Saturday, November 28, 2009

Adventures in My Own Backyard

So I never got to take Miki on a tour of the family property *sad* mostly because the weather was so darned bad over break and the one nice day (two) we used for exploring town and going out to the parks before Miki went to Portland with Kody and Ai.

So Miki only got to see the Chickens, and not all the rabbits and the woods and stuff. Aww.....too bad. Maybe another time, yeah?

So the day after Thanksgiving we went out for the day round 1. Grampa had told me that an old English teacher of mine had set up a booksigning table at a Christmas Bazaar so we decided to go crash that. Mum gave me "incidental" money so I used that (incidentally) on a book from Ms. Bono. She keeps trying to get me to call her Jan, but I just respect her too much to do otherwise. Or maybe it's fear....:) I think she's resigned to it by now.

So I got her newest book, Just Joshin, and even got it signed just for me :) Afterwards I parked smack dab in the center of town and took Mikiko EVERYWHERE.

How many of you live in a small town that has one of those hardware stores that sells everything? Well, the big difference between Dennis Company in Long Beach and Jack's in Ocean Park is that Dennis Company doesn't sell food or milk. But otherwise it's one of those run of the mill hardware stores with a pet section, and a washer drier section, and shoes, and clothes, and toys, and pretty stuff, and chimes....Miki looked like a kid in a candy shop :)

We bought some cheap kitchen utensils (and by we I mean I pointed it out and she bought it) those big spoons carved out of wood. Slotted, regular, spatula like...And a Bamboo cutting board that is AMAZING.

Mum reminded me that we better label one side for meat and the other for vegetable. Although since we're poor college students I sincerely doubt we will ever be able to afford meat >.<

Miki found something adorable in Dennis company she freaked out about.Can you tell why? She is claiming in this photo that they leapt into her cart and that she isn't actually buying them.....CUUUUTE!

Then we went to a tourist trap called Marsh's Free Museum. The town Mascot is there.

Yes, that is a look of disgust on Miki's face. I thought she might throw up, actually. His name is Jake the Alligator man. And yes, that is a Key to the City in his case...

After that we went to the beach. We walked halfway down the board walk and then took off across the sand to see the ocean. You can't see the water too well from the boardwalk, really. So Miki got to touch the water, she was super excited. Even though it was windy and dreary outside (a nice break from the rain) there were people out with Kites so Miki got to see that :)
We went to the Bakery after that. Biggest in the area. It's really cool, and pretty traditional. Makes a mean clam chowder and really good sandwiches. I worked there for a bit: I don't recommend it :)

Finally found a sweet not too sweet for Miki: A Buttermilk bar. I don't like them that much cause they aren't sweet ENOUGH for me....But she loved it. You should've seen her with the crumbs!

We ran out of daylight on Friday so didn't get to go to the parks. So we went with Ai and Kody on Saturday.

That's the North Head Lighthouse in the distance. We only went to one of the Lighthouses. It was a lot of fun.They even have tours up to the top nowadays. It was never open when I was little, so I've never been inside. My mum hasn't either. And the other Lighthouse is still in use by the Coast Guard so you can't get within 50 feet of it, really.....

So this was cool. After we wandered up some trails to an old bunker that I know about with a pretty wicked view of the cliffs.
After that Miki went with Kody and Ai to Beaverton (near Portland) to go to an Asian Superstore called Uwajimayas. So that's it for my part in the holiday! :)

Regards from Purgatory,

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