Monday, November 30, 2009


Okay so I know this is a little late, and I'm going to make this brief for me cause you'll be getting a few posts within the next few day....(I hope)

Miki and I went home for Thanksgiving! Okay, so when we returned we realized that the little goober accidentally signed on to "stay here for the holiday" so we had messages on the door and maybe our R.A. was wondering where Miki went.....:)

Silly Mikiko.

So we headed over to Arbor Park (darn it's chilly outside!) and sat down (I paced Miki sat) at the smoke shack bench to wait for our ride. I managed to arrange a ride with an old classmate from Clatsop Community College cause she lives in Astoria and it's easy to get a ride home from there so it was nice :D

So last minute I realized I forgot Kyoshi (my beta) so we were at the bench huffing and puffing with an irate fish in a tiny cup between us thrashing about. Miki had three bags and her lappy, and I had my art portfolio (a large one) my satchel, and a laundry bag.

Because I decided last minute that it'd be more practical to take only dirty clothes home with me so that I could wash them for free and then wear them.

Later I realized that I had not packed any shirts >.< Flaw in plan will be fixed next time! :D

The trip was good. I quickly found out that any and all suggestions were not up for debate. That's what happens when you look like a 17 year old freshmen, I guess! We took the Tillamook Route. i.e. the nauseating enough to make anyone's stomach crawl out their mouth route. Not that fun. But it only took us 3 hours! That was good :) Apparently Ester's mum had run late (we didn't leave until four) because I5 had slow traffic so that's why we didn't go back that way. Fine with me :) We got home pretty darned fast.

Went out for Pizza with John and Melanie, equally fun. Mikiko does not like the veggie pizza at Pizza A'Fetta though. I'm not too terribly surprised. Went in a couple nights after and asked what was ON the vegetable pizza and apparently it changes everyday....Jake's had hot green peppers on it :) I thought he was going to die!

I didn't recognize my cat. Not one whit. And she didn't purr for me at all the entire time I was there. I'll admit though, I was a chicken and didn't take her into the basement to sleep with me. But I think that is because I am letting her go. Gramma loves and cares for her and she'd be heartbroken if I took her now. Sides, an apartment that takes pets in this town is a myth. A Total and Utter MYTH.

Bye bye Ryou-Ohki. *cries*

Grampa made the most AMAZING DINNER! And surprisingly enough I liked the turkey better than the Elk. Which is weird cause I love Venison and usually hate Turkey. Huh. *shrugs* Who knows.

He also made homemade cranberry sauce. I've never had such a beast! It was AMAZING. I wants more....*drools*

Got to share all my Drawing projects from class with the family. That is fun. I haven't really done anything more than doodle in class otherwise, but they are really impressed how much I've improved. doubtless mum will be running around bragging about me again soon. Silly woman. I Love You!!! *glomps*

Did I mention there was lots of high tempers and grumpiness in the house over dinner? Which is totally normal, I assure you. If there wasn't, I'd wonder if I was in the wrong house ;). Of course Aunt Charity showed up after the brunt of it.

It's taken me 19 long years but I've finally realized something: Gramma, Mum, and Aunt Charity ALWAYS do the dishes together after a large family dinner. It's gotta be some weird tradition cause both Jim and Grampa high-tail it out of there and I seem to remember trying to help when I was a kid and getting booted out. Some sort of weird adult/woman thing, Huh? 0.o Who knows.

Shout out to Ai! PSST! I scanned in those documents and then added them to my blog as pictures. Some I edited in Paint to block things out, and others I just scribbled with pencil :) That answer your question?

Regards from Purgatory,

Beuracracy Bites

Got a letter while I was home for Thanksgiving. From Western. They've frozen my Financial Aid progress until I redo the entire application.

Life bites.

But if I understand everything correctly, the process won't restart it'll just resume. Which means no month long wait (hopefully)

Wish me luck.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Adventures in My Own Backyard

So I never got to take Miki on a tour of the family property *sad* mostly because the weather was so darned bad over break and the one nice day (two) we used for exploring town and going out to the parks before Miki went to Portland with Kody and Ai.

So Miki only got to see the Chickens, and not all the rabbits and the woods and stuff. Aww.....too bad. Maybe another time, yeah?

