Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Jack Frost

Go away.

No really Jack. You are ruining my life. Don't get me wrong. My most favorite time of year is the part when it's so cold it won't even rain and it's super cold and dry outside. BUT I have super poor blood circulation so even though I was only out in the cold for 30 seconds to bicycle from my class to the library I can't feel my fingers.

You evil evil man.


And lemme tell ya, I HATE those magic stretch gloves. I have long and slender fingers so they are super uncomfortable.

Anyone got anything nice? Like something fuzzy or fur lined? *puppy dog eyes* I'm tired of spraining my wrists by sitting on my hands all the time....Although I don't have to do that at home. I am aware that since Miki and my thermometer is above the heater on the window it prolly isn't all that accurate for the whole room.

But it averages about 80 degrees. THANK GOD I'm living with someone who likes heat as much as I do.

It's going to be torture when I move out. You know....The dreaded electricity bills and everything. I wonder how much I can conserve? I hardly ever use lamps anyways >.<


Regards from Purgatory,


Monday, October 26, 2009

The Last Straw

...That Broke the Camel's Back.

Reason Number 4:

When I tried to get my bike out of that gear on my way to Lingustics....

My chain fell off.

Excuse me while I go pull a Garfield and hunt down Monday for ruining my life =.=

I've Changed My Mind

I have this odd thing where I actually like Mondays, right? They dawn dreary and crisp, I actually have motivation to go do things and I HAVE things to do. I get to see people, places to see, food to eat....*stomach grumbles*

But this morning I changed my mind.

For some odd reason, for the first time in a month I actually woke up when my alarm went off at 6. Since the blasted thing isn't actually MEANT to wake me up AT 6, I was annoyed. Stumbling into the frontroom, sleep in my eyes, I tried to wake up.

To no avail.

When I stood to get yogurt out of the fridge, open the door and almost fell (nearly pulling the damn fridge with me) I realized my actual problem: I wasn't sleepy, I have a migraine.

Reason number one.

Just great!

So I go out the door with 15 minutes to spare and stumble and trip and sway to the dining hall for a donut. It's a total and utter downpour outside.

Actually, it sounds like a typhoon now. Greeeeat.

Reason number two.

So I got down the back stairs out of the dining hall thinking to bike as fast as I can to class and blink.

I turn away, look back, and blink again.

My bicycle is gone.

Reason number 3.

Okay, so last time this happened I panicked and then realized that I had just left it at the Humanities building the day before after forgetting it and walking home. No big deal.

But as I'm standing there, blinking and muttering like an idiot I don't have any straws like that to grasp at. At the moment I stood at that empty rack I was absolutely certain that the last time I rode my bike was after dark round 7 on my way home from Anime club on Friday. I know I rode it up because I specifically remember not bothering to tie it up...


And I didn't bike anywhere this weekend either.

So I peer halfheartedly at a few other racks, cursing my laziness and stumble through the rain (head muzzy and pounding) to class. I resolve to check the classroom racks after class and get into the classroom just as the bell finishes ringing.

I couldn't focus to save my life. How the hell does 'bowling' equal 'dancing' anyways, Monica? 0.o

Seriously, take some sleep meds and go to bed. This is just ridiculous.

So after bitterly complaining about stupid bike thieves I morosely look at the racks. Nothing there. The fence. Nothing.

Wait...I turn back and peer into the far corner. Yes, that's my lock.

I sluggishly move towards my bicycle with it's bright red chain.

What are you doing here, old friend? I caress the bike and check to make sure it's registration number (so I can report it lost with Security) is still there and wonder at all the mud that's on it.

No, I definitely didn't leave it here. It's muddy, wet. And as I climb on it to coast down the street I curse.

Someone moved it to 2nd tier (presumable so it's easier to ride) but the fucked up thing about that, is that it's nearly impossible to get it OUT of 2nd tier and back into third. FUCK.

It's got 3 tiers, 7 gears for each. So that means 7 easy gears, 7 medium, and 7 hard.

Although in reality more like 17 or 18 of those work. But I know better than to set it to medium cause ever since I broke the gear shifter and some jack ass clipped my chain and cut my cables it's never shifted the same ever since. Of course it's got a new chain, new gear shifter AND new cables....

But it still doesn't stop it from being a jackass to me. I tried for a quarter mile and the blasted thing is still stuck.

So I've parked it back at home sweet home. And even locked it up this time. And if I catch anyone even glancing at it I'm gonna beat them for shifting the damn gears. And then some.

Thank God for lousy thieves that park what they've stolen at the owners main class building (I have 4 classes in there) :)

Regards from Purgatory, (all this blasted rain isn't helping me head. Goddammit quit sneezing!)


Sunday, October 25, 2009


So I know that a few people here and there read my blog...but now i have 4 followers! *cheers* of course I am very sad about one because she hasn't updated her equally interesting blog in AGES :(

But....A holiday is coming soon!

Yes, I am distracting myself from murdering squirrels. I almost trod on one by...accident, on my way to the library in fact. I'm a bit irritated because I need to use a tracing table (I'm about to go upstairs and see if I can get away with using the large windows upstairs ....) And I KNOW that there are people in the art building, I can see the lights, but the doors are LOCKED.

Which is lame because I am a serious art student but evidently not serious enough to get a fob (electronic key) to get into the building. That irritates me more than a little really. But I'm just an art minor *shrugs* so what can I do?

So here I am, in the library (am supposed to be writing a paper)...Hold on. This guy keeps putting his phone on the table and if it vibrates one more time you'll see an article in the paper about a girl committing homocide in the library in front of 50 witnesses.

Okay, better. But if he keeps tapping his damn fingers I can't make any promises =.=

So yeah, Halloween.

Better start at the beginning, shall I?

I decided, rather off the beaten path, that I wanted to be a kitty girl for Halloween. At this point that might not happen, but still. So I went onto Ebay looking for the least expensive but not too crappy ear and tail set I could find....Found One! Found the right buyer without too terribly bad of a shipping rate...even better!

