there was security outside shouting in puzzlement into their walkie talkies and the safety patrol came speeding to the Werner center with their lights on...

So obviously it wasn't a drill. But evidently it wasn't a fire either, because we were just allowed back into the building.

Btw? It is bloody cold outside! We didn't stand the requisite 100 meters from the building because the wind was WAY too bad and we needed a breaker. There was a surprisingly few amount of ppl in the Werner Center, but then it's Friday after all.

Of course, this happened the moment I was in the computer lab and I was actually getting something typed for once.

What is that law again? Oh yeah, Murphy's.

Also, there's a Caesar Chavez Convention or something or rather going on today. Evidently that means the campus is being flooded with several hundred Mexicans. I have no problems with that, really. It's just....The majority of our campus are whites, or Chinese. I think I've seen a grand total about 5 Mexicans since I've gotten here (students anyways) so it's a little bit of a shock.

Who's Caesar Chavez? Did he do something important?

Did a kid pull the fire alarm?

Who know! But I'm back inside, and back to work, and if I'm lucky the Tsunami bell won't go off next. Oh yeah, I don't live next to the ocean anymore! WOOHOO!

That just means we'll have an earthquake or something :D

Regards from Purgatory,

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Before I started this blog was New Student week here at WOU. I skipped out on a lot of mandatory things, actually. I now wonder how the heck I wasn't so bored considering I was without a computer for the first week or so.

But I was feeling guilty for not participating too much, so when I saw a booth at the sidewalk fair barbecue thingy for an activity I wandered over. I had seen a few activity type thingies, actually. Including a midnight movie. But I had no car so that was nixed.

So I peered in. Normally I wouldn't do this sort of thing. When I was required to do volunteer hours to graduate from highschool I did something worthwhile that actually meant something. I ran different activities and watched kids at an after school program. I had real responsibilities: I didn't have to be baby sat.

But when I learned about what volunteer activities were being offered, I had an inkling that it was a scam.

I mean, a volunteer trip to help on a farm? Goodness knows the silly college students would have no idea what they were doing and would need their hands held the entire time! The other trip was to recycle books. Booooring! But the third...Was to help kids make crafts.

Sounds fun, right?

Cept it turns out, that we're helping Mexican kids. Okay, that's fine. Except not a single one of them speaks English, and my Spanish definitely was NOT up to snuff.

It turns out to be a Mexican community. It's a specialized place with low rent specifically for Mexican workers that work on farms. We were expected to help the kids make Halloween candy buckets out of Milk Cartons.

Now, it was pretty obvious that we were slowing things down and the parents just though that we were children too and to be pitied and giggled at. But these "volunteers" tried their hardest to do "something good for the world".

I just wanted me little friend to have the best milk carton halloween bucket she could make. I stick to that.

Have you ever met the crazy volunteer for life types? The ones that think they are making a worldwide difference everytime they help out with something? that think it's essential to life?

A more naive person I have never met. I just needed something to do. A lot of these kids have now decided that volunteering is their life mission.

I feel sorry for the staff at the farm, to be honest. Babysitting college students *shakes head*.

So the girl I helped: She was so adorable! Very cute, very small. Knew practically no English and was too shy to say anything about my wretched Spanish. Wouldn't be able to tell you her name if you paid me.

But the other day when I was rocking out to my mp3 player about a block from home, on my way home, a little girl and her mum walked by me. And then the little girl stopped absolutely dead in the middle of the sidewalk to stare at me. Dropped her mum's hand and everything.

Took me am oment to notice, and by then they were moving on.

But what the fuck? Did I have a booger hanging from my nose or something?

I took a few days to think about it, and talked it over with Miki (who figured the girl stared cause I was so tall) and then I saw her again today!

It's that same girl that I helped WAY back in September, and she did the same staring act today. I asked her if she remembered me and she said yes (in English I notice) but when I tried to say hello how are you in Spanish she just stared some more until her mome laughed, said something about me, and drug her off.