So the day after Thanksgiving we went out for the day round 1. Grampa had told me that an old English teacher of mine had set up a booksigning table at a Christmas Bazaar so we decided to go crash that. Mum gave me "incidental" money so I used that (incidentally) on a book from Ms. Bono. She keeps trying to get me to call her Jan, but I just respect her too much to do otherwise. Or maybe it's fear....:) I think she's resigned to it by now.

So I got her newest book, Just Joshin, and even got it signed just for me :) Afterwards I parked smack dab in the center of town and took Mikiko EVERYWHERE.

How many of you live in a small town that has one of those hardware stores that sells everything? Well, the big difference between Dennis Company in Long Beach and Jack's in Ocean Park is that Dennis Company doesn't sell food or milk. But otherwise it's one of those run of the mill hardware stores with a pet section, and a washer drier section, and shoes, and clothes, and toys, and pretty stuff, and chimes....Miki looked like a kid in a candy shop :)

We bought some cheap kitchen utensils (and by we I mean I pointed it out and she bought it) those big spoons carved out of wood. Slotted, regular, spatula like...And a Bamboo cutting board that is AMAZING.

Mum reminded me that we better label one side for meat and the other for vegetable. Although since we're poor college students I sincerely doubt we will ever be able to afford meat >.<

Miki found something adorable in Dennis company she freaked out about.Can you tell why? She is claiming in this photo that they leapt into her cart and that she isn't actually buying them.....CUUUUTE!

Then we went to a tourist trap called Marsh's Free Museum. The town Mascot is there.

Yes, that is a look of disgust on Miki's face. I thought she might throw up, actually. His name is Jake the Alligator man. And yes, that is a Key to the City in his case...

After that we went to the beach. We walked halfway down the board walk and then took off across the sand to see the ocean. You can't see the water too well from the boardwalk, really. So Miki got to touch the water, she was super excited. Even though it was windy and dreary outside (a nice break from the rain) there were people out with Kites so Miki got to see that :)
We went to the Bakery after that. Biggest in the area. It's really cool, and pretty traditional. Makes a mean clam chowder and really good sandwiches. I worked there for a bit: I don't recommend it :)

Finally found a sweet not too sweet for Miki: A Buttermilk bar. I don't like them that much cause they aren't sweet ENOUGH for me....But she loved it. You should've seen her with the crumbs!

We ran out of daylight on Friday so didn't get to go to the parks. So we went with Ai and Kody on Saturday.

That's the North Head Lighthouse in the distance. We only went to one of the Lighthouses. It was a lot of fun.They even have tours up to the top nowadays. It was never open when I was little, so I've never been inside. My mum hasn't either. And the other Lighthouse is still in use by the Coast Guard so you can't get within 50 feet of it, really.....

So this was cool. After we wandered up some trails to an old bunker that I know about with a pretty wicked view of the cliffs.
After that Miki went with Kody and Ai to Beaverton (near Portland) to go to an Asian Superstore called Uwajimayas. So that's it for my part in the holiday! :)

Regards from Purgatory,

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Apartment Hunting from H-E-Double Hockysticks

The first place we saw? DREAM HOUSE! Bramblewood is close to campus (right next door to some dorm complexes) had two bedroom of good size, the little bedroom had a water heater and a walk in closet that was HUGE a good sized living room, nice full bath, had overhead lights (yeah that was a problem in some places) nice kitchen appliances AND a dishwasher, and the coup de grace......Had a balcony AND in the garage there was a space to lock up your bicycle.

