Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Big Move

Gods, that sounds like Max Keebles movie or whatever :)

Long time no chat, dearest fans!

Okay, yeah I remember: I'm actually talking to thin air. But that's all right! Apparently that's what us emos with blogs do anyways....Did I mention that apparently I'm an emo just because I have a blog? Watch out world! An emo who wears Argyle and colors is on their way!

So I actually moved over a week ago. Sorry for the incommunicado-ness. Moving day was Friday the...11th. And I had a little bit of internet on Saturday but didn't want to write my blog for some reason: I think it was because I was so blasted lonely.

But do you guys remember that Christmas party I went to? Well, not sure if I mentioned this (and I'm far too lazy to go back and check...), the man whose house we went to was Miki's Host Father. Nice man. At the moment I conveniently can't remember his name...Oh yeah! Dale :) He and his wife opened a Christian book store 2 blocks from our house (on the edge of campus) in early November. It's coming along quite nicely. But since Miki knows more adults in the area than I do she asked him if he could help us move. It took us two trips. Thank the Gods. I thought with all my junk it'd take much longer...Turned out that Mikiko has amassed a lot of stuff as well.

What in the world are you guys going to read my blog for, once she's gone? :D

After, we had to rush back to campus and check out of the dorms. Good thing I ended up rushing my bicycle to the apartment: I forgot my fish with my jacket and coat at the dorms >.<. Mkay, well I had brought my big tank and other fish a couple days before the move, but my beta Kyoushi needs quite a bit of attention so I left him until last.

Signed out, grabbed my fish, and went on a mission to use the last of my food money in the dining hall. Thanks to my amazing luck (yeah right) they had already cleared the majority of everything out. So I ended up buying strawberry milk, chocolate milk, two odwalla fruit smoothies, cereal, and a ham and cheese hot pocket.

I don't even like ham and cheese.

I still has 40 cents left :)

But since I've moved off campus my money doesn't roll over, it just goes....*Poof!*

So here I was, tossed out in the cold as it was getting dark with a large jacket, a spare jacket and hoodie, my blasted heavy laptop, my satchel stuffed to the brim with things I jacked from the dorm..., and a fish.

In a mayo jar with no lid, no less.

And of course that's when the person I had been trying to get a hold of for several hours called me and demanded my time.

"Moe-nica! It is Daisy! You wanted me to help with your fish? (I needed a fish-sitter) Can I come see your house now?"

Imagine this with a chinese accent for full effect.

Turns out that she was on my way, at Yang's the teriaki restaurant. Approximately a block and a half from where I was and 3 blocks from my house. So I stopped to pick her up. She was extremely fascinated by my fish. I told her that I wasn't going to give up my key to the apartment for her because Miki and I needed it (we only had one) and that likely my Plecostomus would survive and that I'd take my Dannio with me and here meet my Beta :)

I asked her to think about it and that he was easy: didn't need too much heat, just needed a few pellets of food a day, maybe a radio. And then we went to my apartment so I could show it off.

Mikiko was not there. She was off printing something at the library. Either that or doing internet type stuff: we only have electricity so far.

So I explained about Kyoushi and his care and how long she would have him and that he wasn't too terribly easy to kill unless you didn't feed him altogether, and said that I was leaving on Monday and that if she was interested I'd bring him to her then.

In fact, I was quite counting on having him for company, cause the Danny has ADHD and has no idea I exist, and Mr. P just glares. Kyou loves me and gets quite depressed if I don't talk to him. I was counting on having him when Miki left.

But as Daisy and her roomie Mandy started to leave I noticed Kyou in her hands! I have NO IDEA what happened. It kinda went like this.

"So I'll see you on Mon....Hey! Where's Kyou?"

"Moe-nica? You said he is easy, right? He will be okay. Bye bye!"

"Hey? Where are you taking my fish?"

Mandy: "Your house is very beautiful, Moe-nica!"

"Daisy! What about Kyou?"

"Do not worry Moe-nica! He will be fine."


"We will see you after Christmas!" Chorus

"At least take his food!"

Door slams.

I felt robbed >.<;;;

So he left a few days early, and before I even got a chance to head back to Washington I was getting hysterical texts all about how he wasn't eating. I figured that a. he was a little cold in her house and lethargic b. she was feeding him too much and c. he missed me.