So I hit "Order" And then thought nothing of it. I get the feeling that the college takes things hostage when I send them out, but they are good at getting things TO me.

But a couple days later...I got curious. So I clicked random buttons trying to figure out how and when my package was getting to me.

Hmm...No tracking number. *shrugs* No biggy! Okay, what day was it shipped? mkay...the 12th. Today! YAY! 'here' to ask the Seller how long it will take.

Well, at first it just sent me to a FAQ which said....

Seller is shipping from Hong Kong. Usually ships within 2 days of purchase, item will arrive in 5-21 days.


So I had to find a backup.

So as this fiasco is going on I am slowly but surely eliminating Halloween type things I can do. Bought a small pumpkin after Pinky's dinner last Wednesday. Can't have candles in dorm and it's kinda small anyways.


The Halloween dance this thursday I SO wanted to go to? (or is it on the 27th?) Either way, it is on the night of my drawing class. Which ends at 9 =.=


Movie? 27th. Night of Drawing.


Pumpkin carving? 27th.


Homecoming Football game on the 31st: Have no money.

Check. (wouldn't wanna go anyways)

Trick-or-treating: Aren't you too old?


If I bloody well wanna go Trick-or-treating, then I will. It's not like I'm gonna go lobbing eggs at peoples houses. Although if I have more than one person tell me That it's "wrong" for me to want to Trick-or-treat...I MIGHT.


Seriously ppl! I haven't had an amazing holiday and God knows how long. I WANT ONE so bad.

One year for Halloween I spent bawling because my mum yelled at me for no reason. Another I was out until super late on a mandatory Cross Country run. May I say that my night vision SUCKED at the time (better glasses help) and I almost ran down a little ghost, pumpkin, and I knocked over a Princess?

I could hear her crying all the way down the street. >.<;;; I won't go into the rest. But I am determined to dress up and Go Out. And I have lots of foreign friends that want to too. Do you think we can do it? I DO! And I don't want anyone telling me otherwise. We're a bunch of girls looking to giggle and have fun, BIG DEAL! Where I lived, you'd see groups of adults with no children in sight going from door to door. So There.


Case and Point.

So yes, foreign friends.

I have to say that explaining holidays and traditions I've never thought anything of is not my most favorite thing in the world, seriously.
Thanksgiving just sounds stupid. Good thing I didn't have to explain the Candy thing. But I DID have to explain the Jack-o-Lantern thing.

Btw, I made a Jack-o-lantern!

The girls (Sabrina, Miki, Pinky, Daisy, and I) planned to have dinner and watch movies last night (Sabrina had to bail last minute for a play) and afterwards we went to Waremart and got pumpkings.

I literally spent the morning cleaning my room to find change under my bed for THAT one. Which is a shame. I have money on my Paypal, which I've been using for textbooks, but for some reason it blocked my bankaccount so I can only use it online >.< Shame.

I DID find change though. And bought a bigger pumpkin for 84 cents :)

Miki had to go home and study, But Daisy and I went to Pinky's and proceeded to demolish her kitchen. Of course, practical person that I am, I stole newspapers from downstairs at the "encouraging reading station" and layered them on the kitchen table :)

Sorry WOU! :P

Mine isn't all that cool, I don't think. Daisy's is WAY cooler, can you tell which is which?

:D Pinky didn't wanna do hers. She cringed when she saw us using flimsy knives (they were pretty sharp though) and spoons to scrape out the junk.

She's waiting for her roomie to come home with her pumpkin carving supplies. Wimp :)

Miki was excited too, I sent her all the photos and I could hear her giggling in the other room.

I tried baking the pumpkin seeds and I thought they were done...but the insides are still green so I'm thinking not. Do you think it'd hurt to bake them again? 0.o

Soo....The cat ears still haven't come. Contacted the Seller day before yesterday and they confirmed that they had shipped on the 12th and that the items should've been here in 10 days.

Am I hallucinating? Or has it been longer than 10 days? Mayeb WOU is holding my incoming package hostage...If My package is stuck in customs, I really WILL kill someone.

So I saw a sign for a costume sale...From the drama club. Old costumes from plays they didn't want anymore. It said 5 or 10 dollar donations. I figured "donations, yeah? I can donate 5 dollars maybe. And if I don't have enough, big deal yeah?"

Turns out they weren't asking, they were extorting. I saw a pants and top, hated the pants, and substituted a short skirt with it. And was charged 10 dollars. I wanted to be livid, but I just handed over my last nine dollars (goodbye food)

And went to class 20 minutes late feeling like an idiot.

Specially since the only reason why I was late was cause class started at 2 and I thought the sale started at 2 as well, turned out it started at 1 >.<;;;;


So I DID get a costume though! And it'll still work with or without the cat ears :)

I'm gonna be a sailor fuki japanese school girl! *squeals*

I'm so excited. Aren't you guys? Might get to see pictures....;)

So that's this holiday in a nutshell. Whatcha think, my cat ears will make it?

Should I trick-or-treat prudes with sticks up there *coughs* be damned?

Regards from Purgatory,


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Food Plan

Ever wonder how poor college students eat while living in dorms? Well here's the kick: they force you to spend money you don't have and buy a meal plan while you're on campus. What's a meal plan, you ask? It's an amount of money you have on account that you use to buy your food on campus. It's kinda convenient, really. You swipe your i.d. card and WHAMMO.

You have food.

And if you use the plan, you get everything wholesale. Don't get me wrong. Everything is rather inexpensive regardless. But with my handy dandy card I get a grilled cheese for 60 cents.

Before I came here, I never knew where my next meal would be coming from. When you don't eat enough, your stomach starts to shrink. Even though I was still mostly hungry all the time, it took far less than it should to fill me up. In fact, whenever I ate my stomach would get upset and tell me that I had fed it more than enough, no matter how little I ate.

When I came here, I had 3 meals a day. THREE MEALS A DAY! I mean, I quickly became bored/disgusted with my choices. But I was ecstatic, you know?