*angels singing*

We loved it but didn't wanna decide on the first place. Water/Sewer/Garbage was included, electricity is cheap around here so no problems...It was a little walk from our classes cause it was right next to the dorms that are farthest away but no too bad....But she didn't mention a laundry room and the laundromate in town was on the other side of campus at least a mile away. That's a long walk for laundry >.< $649 a month with a $500 deposit but a Co-signer was required otherwise the deposit would be $1000 dollars. So we went through some rental agencies to find another place. The next place was on Jackson Street. Bout 5 blocks east from class, not too bad. The only problem with the distance was that it was across highway 99 and we were likely to get killed out there. That's a huge checkmark in it's disfavor. The way the realtor kept going over and over about how it had a courtyard with trees meant she was overcompensating for something for sure. Quiet place, had families and kids, no partiers. Second floor.....The carpet used to be white in the 60's, I am sure. And it was one of those odd shag rugs that had a million different lengths to it. All of the floor creaked which creeped me out. But also displayed a large chance of there being something wrong with it i.e. MOLD. Which is a large problem. It smelled damp. That immediately took it off my list. The windows (closed) felt like sieves for the wind. Not cool. It had poor lighting. As in, no overheads. They had these weird lamps that hung in the corner...Looked like antiques. Didn't light anything too well and didn't do much good in the corners of rooms or next to closets anyways. The bedroom were okay. The Bathroom was not worth talking about. The kitchen was...Strange. I'd have to say that it had space we wouldn't use, which seemed silly. It was like a large rectangle (mostly long rather than wide) with the door into in in the exact middle. To the left was the counters, shelves, fridge, and sink. To the right was....empty space. I'm assuming it was a kitchen nook. But we are college students. It would be a miracle if we got a dining table. So it was just space we would never ever use. Miki thought it was haunted. So we went down the street to another realty. The showed us a place on the same street as campus next to the ROTC, we were not impressed. (This was a couple of weeks ago, by the way. Before Thanksgiving.) The entire building was nice and well kept except for the last part and it was total crap. Of course that's where the apartment they wanted to show us was. It was an old Manager's apartment so it made no sense at all. Super small living space intersected by a tiny kitchen (with bar) tiny as in Miki and I could MAYBE stand side by side between the counters. The bathroom is between the bathrooms. Literally. The only way to get into it is to go through one or the other of the bathrooms. Miki doesn't like that lack of privacy, I can agree with that. The bigger bedroom has attached to it. A fair sized room that has a door outside. No IDEA what we would do with that. And the frontroom has a long window...into a hallway where the laundry is >.<

So we said no.

That's the end of our first adventure before Thanksgiving! Wish us luck with the rest :)

Regards from Purgatory,

Monday, November 16, 2009

Getting that Fat Camel off My Back

So. Called my mum last week like I mentioned in that totally incomprehensible blog of mine. No, I didn't actually read it until today.

And no, I don't get it either >.<

So mum asks me if I got the package last Saturday. I didn't. But I DID get it today. After I lug the blasted heavy thing up three flights of stairs I start to wonder what the Bloody Hell is in it? O.o

I open it and the first thing I see are some Turkey Day window clings. WOOHOO! What I always wanted :) SO I go digging through the Chewy Bars (c) and find the letter. I force myself to read my Mum's letter first (I never realized how much she used me to spell for her until I left) and THEN I looked at the first of the goodies.

The first about made me have a heart attack.
The second wasn't much better, but it was a heart attack in the opposite direction.

Do you see that not so little number? Yeah, I was thinking OMG I might have CREDIT on my account! So I snap a photo, cataloged all the stuff in my care package and sip all the way to administration like a fool (okay so I walked) and went to the cashier desk with a smile and my i.d. card.

Things did NOT go as planned.

Oh sure. It was easy. Hand the lady my card, hand her my money order, and then be told I owe 97 cents or something or rather =.=

Turns out I didn't act quite fast enough and I accrued $57 in interest. Bloody Hell!

See that little circle? Yeah, that's how much I owe. And I'm all out of change so with my luck that tiny little amount is going to earn it's OWN interest and then I'll be screwed.

The good news is I can register for next term now :)

The bad news is I'll prolly be just as bad off then as I am now. BUT since I was in the same building....I went up the Financial Aid Office. I didn't even get the same lady I got the other five and a half million times I've been up there! I got some dumpy lady (she was actually quite nice) with a scowl on her face reminding me of a bulldog and made me want to run just as badly as one.

Not a good sign.

So I stuttered and handed over my i.d. card (I swear those things are like credit cards round here) and asked her if we could check on my FAFSA Awards letter to see where the Hell it was.

Well even though I turned in the correction form for my goofed up Social Security number AGES before the rest of the paper work and the other Lady had told me I was all set and my Awards Letter should arrive soon...Apparently that goof up delayed things more than I was informed and not only that but the random verification check I was selected for took even longer so I haven't even got to the point where a package is chosen for me.

Which means the Beurecrats know even less about what loans/grants/workstudy I qualify than I do.


It'll be another couple weeks she said. *sour voice* I just can't wait.

Mikiko still wants to move out. I really wanna move out with her. If I get enough in Loans I wanna use some to get an apartment with her and get a job right away to keep up my side of the rent. It'd be pretty awesme having a kitchen and living space and a neat roomie. Even if I'd have to find another person for the summer. I'm sure I could do it though. Put up posters or something.