Which is hysterical cause when I took him to Gramma's for Thanksgiving (yes, he is a travel fish) he was just fine. Energetic even. But then that might have been because he had lots of other Betas to glare and posture at...:D

When Miki got home I was getting ready to watch a movie. That day I had spent 40 minutes in the bloody post office trying to get a package sent to my secret santa (the 11th was the last day for Xmas post to Canada), and stumbled across an estate sale (which I returned to after moving our stuff but before signing out of the dorm to get pots and pans...), and rented dvds from the library. I had started Shakespeare in Love round when Mikiko made something for herself for dinner (I had already eaten that hot pocket) and when I opened my door to invite her to watch the movie with me....She walked all over me with a bunch of papers in hand!

Actually, I'm quite thrilled that she feels welcome in my bedroom. It's so bloody huge compared to hers, I feel like I rattle around in it. Hers feels like a closet and causes me no end of guilt. In fact, I'd have her move into mine with me and shove a roomie into her room if not for the fact I know she needs her own room. My grandparents think I should put a bunkbed in my room and have a third roomie in there. It's an okay idea, but the only person I'd feel comfortable with sharing a room with now would be Miki. And she needs her own space. Our dynamic is going to be shaken up enough by a new place as it is: no need to make eachother uncomfortable with a 3rd person.

So she waltzes in with a bunch of paperwork and my heart fluttered at how she just made herself at home on my floor with all of it (and her dinner) and joined my movie with me. In fact? It was awesome. She only stayed for the first movie though: sadly. But we still had a blast. I'm getting used to having subtitles on movies now. Turns out that in asian countries just about all of their movies have subtitles whether they are in their language or not. So even though Miki understands English just fine, it's easier with the words because she's a creature of habit.

Several times after she left I caught myself watching movies with subtitles.....:)

Directly after the first movie she retreated to her room (ostensibly to arrange her peter perfect closet. It's a little scary, actually) and I started up Star Wars Episode 1....

I'm not entirely sure, but when I started humming to the theme song and reciting the prologue I think she threatened me from the other room :)

Miki left super early that Saturday. I think I woke up before she left. I vaguely remember stumbling through the hall without my glasses on early that morning and snuggling someone with smell good still wet hair.

I hope I didn't traumatize her too much. At least she left me a nice goodbye note on the counter :)

Saturday I didn't do too terribly much. I actually slept quite late in the day. Until noon I think. Maybe ten? Hmm...But I woke up after Miki left and decided to hunt down a computer on campus.

Ostensibly to write my blog: obviously, that did not happen. That week...It was extremely cold. I know I wrote about it, but I'm not sure you understand: It is 40 degrees with snow where I am write now. But there, in Monmouth?


10 whole flipping degrees.

That Saturday that I ventured out for a computer I almost killed myself on my doorstep.

You know? I've never seen black ice before. In fact? I still haven't. Slipped on the bloody stuff a million times between my door and the school. It really is invisible. I adopted this funny little slide step to save my goose after slipping and almost getting hit crossing a road not a block from my home.

Go figure.

Isn't it that 80 percent of accidents occur within 30 blocks of your home? I'm sure that's an automobile accident where your driving your car...But still, these 'they' have a point :D

Sunday my family showed up.

After two night of watching movies and most of a day lazy about and another attempting to unpack (emphasis on attempt) they practically showed up without calling.

It felt like an invasion.

"Oh dear?! Is this the door frame you were talking about?" says the gramma who's looking at doors on the wrong floor entirely.

"Did you know that you do not have a shower curtain rod?" Bellows the grandfather from upstairs.

"Where do you want this?" Asks the mom.

"Wrong door gramma, yes I know! And Mum! Where I put it of course!"

"Shall I put your plant on the microwave, dear?"

"Why won't this door open?"

Where did you want this?"

"Gramma! A plant in the kitchen? Grampa please be careful I'll be right up!" whips head around. "Mum! Just put that down!"

Stomps upstairs as splitting of doorframe is heard.

"Oops I've got it."

"Where is the light?"

"Did you know that the dead bolt won't work?"


All in all it was fun. I wish they could've stayed much longer. There were plenty of things I needed help with. Like gramma's advice on how to organize the cupboards and maybe some help putting all my food away. The doorframe fixed properly, not just temporarily, maybe just some company in general...

But they always get on MY case for rushing! They wanted in and out in an HOUR!

An HOUR! That's not nearly enough time to help me! Let me tell you, my frontroom is a mess and that's not because it's not organized. It's because it has no stuff of its own and all the stuff from the REST of the house is down there.

My bedroom? It's the sterotypical bachelor pad type. Cept I don't have the mattress to pile the safety barrier of clothes around yet. Anyone have a spare mattress?

Wish me luck and more info on my break will be here soon!

Regards from Purgatory,

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