As a consequence, I have now spent too much money on food. I think I've averaged anywhere between 4 and 10 dollars a day. Which isn't that bad. If I was going out into the real world and buying food everyday, that'd be relatively cheap for 3 meals a day.

But here, obviously not.

I didn't have the smallest plan, but it isn't that much. My plan started out with $225. I officially have $73 left and it's the 4th week of school. I did the math. To be able to stretch that, I'll have to keep it down to 2 dollars a day. FUCK!

According to the chart I should still have $130 left at the end of this week. That means I've spent $60 more than I should've. I'm such a retard. So I might have been used to not eating much, but now that I've gotten used to regular meals, I'm not sure what to do. I did without breakfast this morning, and got the smallest lunch I could, and now I have $1 left for dinner.


I can get a grilled cheese, that's about it.

I mean, There are some times I eat less that others, and some times when a friend feeds me, and of course I'll be gone for a few days for Thanksgiving...But this means no more snacks when my tummy starts to ache at night (which it does even when I've had three large meals) and no more filling up my appetite. This BITES. I've finally been gaining the weight back I lost from my horrible eating habits since January, and now that's going to go down the tube.

Life sucks.

Regards from Purgatory,
Monica (i'm hungry!)


So readers (the few I assuredly have) I know that it's a bit early to be thinking on this.

But I'm just SO excited!

As you should know (by now) Mikiko is a Japanese exchange student. Do you know what I've just learned?

She's never had a Thanksgiving.


Okay, so it's not that big of a deal, and the explaining the holiday part was a little painful, actually. Mostly because I don't think I've ever realized just how ridiculous the story IS.

I mean, we've all been raised on that Indian taught the Pilgrims idea (is it just me or do the stereotypical pictures usually show Quakers? 0.o) but I've never had to explain it to someone before. It felt rather surreal when I started with "Well a long long time ago before there were Americans in America (wow that sucked) they didn't know how to grow anything so had to ask the Indians for help......"

I'm not sure if I could've botched up that story anymore if I had tried.

Although after learning that there is a book called Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, I'd bet good money I could accomplish it.

So I tossed everything into the wind and invited Mikiko to my house for dinner, as I would any good friend. I've yet to figure out how this works. Mikiko and I get along a bit like two Lovers living together, and then at the same time we're perfect strangers and it shows at odd moments.

But I would a time turner everyday to see the look of surprise joy on her face when I invited her. Even if it was ruined a few seconds later when her expression screwed up to ask me what Thanksgiving was :D


Her mum, as Miki puts it, is excited enough for both of us. I guess that Miki has somehow put it that I've taken her under her wing. Which I don't mind. Miki has friends, and goes out and does things herself during the day, but each night we come home and we always have interesting discussions.

They've started small, but slowly we talk about things, and concepts, and words. We talked about illegal and legal today. And when you say yes or no to "don't you like this?" "Do you like this?"

You would have no idea how many people respond incorrectly to the first. According to Linguistics a double negative is okay. But answering "Don't you like this?" with "No, I like it" is just WRONG! :p

So I even found a ride up to Astoria at least for us. I should be able to get us home from their. I know the area, it's no problem. We are leaving on Wed the 25th of November and I am SUPER excited!!! *cheers*

Miki is super surprised that we get "so much" time off for it. oddly enough someone told me the holiday lasts until the 30th. which is on a Monday, I think. Does that mean we have that day off? Or we're returning that day? 0.o

I think my family is glad I am bringing her with. I wouldn't want to leave Miki behind you know. But I like including her in some American things. I like the idea of her telling her future family about her adventures and the things she learns. Makes me feel warm inside.

Well, maybe next time I'll backtrack and talk about Halloween!

Regards from Purgatory,

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Yes, I am well aware that my title is spelled wrong, and I shall assure my readers right away that it is quite deliberate :)

So this morning I am not entirely certain why I woke up. It was dark, and quiet, and it took a few minutes for me to realize that Miki was even up. I squinted into the living room, and saw a bit of light, but for the most part it was very dark. I debated about going to sleep until I realized that there were explosion sounds outside. I listened to several (while huddling under the covers) and my brow wrinkled in confusion.

What the heck?

I listened harder and realized that it was pouring down rain outside.

The explosion sounds...were they from construction? I frowned. No, today is Saturday. But still, it sounds like a bloody wrecking ball is hitting the building!

I hear another 3 Kabooms that shake the building and echo and my Yuffie wall scroll swings off the wall onto my head.

Outside the rain gets louder and several girls scream and I hear a siren from very close by.


Something glows from Miki's pillow and I realize her phone is going off.

"Mikiko?" I call and she emerges from the bathroom to see what's the matter. I peer at the clock and realize it's 10:30. When's the last time I slept in that long? That can't possibly be the time.

"Miki you're phone is going off. Is it raining out?"

She nods distractedly as 2 more Kabooms shake the house and I hide under the covers.

That's it, I have to see.

I put on clothes and run out to the balconey to see the entire word is gray. Almost like mist, but not quite low enough. I'm shocked to realize that things look odd because I've never seen rain fall properly before. The valley doesn't have much wind.

Another boom hits with a crackle and a rumble and more screaming of girls and I realize what's been happening:

It's a bloody thunderstorm.


I don't think I've seen one of those during the day in a long time. The last time was either when I was a sophmore or junior in High School and it was super dark outside and the power went out. This was while I was IN school btw.

So yeah, there are thunderstorms here.


Regards from Purgatory,

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Mighty Spill

It's been getting colder and colder everyday. In fact, I've been wearing honest to goodness sweaters under my sweatshirts and fleece lined pants for almost a week now. Which is why when I wanted to go to library on Sunday I gave up the ghost and took my bicycle instead. Now the library isn't that far. Across the parking lot and one block up College Street pretty much. But it was COLD so I didn't want to be out in it. And I was irritated. I had gotten a library statement one day after my DVDs were due (which I never got to watch) so I returned them and 4 days later I got an overdue notice saying they were 5 days overdue! I had turned them in!

