Monday, October 26, 2009

I've Changed My Mind

I have this odd thing where I actually like Mondays, right? They dawn dreary and crisp, I actually have motivation to go do things and I HAVE things to do. I get to see people, places to see, food to eat....*stomach grumbles*

But this morning I changed my mind.

For some odd reason, for the first time in a month I actually woke up when my alarm went off at 6. Since the blasted thing isn't actually MEANT to wake me up AT 6, I was annoyed. Stumbling into the frontroom, sleep in my eyes, I tried to wake up.

To no avail.

When I stood to get yogurt out of the fridge, open the door and almost fell (nearly pulling the damn fridge with me) I realized my actual problem: I wasn't sleepy, I have a migraine.

Reason number one.

Just great!

So I go out the door with 15 minutes to spare and stumble and trip and sway to the dining hall for a donut. It's a total and utter downpour outside.

Actually, it sounds like a typhoon now. Greeeeat.

Reason number two.

So I got down the back stairs out of the dining hall thinking to bike as fast as I can to class and blink.

I turn away, look back, and blink again.

My bicycle is gone.

Reason number 3.

Okay, so last time this happened I panicked and then realized that I had just left it at the Humanities building the day before after forgetting it and walking home. No big deal.

But as I'm standing there, blinking and muttering like an idiot I don't have any straws like that to grasp at. At the moment I stood at that empty rack I was absolutely certain that the last time I rode my bike was after dark round 7 on my way home from Anime club on Friday. I know I rode it up because I specifically remember not bothering to tie it up...


And I didn't bike anywhere this weekend either.

So I peer halfheartedly at a few other racks, cursing my laziness and stumble through the rain (head muzzy and pounding) to class. I resolve to check the classroom racks after class and get into the classroom just as the bell finishes ringing.

I couldn't focus to save my life. How the hell does 'bowling' equal 'dancing' anyways, Monica? 0.o

Seriously, take some sleep meds and go to bed. This is just ridiculous.

So after bitterly complaining about stupid bike thieves I morosely look at the racks. Nothing there. The fence. Nothing.

Wait...I turn back and peer into the far corner. Yes, that's my lock.

I sluggishly move towards my bicycle with it's bright red chain.

What are you doing here, old friend? I caress the bike and check to make sure it's registration number (so I can report it lost with Security) is still there and wonder at all the mud that's on it.

No, I definitely didn't leave it here. It's muddy, wet. And as I climb on it to coast down the street I curse.

Someone moved it to 2nd tier (presumable so it's easier to ride) but the fucked up thing about that, is that it's nearly impossible to get it OUT of 2nd tier and back into third. FUCK.

It's got 3 tiers, 7 gears for each. So that means 7 easy gears, 7 medium, and 7 hard.

Although in reality more like 17 or 18 of those work. But I know better than to set it to medium cause ever since I broke the gear shifter and some jack ass clipped my chain and cut my cables it's never shifted the same ever since. Of course it's got a new chain, new gear shifter AND new cables....

But it still doesn't stop it from being a jackass to me. I tried for a quarter mile and the blasted thing is still stuck.

So I've parked it back at home sweet home. And even locked it up this time. And if I catch anyone even glancing at it I'm gonna beat them for shifting the damn gears. And then some.

Thank God for lousy thieves that park what they've stolen at the owners main class building (I have 4 classes in there) :)

Regards from Purgatory, (all this blasted rain isn't helping me head. Goddammit quit sneezing!)


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