Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wednesday is for Frostbite. What?

It's bloody cold outside. So bloody cold outside, that it's...bloody cold outside :)

I took my Lit. Studies final yesterday. In about a half hour. But I'll talk more about it later. I will say that I feel pretty confident about it.

Took my Ling Final today, and surprisingly enough? I feel confident about THAT too! Which is weird considering I was a few pity points away from my D being an F on the last test....I KNOW these things! I study! I read! I go to groups! I write notes and listen to lectures!

And I still fail the tests >.<

Which is almost hysterical considering I'm in the 90th percentile on standardized tests, usually.

But it was pretty easy, surprisingly enough.

Miki has some secrets. Turns out she has some blank checks (account number included) squirrelled away from her bank. Which is neat. It means we didn't have to go get that much cash or get a cashiers check with the potentially wrong number written on it.

So we did the math and figured that with the rent and the deposit he quoted us the first month would be $1250. Not horrendous. So we wrote a check out for that and took off at 4:40 after I woke up from my several hour nap. Man, I needed that. I was groggy until the cold air hit me though >.<

We got there and called the manager and he was late. He's always late. :) It could become either annoying, or endearing I think.

Oh btw, Our application was accepted! *cheers*. We called him earlier in the day and he told us we had the apartment. :) It was neat. When we walked up the walk our door was open. A couple works were in there cursing in Spanish. I had to giggle :) But I DID wonder what they were doing if they had been supposed to finish everything on Tuesday.

The manager got in and he showed us the little things they needed to finish up and how clean they had made it. I was impressed, Miki likes to look at the little things though...(like the squeaky drawers and their loose handles) so I could see her lips pursed in concentration. I HOPE that's just her thinking about cleaning and not about torturing the manager into doing all sorts of odd jobs for us >.<

The contract was pretty straight forward. The kicker though? Officially, it says no pets except for therapy animals. The real deal? He says that only DOGS aren't allowed. That cats are :)

Thank the Gods! I would've argued that one to death considering he allows KIDS there and I guess the last tenants kids demolished the walls (I gathered that from the 10 minute lecture on how the new paint was easier to clean) and Cats aren't always as destructive as children, you know?

I'm a little nervous about taking Ryou away from Gramma, AND about how in the world she's going to get down here....

Now that I think about it, how are my fish getting fed while I'm gone for Christmas? My beta can travel with...And I think the Plecostomus (Mr. P) will have plenty to clean if I fail to clean the cage before I leave (which I really REALLY need to do so maybe not) but the danny-os? I don't think they can be left for 2 weeks...

Crap! I don't want to derail holiday plans because of FISH! *bangs head against wall*

So I can have the cat. We got a copy of the contract so I'll show it to the family etc. but I'm fairly certain I understood everything and it all seemed reasonable to me. Actually, it had the least legal jargon I've ever seen in any sort of Contract.

I has a key.

Only one. He replaced the door so Alfredo only had the 2 keys that came with the new doorknob. But he says he'll make a copy and give us a second one, that we don't need to do that but that we CAN if we want to.

Oh, and btw? Mister Alfredo is also a Fireman :) Those fire detectors better be replaced by tomorrow or I'll be upset...

SO! Also the first month's rent was prorated and the deposit less than he quoted. Which was amazing. It also meant Miki had to write another check >.<

$445 for the first month at $550 for deposit. Another $25 if I decide to bring Ryou. Miki says I should :)

So tomorrow we have to go to City Hall (small town) to get electricity. The $100 deposit made Miki wince. But Monmouth has the best electricity rates in the state (little known fact) so I think we'll be fine. Specially since we're college students and we won't be there constantly, you know? I AM looking forwards to having enough space to invite people over without stowing them in my bedroom. Lemme rephrase that. Enough space that they won't bother Miki if they're in the living room and my OWN living room so I don't have to stow them in my room like I had to do back at home. Don't get me wrong, I had a fairly good sized room. In the basement >.<

Anyone have a t.v. larger than my 17 inch one I can have so that we can watch movies? :D

Oh, and there's no curtain rod for the shower. Did I mention this already? Well Miki and I noticed it last night. So I asked Alfredo. He said "That's not something we provide" and I believe him because even underneath the new paint there aren't any holes in the wall from an old one. But he said that at the old hardware down the street (coincidentally a few doors down from City Hall....) has those easy to install spring type ones or whatever and that that will service us just fine.

They better not cost a lot =.=

We still need cookware. Anyone have any spare pots and pans? :D

Regards from Purgatory,


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