What do you guys think? Do you think using the Loan to get myself going would be okay? Cause if I stay on campus in the dorms the bills will stack up and I won't be able to get out and then they'll just keep getting higher...And deposit fees are crazy. I'd have to work for months to pay for that! My only problem is that if we pick out an apartment and rush to move into it I might not find "the one" that I'd want to stay in for as long as possible. Or even one that would take my cat.

Hell, does Mikiko even LIKE cats? O.o

I've never asked.

But I really is it something I should work towards?

On another note, I hate "speak of the Devil moments". I was helping a classmate get something from the bookstore for Drawing and I was about to mention that I need to find a Dental Surgeon to get my teeth pulled and I found this:Should I go? I think I should go. I'm just hoping my college insurance will cover it. I KNOW I need my wisdom teeth pulled and my dentist would give me a referral for anywhere I wanted to go..But would this work to get my foot in the door? I have a $20 co-pay (terrible I know. But I've never had insurance before so it's nice anyways) but does my health insurance even COVER dental? O.o

I should prolly check that out first. But I'm getting super tired of teething....And also a filling I got right before school started is still giving me grief. Not even sure that's fixable. But it REALLY hurts all the time. Ugh.

So as a last bit of news, here's all that I got in my box from Mum this morning.

1 set of Thanksgiving Window Clings
1 Box of Frosted Wheats (still have the last one)
2 Neato Thanksgiving paper napkins
8 Fruit Snacks
2 Pairs of Thick Socks (yay!)
5 Chocolate Chip Chewy (c) Bars
6 Cookie 'n Cream Chewy Bars
2 Apricot Clif Bars
2 Beef Ramen Packs
2 Chicken Ramen Packs
6 Pack of Cinnamon Apple Sauce (smacks lips)
2 Boxes of Mac 'n Cheese
4 Mini Kleenex Packs
1 Strawberry Vitamin C Halls Lozenges
1 Citrus " "
1 Cherry Nyquil with VICKS
1 Cold Liquid Nite-Time
1 Orange Liquid Day-Time
1 Bottle of 50 ADVIL
1 Pack of Chocolate Striped Short Bread
1 Pack of Chocolate Chunk
12 Cans of Asstd. Chunky Soup


Regards from Purgatory,

What's that Word Again? Oh yeah, Alzheimers

I forgot to mention that my aunt sent the most amazing box ever last week. Or was it the week before? I can't believe I forgot to post it! And of course I didn't write down the contents. BUT! She packed it pretty much full of those shaking activated hand-warmers...Mikiko was shocked when I told her that I'd never seen or had any of them before.

I've already used one pack on a cold wet and rainy day :) They were nice! Also, she gave me gloves.

I love you Aunt Charity! You are my light in the darkness :D

Regards from Purgatory,

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Term is Nearing it's End, I Think >.<

I'm gonna combine a few topic today, so bear with me and cross your fingers that this entry won't be that long. All right? I'm gonna start with the serious stuff:

It's been over three weeks and my awards letter hasn't arrived yet. Not only is that distressing on it's own....I just got news about registering for next term. I have to register for classes between the 19th of November and the 22nd.

ARE THEY NUCKING FUTS? I mean SERIOUSLY?! If they expect 5000 students to register within 4 days they have another thing coming.

But then this might just be for transfer students...But I sincerely doubt it.

The good news is that when I got the email telling me about my (distressing) deadline I found out who my Advisor is. Not that I know WHO they are...But I have a name.

I actually advised with a teacher a while back to figure out which classes were important for me to take and I thought we figured it all out, and I've just realized we didn't fit Spanish in there. So I'm gonna hafta give something up for Spanish.Which sucks. We planned for 4 classes for my Major (English) and one for my minor (Fine Art) But I'll have to sacrifice one of the English thingamabobbies....Cause I think if I wait for next year to finish spanish I'll be terrible. Sides, I'm in 101 And I'm fairly certain I have to go through the 200's to graduate. Which will take both the years I'm here! Although It's looking like I might be a super senior....

Moving on. So I decided that since my deferment is going to be expiring sometime around when I'm required to register for next term anyways and since my Financial Aid awards letter isn't here yet...I'd call home. Mum had offered to help for this term ages ago but my pride got in the way.

No more! Specially since she's getting all my bills at the house anyways >.< I just can't live with the added stress of not knowing if I can continue next term. I need it resolved. Technically I only need 2/3s paid to register and attend next term, which isn't that bad. And I'm going to try to find an apartment.