So I peddled over there as fast as I could and jammed my bike into the rack (who's gonna steal that hunk of junk, anyways? Note that I registered it with security just in case even though I never lock it up....) I ran up the stairs and looked on the shelves.

My DVD's weren't there. Shit!

I came around a corner and spotted Mikiko studying by the window. I paused a moment, then my memory spun back to when I left the dorm. I posted a new cheap whiteboard (you can tell cause it's already falling apart >.<) for us to leave notes for eachother and she had left a cute drawing of a pig (she loves pigs!) reading in the library to let me know that's where she was.

So I snuck up on her and went BOO!

I think she was disappointed when she found out that I was there to track down the DVDs, not to read. But I read all the time at home, Mikiko! :)

So I stomp down the stairs and accost the checkout librarian. The look on her face and her words when I mention what movies they were confirms that THEY are the ones that fucked up.

NOT ME!!!!!!!!!!


So I pedal home as fast as I can. This is the one day this week it hasn't rained btw. So I go in front of the Physical Plant and go over a speed bump and then turn to get on the sidewalk to park my bike at the Dining Hall.

Well I guess I was in mid air when I turned my bicycle. I don't turn the tire like most, I lean into it. So the bike landed at an angle and as it crumpled together I threw myself off.

Which was actually pretty darned awesome.

I hit the ground like you are supposed to. Smack the ground with your hands and forearms and then roll to keep impact from breaking something. Still knocked myself about pretty bad though. And as I'm wheezing on the ground saying I'm okay the lady chattering at me changes tacts and starts scolding me about not wearing a helmet >.<

It was great for an adrenaline rush, though!

So I'm covered in scrapes and bruises, and my knees finally stopped swelling enough that I can walk. But I doubt that I will be able to model for a while >.<

It was still worth the look on Miki's face when I came home with bloody bandages all over!

Regards from Purgatory,


The Bathroom

Now I know that most college students don't have their own bathroom, so with that I will tell you that I find mine very precious.

Not precious as in cute, but precious as in dear to me :)

I think that was one of the first things that turned my thinking around to wanting to live with a roommate. Besides Mikiko of course :)

It's an okay bathroom. Kinda reminds me of a hall, really. Makes me glad I'm a fairly slender person. When you first enter the door opens inward. Which means it's usually more practical to shut it behind you. Of course, it's perfectly willing to help with that and quite often tries to take ones fingers off. But even though it closes at a high rate of speed it NEVER actually closes. It slams to a close and then....stops.

Pet Peeve number one: A heavy door to the bathroom you have to carefully shut so you don't kill yourself.

If you try closing it carefully by turning the knob and closing it, it'll drag you across the floor and slam shut. If you let it go it never closes properly. If you let it go, then half turn the knob to shut it it yanks out of your hand with the loudest sound ever and wakes your cute little roommate shut.

There's no winning with that thing. Now if you've survived with all limbs and your back is to the door there is a tile wall right at your left shoulder. it has little hooks for towels and three light switches. one that lights the hole room, a dim one over the sink, and oddly enough one actually in the shower.

I like the mood lighting it creates to turn on the one in the shower and above the sink and then take a shower and get it all steamy in there :)

On the same wall as the door at your left elbow is a tall slender cupboard. Waste of space really. It's got a bit of room at the bottom, and a shelf up top, and then approximately 6 feet of wasted space. Shame.

So when I arrived I put my detergent in there thinking it was a good place. Miki put hers in there too so it was cool! And then I put my tampons in there.....Dunno what it is about that blasted cupboard but I swear it sucks the smell out of our detergent. Everytime I open the door it is a positive WAVE of perfume that practically bowls me over.

My tampons are now scented >.<

In front of the cupboard is a green mat. This mat is in front of our shower door. I think the shower is pretty neat. It's got a glass door with the lame wimpy metal handle but then it's set into the bathroom. It's good sized. maybe...3-4 feet by 3-4 feet and there is plenty of room above my head. That's a nice change. My shower at home....well if I straightened all the way my hair would brush the ceiling and I used to bash my knuckles while scrubbing my hair all the time :)

The only problem, is that the damn shower head is too short. WTF. I'm not the only 6 feet tall person on campus! No way in Hell! There are PLENTY of ppl taller than I. Girls, probably not. Mostly men. But the rooms in Gentle aren't girl/guy designated. so BLAH.

It's a cool shower though. All tile. Thankfully this summer they finally got around to spraying some sort of rubber on the floor so it's now non-slip. :D

Okay, stop admiring my shower and step back to the door. Take two steps forward and look to your left. There is a small hallway, about....4 steps back there is a toilet. If your claustrophobic, don't attend college. >.<;;;

Look behind you. There's my sink!

Oh, btw, the shower has some weird water problem. The Hot water won't even out unless you have it open all the way. But if it's open all the way it bloody well takes your skin off with the pressure. So I usually spend most of my shower groping behind me with soapy hands having to tweak the faucet or the millionth time.

Now for the sink. It is also pressurized. I didn't realize until yesterday that neither Miki or myself EVER turn the faucet on all the way. I was a little distracted and needed to wash my tea cup out so I turn on the faucet......Water was literally dripping from the mirror and wall and I was positively drenched. Mikiko giggled :D

Above our sink are those ghetto shelf things set under the mirror. You know, with the dinky sliding doors where one will only open if the other is shut? Yeah, Miki and I don't put very much in there really.

But that's not all.

When Miki is sleeping I don't see the need to turn on all the lights in the middle of the night, so I enter the bathroom in the dark. That's fine. Once I'm in there I turn the light on, cause compared to the room it's pretty damned dark in there. One night I didn't turn it on rightaway and saw something extremely creepy:

I can see into my neighbors bathroom.

No joke. There's a pretty good sized gap in the caulking between my floor and wall, and I can see the light streaming through from the other side. And their shadow.

It was when the person on the otherside started singing Opera that I realized why Miki is almost paranoid about keeping the door shut.

I never realized how much that damned fortress door blocked out!

Don't get me wrong, the girl's not bad at singing at all. Actually I'm quite jealous of her Vibrato. BUT it was after midnight and quite loud.

