Tuesday, December 1, 2009

While I was Cleaning My Desk...

...I found my dorm contract. The contract I never signed. The contract I contacted my R.A. about to help me get another one and never got any results.

So I was looking at it, trying to figure out why I hadn't signed it in the first place....And realized that it was for 3 terms. Here's the tricky thing about the dorm contracts. If you have a single term you can switch it to a 3 term, no fees. If you have a 3 term...it's non transferrable. And if you break it you owe $7 a day for every day you don't live in the dorms.

It's a good thing I never signed that blasted thing back in September.

So I stormed the OUR office the day after I found it to see if I could get the problem fixed. I mean, heck! I paid $150 dollars non-refundable to get a single term contract, and I want that bugger. You know? So I went in and everyone was flabbergasted at what had happened. There was record of me paying the money, but I was never charged for it. So it got dumped into some general fund and paid for my classes (supposedly) so fun thing number 1. Now I owe $150 and it's NOT my fault.

Fun thing number two, they were shocked to learn I had no contract in my folder...Well duh! You gave me the wrong one and miss forgetful/coward lost it and avoided the office at all possible....Should've been a follow-up on me, I tell you.

So I had to sign a contract, Sign a Petition to get off campus, and rescue my roommate from the wolves. When I found the contract last night I told her what was up and she got the funniest look on her face. I found out why today when I bumped into her at the OUR:

They had made her sign a 3 term contract and we were planning on moving out together.

So she was in there signing a petition too and trying to get the fee waived since they had strong armed her into the contract she knew she didn't want....She was kind of upset to say the least.

I hope she doesn't have to pay the $7 a day. I sent her to the International Student building to see if her advisor could help. After that Miki was pretty upset and ran into her best friend Sabrina. Apparently Sabrina is willfully breaking the contract and told Miki that she figured in the $7 a day AND rent on an apartment and it still came up cheaper than dorm fees.

So Miki still wants to move out with me *sighs* Good :)

Regards from Purgatory,

1 comment:

  1. That is absolutely terrible! What about students who sign the three month thing, only stay for a term (like my puppy) and then moves out? I'm not sure which he signed but I don't want the &7 a day incurring for another two terms....sounds like a major rip-off! It's understandable if it was like one time penalty fee, but daily? Geeze. That's like seven hours of work being taken away. (>_>;)