Roomie anyone? *puppy dog eyes*

On another note I was going to complain about all my testing troubles. They are flaring up again. I absorb the facts and study and all that rot and fail tests left and right...It's infuriating. Although in Western Lit it's been my own damn fault the last few tests since I was never able to get The Greek Tragedy book. But I do have Comedy and that's what we're doing next so I should be fine. I'm good at reading comprehension quizes for lit classes. I'm just terrible at any other kind. So far on those I haven't gotten any worse than a D...But they are the lowest D's you can get without getting an F >.< Stupid Monica.

BUT! I have a B+ in Drawing! Mostly cause with my first project I got a C or a D (I can't recall) but on my next three I got A's! I can only get one absence (or 3 more tardies. I have 6 >.<) before it starts taking my grade down though >.< Wish me luck on my last few weeks for that!

On a cute note I randomly remembered this little rhyme my gramma used to do with me when I was little (and did disturbingly recently to me when I fell asleep on the couch without socks on...) About the five little piggies!

Anyone else remember that?

WELL! Mikiko LOVES Piggies. In fact, that's what her boyfriend calls her. And she has cute little fuzzy piggy stickers, and clips, and she made them with origami...And she is AMAZING at drawing them. They are so cute!

So I yanked off my sock (she looked so nervous it was hilarious) and I showed her the 5 little piggies rhyme. It was worth the regression to my childhood. She thought you could rhyme about anything though!!!


It was cute. Next time I'll have to tell her the story about the 3 little pigs and the big bad wolf, yeah?

Regards from Purgatory,


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Giant Hotdogs, Sherlock Holmes, and Pink Hair

Hello all, yes I successfully went trick-or-treating :)

*sighs* I know, everyone told me it would go okay and I was STILL worried about it!

It was a total an utter fiasco, though. We were supposed to all meet at the Werner Center (at the center of campus) at 6 o'clock. I chose there because a couple people were coming from off campus so I though it fair to make residents AND them walk a bit :D

I had 14 people who were probably coming.

At 3:00 Anny called and said that she was having costume problems and Miki asked her to come over at 5 and we'd help her with her costume.

At 4:00 Kody texted and said he'd like to get dinner before we left and Miki told him at 5:30, thinking that we'd go to the dining hall since Anny would probably take a while anyways.

We probably should've just told him to go get dinner on his own. I mean, since when do girls adhere to schedules? 0.o

At 4:40 Pinkey called and said she was having costume problems too and wanted to know why she couldn't just wear normal clothes. I asked her to come over so we could help out and she said that she was waiting for Daisy (the only off campus girl coming) to make it to her house.

5 minutes later Anny called and said she'd be 15 minutes late.

15 minutes after 5 Kody showed up and was grumpy when he found out we couldn't go anywhere because Anny wasn't there and THEN we learned that he was actually expecting to go OUT for dinner. Is this the part where I laugh hysterically? there's no time for that!

At 5:30 Anny arrives with some strange costume I don't blame her for not wearing so Miki puts her in a Yukata. Of course that takes forever and THEN Kody finally figures out why I was laughing when he brought up food and the likes. Hell, I wasn't even expecting to be able to EAT last night. Seriously.

At a quarter till 6 I rush to the dining hall for food and snag some curly fries while calling Pinkey. Daisy has arrived and SHE doesn't have a costume either! I demand they come over immediately so I can sort them out.

They make it at 5 till 6 and Jocelyn calls me to find out where I am. I pass on the message that I will be late because of three costumeless girls (I've now been dressed for an hour) and that I'd be bringing plastic bags for candy.

I ask Miki where her camera and Sabrina is and she tells me Sabrina has it and that she's not coming. So Kody offers to go get HIS camera. It's now 10 after 6 and I tell him that we'll be done soon so he's welcome to go get his and that we'd meet at the Werner center.

I dig in Anny's bag of costumes and thrust a jamaican hat (braids and beads included) and an odd shirt at Daisy. Pinkey presents her (perfectly fine even though she says otherwise) costume to me and I thrust a skirt at her.

We shrug and call her a 50's girl.

Miki is wearing a floor length purple velvet princess dress with ballooning sleeves and a hot pink wig. I convince her to ditch the 3 inch heels. She agrees that they won't be fun for walking :)

We get another frantic call from Jocelyn and take off for Werner. We get there and are greeted by a huge crowd.