What the heck?

Why did she notice me? Why did she stop and stare? Did I make an impression on her? Sure I thought she was a pretty kid, and odd since she was so quiet and precocious. But it wasn't much more than that, you know? It happened MONTHS ago! If you mentioned her, sure I'd remember. But I wouldn't stop dead in the street and stare at her. Heck: I didn't even recognize her at first. She's grown up quite a bit, actually.

But why did she stare at me, I wonder? Did I make a huge impression on her? How so?

I remember looking up to people older than I when I was her age. I remember fantasizing about them and staring and begging them silently to look at me, to remember me, to show some recognition. For them to be my best friend.

Is that what she is doing? What exactly is she thinking when she sees me? She can't hate me or think I'm terrible (although my Spanish is) cause she smiled and giggled when I asked if she knew me.

But WHY?! It bothers me! Am I a role model? Will we meet years and years in the future and become friends? Will she hunt me down to know me? Will we have a torrid affair? WHAT?!

I'm obsessing quite badly I admit.

But before we get married: I should probably figure out her name :D (jk on the marriage thing)

Oh btw? I suspect she lives close to my house now. Which means she doesn't live in the community anymore. I wonder how close she is and how I can hopefully spot her again?

Maybe I should write out a secret message in Spanish and slip it to her when I next see her...lmao

I'm ridiculous, huh?

Regards from Purgatory,


Saturday, March 6, 2010


My life has officially ended.

I just got invited to my first party ever. And I mean my first. Never got invited to those illicit jock parties, or cheerleader parties, or preppie kid parties in High School, and a College student would rather eat their socks than invite me now.

But I just got invited.

I mean, even if I could drink I would die.

Want to know why?

Went out to check the mailbox just now (still haven't figured out what time exactly the post comes on Saturday) and my Mexi neighbor (nice guy. cute kid) waltzed up and said he was having a birthday party at his place tonight. You know. With drinks. You could come. You and your roomie could come. If you can't, I can bring you some drinks. Join us if you want. Cool. Bye.

...I wish seppuku was socially acceptable here int he states.

My first party invite. So many things wrong with this!

1. I can't drink cause I'm underage and blah blah blah.

2. Obviously we were invited as the 'girls'. You know, prolly the only ones. The rest will likely be guys.

3. He's calling it a "birthday" party. Which does not bode well.

4. He offered to bring drinks over if we couldn't come. That spells out desperate.

5. It's my neighbor. 'Nuff said.

6. Did I mention that he was Mexican and that I doubt that anyone there will speak English?

Yes, hello? Operator? Please tell the men in little white jackets to come take me away now.

Regards from Purgatory,


Why is it the Underage Sick one that Always Missed out on the Fun?

I don't remember very much about last night.

Sure, I remember calling Anime Club to a halt early round 6:30 (I'm the interim president as Eric is going to Argentina for a term), and stopping in the 24 hour Computer lab for an hour or so because my laptop has been impossible all week.

But after that? Fuzz. Fuzz, fuzz, and more fuzz. I remember a little bit of stumbling home, and it being dark and cold out, and almost passing out on my doorstep. I remember trying to beat my lappy into submission and finally just shutting it off. I remember shoving a pot pie in the microwave and giving up on the idea of homework when I passed out on the couch in the middle of eating it.

Now, days and days ago Miki had invited me to go bowling last night, right? I figured that delirium was not a fun thing to add to the mix so I texted her to tell her I wasn't coming. Sometime after I fell asleep I woke to find that my dvd had frozen (lovely) and that Miki was standing there and her mouth was moving and I had absolutely no idea what she was saying.

Double lovely.

I have no idea what time it was. 9? 10? But eventually I realized that she was telling me that her phone had died and had I texted her or something? I told her that I couldn't go bowling cause I was totally out of it and she smiled and nodded and said goodbye and left.