So I shut the door religiously now too.

Pet Peeve number two: A non-private private bathroom. I'm positive they can hear everything we do through there as well.

So I've learned. Keep the door shut and you won't hear what's on the other side. BUT If you're in there, you can hear EVERYTHING. I can hear Miki in the living room typing, humming her singsongs, and tapping her desk droor in that annoying fashion she has when she has no idea she's doing it.

I can hear everything they do next door. AND the bathroom echoes everything.


But :) We never have to worry about running out of toilet paper! (And we have a cleaning lady come in once a week that is really super nice)

Regards from Purgatory,


Saturday, October 10, 2009

When you're alone, you're alone.

Mikiko went out to a friend's for dinner tonight. Well okay, she went out and came back 20 minutes later for sugar, then 20 minutes after that someone came back for the soy sauce >.<

Sounds like no one was prepared to MAKE that dinner, huh? LOL

So I was thinking, normally I like to spend my nights alone. No big deal, right? I like my privacy. Mikiko gives me a LOT of privacy, I always know that she's there, but it doesn't bother me. It's not like a gnat buzzing in my ear. It's like my cat prowling around.

Usually I pay attention when I wish, and ignore when I don't.

It's nice having someone who does things and is quiet but busy. Makes me feel a little lacking...But I think we complement each other in some weird way!

So just a few minutes ago I was thinking that I was a little lonely. Why do you ask? Well first I almost started crying for no reason, and then I started laughing hysterically at a TERRIBLE joke. Terrible as in it wasn't really a joke at all and I don't think the author meant it to be humorous....And then it took me a few minutes to realize that I was currently talking to myself.

How did I finally notice that last one? Well, I'd have to say around when I started shouting at myself >.<

Really truly.

I don't think the person who implemented the rule that says you can be as loud as you like between 5 and 10 or something or rather had THAT in mind! (nor do I think they had my opera singing neighbor in mind >.<)

But just as I decided to cure my loneliness and write a blog, who arrives home with a smile?

MIKIKO!!!!! Yay! My salvation!

I leap up in anticipation for a story, and turn off my music, and what do I get?

"Moenica! Don't turn it off! I want to listen too!"

I smile, and obey, because Miki's home and all is good :)

Regards from Purgatory, hundreds of miles from home,

Living in Purgatory

So far I haven't had too many problems sleeping. The couch might look totally weird, but I've even slept on that. Even though my 6 ft frame drapes off of it, it's relatively comfortable. I actually LIKE the mattress on my bed. It's firm but comfy.

But there are several problems I am quickly realizing. 1. I have a twin sheet. I have twin blanket. No matterr what the hell I do, they never stay on. The twin mattress cover is BIGGER Than the mattress so it gets pulled off while I'm sleeping! The blankets just kind of....slide off. They are interested in being tucked in one whit.

2. Then there are the plug-ins. Obviously they've designed them to be at "convenient height". Whoever decided waist high on the length side of your bed was a good idea should be SHOT. Right now that's the only plug-in I have anywhere near my bedside table so I have an extension cord plugged in, but everytime my blanket catches on the plug my clock resets to midnight. That's frustration to a new degree, lemme tell ya! Also, I had to string the cord around the top of my bed and connect the other plugs where my pillows go. You can imagine the problems THERE. One of these days I'm going to wake up with my pillow or my hair on fire or something.

Now I know that someones going to say "But aren't those beds adjustable in height?" Sure they are! Miki and the ex third roommates are set relatively high. bout halfway as high as they can go and even I have to stand on tiptoe a bit to sit on them. Mine on the other hand is as LOW as it can go, which I like, and if I adjusted it higher it would eclipse the darned plug-in entirely.

So this is a lose lose situation.


Regards from Purgatory,

Thursday, October 8, 2009

They Really Are Taking over the World

I'd have to say that the first incident I had with the alien from outerspace happened the first week I was here, and was likely around the same time that Mikiko left for a couple of days. The monday after I arrived she went on a trip and didn't come back until Tuesday night.

So sometime during that interim, I was home alone and I heard a weird sound outside the door.

Tick. Tick. Tack. THUMP.

So I wrenched open the door. Nothing. Couldn't see a single person in sight. The only thing out there was a squirrel chittering out in the tree. An odd looking squirrel, admittedly. It was large, and was brown AND gray. So it didn't look like the darned gray squirrels we have at home that are nonindigenous. And neither did it look like the cute little redbellied brown squirrels we have at home either.

I shut the door on it's screaming, and went back to trying to bash my computer into submission.

Then the sounds started AGAIN. Along with the squirrel screaming getting louder. WTF was going on!

So I wrenched open the door just in time to see the squirrel in the middle of the lawn chucking nuts and rocks at a door a couple floors before me. So I screamed at it. Then I realized I had my camera in my hands, so I proceeded to annoy it by incessantly taking photos of it.

Oh boy that got it mad.

It ran up a tree and started screaming LOUDER and now it was chucking things at ME! How dare it!

So I put my telephoto lense on my camera and started taking up close and personal shots just to get on its nerves.

After 20 minutes we were at a standstill, and both of us retreated.

We would meet again.

The second time I was leaving the bookstore on campus, and bumped into Mikiko. It was a normal meeting of girls. The squealing of names, what are you doing here, where are you going. And then we decided to walk back home together. As we were talking, we walked by a tree. I was closest to it (and by default the flower border) and was forced to stop in my tracks.

There was a squirrel. Right there in front of my foot. it was 6 inches away. And I swear it was mocking me. Seriously. It sat there, looked up at me and said "Move, bitch." I really wanted to kick it. I scowled at it, and shuffled closer, and it still held it's ground. Then it started chittering at me!

So Miki stopped, looked over and said "How cuuuute!"

Not cute. NOT CUTE! Squirrels are evil.