Somehow we picked up Sherlock Holmes. Don't get me wrong, I know the guy. In fact, I knew that he was dressing as Sherlock Holmes WEEKS ago cause we had breakfast together one morning. i.e. we sat at the same table while reading and eating and didn't pay much attention to each other :D

And earlier that evening Kody had exclaimed that he saw Sherlock Holmes walk by the building.

How he ended up in our group, I have no idea :) (HI Ross!) But I still get a kick out of how he appeared in the crowd in his trench and dear stalker with a pipe in his mouth and said "Hello!" all friendly like :D It was priceless.

There there was a blond girl who's name I STILL don't know wearing thick black makeup looking kinda goth that proceeded to pinch and pet me calling me cute 0.0

Excuse me while I run away with my tail between my legs!

She was accompanied by a boy that I didn't see much of. He just walked ahead of us a lot.

And then there's Jocelyn, dressed as Naruto, she waves and smiles at me. "About time!" She exclaims. Jonathan is dressed as a roman. kinda soldier-ish. It's neat. And he's not that surprised I'm late because he was in the dining hall when I ran in to grab those curly fries.

Which I never got to eat, really. Half of them were left in my room to get cold and slimy. When I got back I tossed them out.

And then there's Jocelyn's roommate, Kendra. She was a sexy vampire. I love her outfit. A corset type gothy dress with a foofy skirt to it. And it covered her boobs properly too. I'm tired of seeing girls hang out of their costumes. She was refreshing :)

Kody wasn't there.

We waited a few minutes. But it was already 20 after! So we called him, and then started walking. Of course, he didn't have his phone because he was dressed as a shadow and was COVERED in grease paint so couldn't really carry that type of thing.

We got one block down the street before all the asian girls stopped dead.

"Wait!" They cried. "Patricia is inside Werner! Let her catch up!"

Wait, who's Patricia? 2 blocks later a little girl trots up with a ridiculous witches cap with spiders hanging off of it and a large smile.

"Hallo Moe-nica! You are very tall today."

Why yes I am :) I was wearing boots and she's not all that tall in the first place :D

Not even a block later I notice that Miki is freaking out while on the phone and finally thrusts it at me.

"Kody is VERRY angry!" she exclaims.

I snag it and Kody says he'll catch up. Mkay.

We have a lot of ppl I notice. And I can't keep them together to save my life >.<

I guess Daisy's nickname for me is rather apt: Moe-ther Moe-nica

>.< So me and my baby ducklings head into town and run into...Jesus! Okay not really. That's actually Jonathon in his Roman outfit. And I think it was actually John the Baptist we ran into anyways.

Anyone remember those kids carnivals you used to go to/take your kids to? The ones with cakewalks? Well this one had holy ppl. But it was cool. They let us go through in a conga line and raid all the candy, go outside, and then come back in and play games. They said that they welcomed the company and wanted to do something nice for us since we were so nervous about our trick-or-treating expedition. I get the feeling that having 12 ppl on their doorstep (the weird guy in the headphones waited down the street) got other ppl coming in and that's what they really wanted.

Well, it bolstered our confidence at least!

So after that we were off. The 2nd or third house we went to the lady was outside lighting her pumpkins and turning on lights and didn't look friendly so I asked from a distance if we could trick-or-treat.....Well let's just say I told the girls that that lady wasn't passing out candy. I'm pretty glad that they didn't hear her. But Jonathon and Sherlock were pretty upset with her. I was a little, but I can live and let things be. Better to ask and be told no than to impose upon someone rudely, yeah?

Turned out we went to a sparse part of town (lotsa burbs though) where mothers pulled up to the curb, tossed 6 kids out, and then drove them down to the next house with a porchlight on. I much preferred walking with all my friends.

Most of the houses Jon knocked. Sometimes Kody did, And Sherlock did once or twice. And Daisy even tried once! She was so excited that she practically shouted "Trick-or-treat!" In a squealing voice. The lady was enthused. We had just let a little toddler dressed as a cowboy go first, and then WE knocked on the door and apparently we (and the kid) were the only ppl that had knocked all night. Of course it was just gone 7 by then. BUt I said we more than made up for it cause we had 12 ppl :D She was happy. Although as she was loading us with piles of candy each she admitted that if she wasn't so dissappointed she might not be humoring adults (who, us? :) ) and giving us candy.