Well that's weird, I didn't notice her coming in?

The next time I woke up was when she got back. Or more specifically when she came into the (lit) frontroom to find me lolling on the couch and started shrieking (at least that's what it sounded like to me) about me sleeping on the couch.

Totally abnormal, that. (insert sarcastic tone here)

And then I flipped open my phone to find that it was 4:30 in the morning! My poor little brain was really out of it, but I quickly realized that when she had left earlier she hadn't said bowling, she had said pub! No, Club!

"You went to a club?"

So I drug myself off the couch and tottered upstairs and she was bloody well wearing a silk frock! Wow she was so pretty. And nattered away whilst I tried to shove more cold medicine down my throat and then went to pass out.

Mikiko went to a club?

I woke up at 10:30 this morning. That's practically unheard of. Even on Sundays I tend to wake up at like 6 in the morning: It's so bloody annoying.

I woke up before Miki.

So even though I was still feeling just as bad I took advantage of the relative lack of dizziness and did some chores.

Now, yesterday the ATM didn't work so I broke some ones for Miki so that she could do some laundry, with my own money, right? I gave her four dollars which left 2 for me, and I had another one already in my pocket and one on the counter. I reached for that one on the counter this morning and it was gone!

So I fished out other quarters, tossed in the load, picked up plates and dishes, watered the plants, and then Miki came down.

With a 5 dollar bill to pay me back for the other 4 and then she asked if she could have 4 more quarters!

Okay, it's early. I'm sick. But I am not stupid. By my math she had already had 5 dollars worth of quarters from me. If she took another dollar, I'd only be able to do one load: so not fair.

But she just stood there with this expectant look in her eyes, 5 dollar bill extended, and all I could do was roll my eyes and give her the coins.


I've been trying to do this load for 3 bloody weeks! I was hoping that since the laundry room was finally bloody well unlocked for me I could do more than one load!

Guess not.

And then she starts a conversation with this: "I got into a car accident last night."

I'm sorry WHAT?!

I think I missed something. Bowling, pub, club, where exactly did you go again?

A club. Called Peacock (no joke). In Corvallis. And one of the other guys going with them driving in another car crashed into the car that Miki's "escort" was driving. Miki calls herself the victim. And apparently the other dude didn't have his insurance with him and since he was the perpetrator he tried to run away.


So Miki went out drinking, dancing, and got into a car accident, and I missed out on it all not only because I was sick: but because I'm only 19.

Life is unfair, and she owes me a dollar in quarters =.=

Regards from Purgatory,

Monday, March 1, 2010

This is NOT a race!

I am seriously out of breath from Spanish class.

No joke.

I was huffing, and sweating, and dizzy, and confused as to what the heck was going on. Did I mention that we did the review for our test tomorrow today?

Yeah, not a good time to rush, I'm thinking.

But rush we did. It felt like a 100 meter dash!

And to top it all off, she got fussy and rushed even harder on the bits we've never seen before. I find it extremely unfair that she posted a 15 page review on the net for us to do, hack jobbed only the first 5 pages in class, and half the stuff is stuff we've never learned in class.

And when I say never, I mean never.

And when she wasn't rushing herself (I got about 60% of the answers she gave us written down she was going so fast, and I write pretty quickly) she was rushing an unsuspecting volunteer. I felt really bad for those that went up there with examples that were entirely wrong because they were guessing. Don't get me wrong: I would've been guessing too.

I thought a review was supposed to be a review, right? Those poor souls that went up with every answer wrong had it wrong because we've never even GLIMPSED those topics in class before!

And then the teacher had the gall to tell us we should all know this already and that it's very important and that it'll be on the test tomorrow AND the final at the end of term.

I've been organized. I've been using that new binder of mine.

I cannot find any references to this "important" material anywhere.

The damned quack.

Anyone have any idea where I should report a teacher that's failing us all for being stupid when she's not even teaching?

Regards from Purgatory,