Don't get me wrong, I loved them as a kid. In face, I usually love them now too. I HAVE a squirrel so I can't hate them. Yes, you heard me, I have a squirrel. And since this is a blog about college, you don't get the full story. But let's just say I hand raised a baby squirrel and the little terror runs in a rat wheel all day long and chucks things at me when her water runs out. Squirrels have tempers, you know. And before you ask if she's sweet on me, I'll tell you this. Chulee hates all humans, she just hates me a smidgeon less :)

So back to that thrice blasted squirrel. I can hear him out there screaming as I write this, by the way. No joke. It is SO annoying!

This morning he sat on the lawn and screamed at me the entire time I tromped down the stairs and threw more things at me as I walked across the lawn.

Stupid Varmint.

Then this afternoon as I was walking...somewhere, I can't remember where. I heard something in the low shrub in the border next to me. I thought a person was cutting across it so I looked. There was no one. Anyone. I was totally alone. I looked around, and then I heard it again!

I looked down, and brave as you please this squirrel was digging in the bushes. He occasionally snuck looks at me like he thought he was being subtle. But I saw him.

The Aliens have a watch on me.

I'm thinking about sending home for my .22 so I can shoot one of these buggers. Anyone know if doing that is illegal in the state of Oregon?

Regards from Purgatory,

Monica (No he was not Foamy, I promise.)

The End of the World

I can't even recall which morning this was. But I think it started when classes started, the morning of the 28th. I woke at exactly 6:58 to our entire building shuddering. And my first thought was:

It's the end of the world.

Now don't take me wrong! I'm not chicken little :) BUT I know the difference between a building shuddering for odd reasons and an earthquake. Don't ask me how, I've only been in one earthquake that I've noticed but I can tell the difference.

So the building is shaking and shuddering and I'm hiding under the covers debating if it's armageddon and whether or not classes would be canceled when I heard Mikiko shut the window with a snap and the beeping stopped.

"Miki? Did you just shut the window?" I ask groggily.

"Moe-nica! I didn't wake you up, did I?"

"No, did you shut the window?"

"Yes, I left it open and the construction is LOUD."

Well that explains that.

But EVERY MORNING SINCE they've been shaking the building (how can they DO that when they're just digging in another lot?) and fucking BEEPING. The beeping drives me nuts. There are lots of different kinds. The backing up beeping, the hysterical beeping of one of the cab machinery as it swings around, the beeping of several other electronic devices....The SQUEALING OF TIRES!

It's been driving me to distraction. Last Thursday was my first and only day to sleep in, no such luck. In theory today should've been too, but I have homework to do and I didn't think I could sleep through the blasted noise.

I was right.

I don't even need my alarm clock nowadays. If people ask me how I wake up so early in the morning, it's because....

The world is ending :)

Regards from Purgatory,


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Dreaded Third Roommate

I moved in on Sunday the 20th, if you remember. By Wednesday, Mikiko and I were still new to each other, but we had routines and got along fairly well for total strangers.

Actually, we live together better than I think I could with any of my friends because she doesn't have any preconceptions about me, I shoved mine about her HARD away from my mind, and I used to make it my job to be a crazy fangirl and learn all I could about the Japanese. So sometimes I can anticipate what she's doing, and I love how that makes her jump :D

So on Wednesday, I came home after...who knows what. But I came home, and the first thing I noticed was that there was a cleaning caddy on the desk next to Mikiko's stuff, and some new stuff up on the shelf. The second thing was the third bed was all made up. The Third was the HORRIBLE AWFUL SMELL OF PERFUME. She had plugged in like 3 of these awful Glade Plugins that spelled like a mix between Gardenia's and Iris', which is a surefire way to sent me into paroxysms.

I stood and stared for a moment, and then started rushing about picking up things. It had only been three days after all. I hadn't figured out where all my stuff should go! And I was using 3 wardrobes, so she had dumped a bunch of my stuff on the floor. Including the boxes I had stored under her bed. So by the time Miki came home I met her at the door clenching a knife like a crazy woman, flat boxes all around me and said in an oddly detached voice "Miki? Did you know about this?"

And of course she started pestering me with questions. "What's her name? Where is she? When did she come in? When is she coming back? Moe-nica, do you like her?"

"Miki, she came in while we were gone. I have absolutely NO IDEA what is going on."

And of course, THAT upset her.

"They should have told us!" She rants, walking to and fro and cleaning up her nonexistent mess. "Don't they do that in America? HOW RUDE!"

The girl didn't come in till later that night while Miki was out. I think Miki was staying the night at a friends house. So it was pretty late when she showed up.

"Hi!" She chirps as she rushes through, a blond boy waits in the doorway as I eye her blurrily. "I'm so and so, I'm not staying here tonight. This is Brady, My boyfriend."

"Hi." He waves.

I squint, Thinking that I'll prolly change his name to blondy.

"I'll see you later, okay? OKAY!"

And then she's gone.

In fact, for the next few days, I think I see her for a grand total of like...10 minutes. MAYBE. Miki still hasn't met her. But one day I come home and they are both there and Miki is at her desk frowning, trying to make herself small, and the girl is rushing about doing things and I get the feeling that Miki is not very comfortable because she smiles very brightly when she sees me.

"HI Moe-nica!"


So we don't spend too terribly much time together. She DOES take most of the plugins out, which is nice. But she had this weird habit of coming by late in the morning, opening all the windows and setting up a fan, then never coming back. why do that if you're NEVER HERE? Seriously. By the time I was getting home it was 50 degrees in the house, and that was just NOT cool. But I didn't say anything.

Mostly because she was NEVER HERE.

The only time I ever spent any real time with her was the night she and Brady broke up. I don't remember too much of it. But we were watching House together and someone called and she was crying right next to me on the couch and it was weird and she didn't get on her computer at all. Just sat and watched television. And then she ACTUALLY SLEPT IN HER BED.

I was traumatized.

Rewind a day backwards though. The crying was on Monday, but on Sunday my family visited with stuff. They brought me a small fridge a friend of mine lent me, an even smaller microwave that is SUPER LOUD and barely holds a popped bag of popcorn, and a few other things. Then later that night HER family showed up with a truckload of stuff! Then she just ditched all the boxes and things and poor Mikiko couldn't even get to her desk so I was shoving things out of the way for a few days. It was kind of annoying.