I thanked her. She was nice and honest. And I told her that Miki, Daisy, Pinky, Anny, and Patricia had never had a Halloween before so she was doing a good deed :D

While we had been waiting for Mr. Cowboy at his first door we crossed the street. We stuck religiously to the porchlight rule and approached a big house with lights on inside and a bright porch. we knocked. hear nothing. waited. And then departed dissappointed. When we turned away from the lonely lady's house I saw the oddest thing.

"Jon!" I tugged on his armour. "Jon, look at that!"

"I know, right? Isn't the moon pretty? But you don't need to tell me to look, I'm already looking."

"No Jon! There is a door...walking across the street!"

And there was a rickety beaten up door was meandering across the street and reminded me oddly of a crab, or those crazy guys in the tube from chitty chitty bang bang, as it scurried towards us.

"The door has a sign! Quick girls it says knock!"

Everyone is stunned behind and twittering and Sherlock leaps forward "Let me!"

The door has muttering behind it. I hear things like "They read the door, yes they did! Well knock on the door, they're knocking! We're opening the door"

It was odd.

The door swung open and there were two crochety old ladies (quite literally) stooped in the door frame muttering like crazy ppl one with a pot and the other a pan waving them through the door chattering at themselves but still having a weird little conversations.

"Trick-or-treat!" We chorused Snagging candy from the pots and pans. We all giggled at the sight of hunched old ladies in shawls with crossed eyes and gnarly teeth. They were the best yet! And when we were all finished (which tool quite a while with pictures and such) They scurried right on back to the front door of the house that never answered the door!

I figure they felt bad and hunted us down cause from then on they had their fun door on their porch.

Near that place was a small complex. At the first door we tried twice but all we got was a cat in the window. The second had a beware sign in a hanging flower basket (petunias) that I didn't see until we left cause it had an awesome green porchlight. There was an elderly couple inside and the Old Man was tickled pink to have us at the door and had a running commentary for his wife since she couldn't see the door or get up. And he told her all about how kids were getting so big nowadays :D Jon was equally humored since he has a beard :D (he really does look like Jesus with his hair down, too)

That was fun. And by the time we left THAT door the first one had a lady standing in it so we sprinted over.

Down the line there was another where a poor young man answered. He was terrified of us and refused to pass us the candy, so we had to snag it ourselves. He was prolly 15, poor guy! :) Good chap though, gave us entire Reeses packets!

One of the earlier houses we went to, we were drawn to because of it's amazing yard. And as we got closer we realized that not only was it the only yard actually decorated in town (no joke, most had pathetic pumpkins or gravestones) they also had a haunted thing going on in their garage! They had a smoke machine and strobe lights (no wonder I woke up with a migraine this morning) and everything! That was pretty cool. We got a handful of candy there too.

There were other houses, but those were all the coolest. At a couple there were college students that a. recognized us or b. were just happy to see trick-or-treaters in general and were ecstatic that we were at their door. The former were sitting at their couch all dressed up with nowhere to go and I'm glad we made them smile. I think they needed it as much as that lonely lady. And when we were wrapping up (some of the girls were cold and it was 7:30 by then) we kinda ended up near that cranky ladies house again.

I'm standing on the corner arguing with Sherlock and Jon about whether it was her house or not cause she hadn't had orange lights or pumpkins out lady when we saw a guy dressed up as a hotdog (no joke) jamming himself in door.

"Hey Jon, isn't that the guy, that friend of yours that was at the Halloween dance with us the other night?"

Drifting down the street we can hear the hind end of an argument. Well, actually we can hear the lady bitching and the guy answering with great humor in his voice.

"Now now, I knocked, you answered, now hand over the candy! I won't leave your door until you do! Hey! Don't shut it on me!"

And as we watched she cursed him, gave him candy and slammed the door on him. It was priceless. I'm glad that she finally let an "adult" trick-or-treat even if she didn't want to. And I think she deserved it a little for being so mean. It's not like we were stealing from children! Although he certainly looked like it as he ran down the street before we could say hello....We ALWAYS let the kids go to the door first, and we didn't crowd them, we'd wait at the street. And unless the ppl shoved handfuls in our bags, we only took one piece a piece.

One lady had tangerines and Kiwis. I wish the tangerines were ripe...>.< Then it woulda been pretty cool!

Oh, Btw, I DID get to be a Cat School Girl. My cat ears came on saturday morning with the tail. I was so excited!

What did YOU do for Halloween?

Regards from Purgatory,