Saturday, November 6, 2010

Crummy Memory

It occurs to me, rather belatedly, that I never bothered writing a blog about what classes I am taking this term. Which is odd, considering that I signed up for them last Spring.

I am taking British Literature, Spanish 201 (Year two class one) and a writing class called Rhetoric.

Don't ask me what Rhetoric is, at this point, I know even less than I did before I started taking this class.

You're probably thinking that it doesn't sound like I'm taking very many classes, right?

I'm not.

I'm only taking 12 credits. I wanted the time to work. But sadly, I've made out 14 applications and only got one interview. I had hoped that because of the specific classes I have to take, and the fact that I managed to take them all before Noon this term that I would be able to do the same thing next term.

No such luck.

I need to take the second half of American Lit. and the second Brit Lit class and they are both only offered after Noon. Which bites.

How am I supposed to get a job?

My roommate has applied to at least 30 places.

Everyone, including family, keep telling me that I should just keep trying and what the news says about the crummy job market isn't necessarily the truth.....

It so is the truth.

The job market bites.

I started writing this entry with the purpose of explaining my classes and teachers and etc. but I find that now that I've started I'm not too terribly interested anymore.


Regards from Purgatory,