Monday night she came home super early and went to bed at like...right after House. She took some pills, which made me nervous, and fell asleep on the phone with her ex still on the phone. This I know because I could hear him saying "Hello? HELLO? are you there?!"

Tuesday morning her ex came by and we had a chat. Yes they had broken up, yes they were still friends and hey btw don't be surprised if she moves out soon. She planned on being at the college to be with me (says Brady) and it's not really working out for her right now. So she's either gonna find another dorm, or switch campus'. Mostly because of stress and other things.

I told him I'd keep an eye on her, and that I understood, bla bla bla....He's really a nice stand up guy though. I really like him. For a freshmen :) Mmmmm Freshmeat :D

Tuesday afternoon I came home just as Mikiko was leaving (in a bit of a rush) and the girl caught me and sat me down to chat.

"Now I don't want you and Mikiko thinking this is because of you guys, because it's not, but I've been applying for a different dorm for a few days and I don't want you two to take this personally, but I finally got one and I'm moving into a singles."

Okay, I'm a little torn here. Should I be upset that she's using that fake polite smile of hers that means she's lying through her teeth? Or happy that she's gone? Or worried? Who knows where that last came from.

But I lied in equal measure and said it was okay and hmmed and okayed at appropriate moments when she said she'd love to see Miki and I again.

Like she spent more than an hour or two with us, seriously.

She swept out directly after, and I realized that she had left her dorm change form on the couch. It was there. It was calling to me. I couldn't resist.

You know what it said on the line that says 'Reason why you want to switch dorms?'?

It said "Lifestyle changes with roommates."

WTF? I'd be offended if I actually knew what that meant.

Later that night, after I got back from class, She and her ex were still in here bickering about moving her stuff out. I got a kick out of it, but it was still annoying. It was 8 o'clock or a bit later I think, and she wanted to move NOW but she wasn't getting anything done. I couldn't wrap my mind around it >.< And then all of a sudden, she's got friend after friend tromping through the door. It was kind of amazing, actually. Although I didn't see the girl come up and down the stairs too often. Her ex ran up and down the most. By this time they had filled up two cars with her stuff so the last two things (a box and a drawer set) had to be carried by hand to the other dorm. I felt bad for Brady since he's so nice, so I helped out with the last trip, came back shut the door and sighed.


3 things I learned about unexpected roommates (or just roommates in general)

1. Beware of their scented habits. She had hairsprays and deodorizers (how do they do that if they PUT odor in the air?) and plug ins galore! The room barely smells like itself a week later.

2. Beware of the dreaded pill bottles. She had 6 on her side table. 6! And she didn't take them with her when she spent the night with Brady. Oh no, she came back 'if she remembered'. Half of those were anti-depressants mind you. And then add on one pack of birth control. Please, I'm a slob. But at least I keep pills and things PUT AWAY!

3. Never look in their laundry baskets where they keep their detergent. Just trust me.

Regards, from Purgatory :)


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Getting a Package

It'll be old hat to me soon. But you know what's the neatest thing in the world? Getting mail. I got excited about it while I still lived at home too, so no worries.

My boyfriend decided to send me a package not to long ago. I waited on pins and needles. I was SO EXCITED. But the day before it arrived, the whole computer system went down. So they couldn't catalog a whole days worth of packages. I got an email that Tuesday morning, waited until 4 to go get it, and skipped all the way to the Resident Service Center. Then I had to wait in line with 8 other people. About 1 in 3 got to get their package. This is the story I heard from the clerk:

"Since they couldn't process packages yesterday, they are doing those today, and 100 new packages came in today so you might not get them until tomorrow"

"But I got an email!"

"It might be processed, but it hasn't arrived hear for you to be picked up yet. Please come back tomorrow"

I heard that for almost every person in front of me, so I was prepared (disappointed, yes. but still prepared) for when the guy said "Sorry, it's not here yet." I didn't freak out like the girl in front of me. Seriously, why? She shoulda heard the story, he told it to every person in front of us! Self centered.....AHEM. So I asked "When does the sorting center close?"


We both glanced at the clock and it said 4:40. So I asked "Shall I come back afterwards later tonight to see if It's made it?"

He said sure, I did, and it came!

I was SO excited that I ripped it open on my way to my dorm. With every package I've received since, it's been the same. I went over for my Iliad yesterday, and Ovid today. Hopefully I should have paypal money on my card in the next few days and then I'll order Greek Comedy and Greek Tragedy.

And then, possibly after that, I'll buy a novel just to get another package in the mail :)

If I could, I'd give out my box just to get stuff! ;)

Regards from Purgatory,


In the last week before New Student week, imagine a beheaded chicken running around squawking throwing papers up in the air.

That was me.

I had no idea where I was living. Everytime someone asked me I had to stare at the blankly, blink, and say "I have absobloodylutely no idea."

So I finally logged onto the school website. And there was this lovely button that said "Residence and Food plan"

So I clicked.

And right there, it told me what dorm I was in, and with whom. It did NOT say what room, but that was okay with me. So I emailed both girls. One's name was Claire, and the other was Mikiko.

Wow, a japanese roommate. Mikiko responded. She sounded very nice. She said right off the bat that she was a Japanese exchange student, and had only been in the country since the 10th of September. That day was the 20th. She said that the dorm was very empty and that she was excited for me to get there.

So by the 22nd, move in day, I was very excited. I told everyone I could about my amazing roommate, and totally forgot about the fact that I hadn't wanted one in the first place :)

So I get to campus, fill out the pertinent forms, get a key, and haul the first of my stuff upstairs. After I open the door all I can say is "Mikiko?"

She's the cutest little thing I've ever seen. She's a few years older than I, but still. And you could tell she hadn't been here in America long by the way she responded. "HAI!"

Which is equilivent to "yes sir/ma'am, yes?" or something or rather.

I spooked her I think. After that, we got along very well. We stick together through most things. While I'm struggling to make (and keep) friends on campus, I know that I can come home everyday to sweet little Miki with her questions about my day and her enthusiasm or frustration about hers. And I think if we keep exchanging gifts like we have neither of us will be left with any of our belongings >.<

SO This weekend I visited home (up in Washington, good 5 hour drive) to do that paperwork. And Miki went on a trip to Crater Lake. I knew she was quiet. I KNOW she is quiet. But usually if something is wrong, or bugging her, she says something right away.

10 o'clock last night and I'm all tucked into bed about to crack open a good book and she comes skidding into the bedroom (no mean feet in socks on carpet) with her nightdress (never seen it before, odd) hiked up and itching herself agitatedly.

"Moe-nica!" She practically screeches. "I have SPOTS! I cannot stop itching"

Oh no, I groan. Why did she wait so long? I thought at first it was from stinging nettle, since she had been out in the woods and she had little red spots (no bumps that I could see) around her ankles. And then she asked "Should it be under my clothes too?"

Well not unless she rolled naked in the bloody stuff. But I didn't say that :)

So I think she had a close encounter with either Poison Ivy, or Oak (neither of which I've ever experienced cause we don't have it where I live) and the itching only got bad for her last night. I wish she had said something sooner. We coulda taken her to the doctor yesterday. Or even gotten some Aloe. All I had was Witch Hazel >.< Which just cleans what you've already scratched.

She's just come in the door now. Some fabulous health center we have. They made an appointment for her next Monday and said it should disappear by then. It's a good thing I stayed up half the night telling her not to itch. She says that the spots are better for it.

Now her new problem is the Children's Literature text that she bought for $70.

"Moe-nica! Books in America a SO expensive!"

I love how cute and girly her voice is :) I almost wish I could have her haircut. My hair is long enough for it, but my hair is too bushy for a sleek face framing page boy cut. >.< Shame, it looks adorable on her!

Mikiko is also on a mission to make 100 tiny paper cranes. So far there are almost 20 in the house. I think that is about as cluttered as I've seen her get. There's no way to make them organized, that's for sure. What do you invisible (more like nonexistent) watchers think? Should we hang them on something and string them up like Christmas lights? She says that 100 paper cranes is lucky, but that it's traditional to do 1000! She doesn't have enough origami paper though, thank goodness.

Well, until next time.
Regards from Purgatory,

A Nightmare of Epic Proportions

How many college students out there have filled out the FAFSA paper work? For those of you that don't know what that is, it stand for Financial Aid, the money the government gives you to go to school.

How many people had your parents do it?

How many laugh hysterically when other people tell you it's insanely easy?

I personally fall into the second category. My mum is a computer phobe who gets hysterical and calls me everytime she needs to turn on the computer. God forbid we should actually DO SOMETHING on it while it's on.

Not only that, she is neurotic to the point of driving me insane about giving out her information. How many people have HAD to order something online because that's the only way to get it? My mum is the one person in the entire world that calls that company and demands to be allowed to order said item over the phone.

For those of you familiar with FAFSA, you know that it is more trouble than it is worth to do said form on paper and mail it in, and if they don't lose it you will be lucky. The computer it is. So it was up to me to fill it out FOR my mum. Even though for some odd reason the government requires your parents do it even if they refuse to have anything to do with your schooling.

And then I get the bomb: she hasn't done her taxes. In like....6 years. I thought I was bad! i did 07's just this spring so that I could do 08's, and here it's March and i'm trying to fill out the FAFSA and I have to do my mum's taxes. Fine, i do them.

And the promptly lose them.

So here it's September, I'm living in a dorm about ready to pull my hair about because of all my problems, and i sent in my mum's taxes yesterday. YESTERDAY! Which obviously means I have no financial aid yet. OH NO. not only do they allow you to click the button that says you haven't filed your taxes yet, they allow you to do so without telling you that that means your forms won't go through until you UNCLICK THAT BUTTON.

Last week I finally got the nerve to go to the Financial Aid office and figure out what was going on.

1. I needed to send in my mum's taxes. DONE
2. I needed to send in MY taxes. NOT DONE.
3. I was randomly chosen by the government to have my paperwork gone over so I need to fill out a page telling them that we did or not do our taxes. SHIT!

This last weekend I went home, so that mum could sign that blasted sheet, and her taxes, and so that we could fish out her W2s, and mine, and send our taxes off. I gave her two weeks to look for our W2s. TWO WEEKS. She's the last one who had mine cause she faxed me a terrible copy when I was filling out hers. I still have that terrible copy, I can't copy it it's so bad. On Sunday, when she sat down with me to fill out the papers, she batted her eyelashes at me innocently and said "You should've warned me I needed my W2s." WHAT? I told her the weekend before when she visited. I brought it up in every single email. I TOLD HER THE NIGHT BEFORE WHEN I HAD ARRIVED!

How much more notice did she need? Seriously, tell me, I want to know.

And then, she decided that I filled out the wrong Tax form. Last spring she told me 1040 EZ. Now she wants to claim me and THAT takes the 1040. I guess it's good we switched forms cause with the EZ she owed money and with the 1040 she didn't....BUT technically she couldn't claim me and declare my tuitions and things because of this little fine print that says....You can only do that if your son or daughter is under 25, pursuing a higher education, and has a diploma or a GED.

That is one failing in my life. When I took college courses in my senior year, they decided not to award me my diploma. Now it's coming back to bite me in my ass. I am a 19 year old college junior, without a bloody high school diploma. Great.

So it's tuesday, I should be on bent knee at the Financial Aid office but I cannot find my W2, I'm hesitant to send in the copy I have because it's unreadable and I am not sure I want to go into Financial Aid and admit what went wrong.....

Oh, and I was supposed to fill out a Dorm Contract which has mysteriously disappeared in this bloody room, and I really want to keep my head down until i turn it in. Lovely, yeah?

At least I got a Deferment so technically I have a few more weeks until I need to pay the 2nd third of my tuition. Hopefully I'll have this mess unsnarled by then, Yeah?

Regards from Purgatory,