Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So readers (the few I assuredly have) I know that it's a bit early to be thinking on this.

But I'm just SO excited!

As you should know (by now) Mikiko is a Japanese exchange student. Do you know what I've just learned?

She's never had a Thanksgiving.


Okay, so it's not that big of a deal, and the explaining the holiday part was a little painful, actually. Mostly because I don't think I've ever realized just how ridiculous the story IS.

I mean, we've all been raised on that Indian taught the Pilgrims idea (is it just me or do the stereotypical pictures usually show Quakers? 0.o) but I've never had to explain it to someone before. It felt rather surreal when I started with "Well a long long time ago before there were Americans in America (wow that sucked) they didn't know how to grow anything so had to ask the Indians for help......"

I'm not sure if I could've botched up that story anymore if I had tried.

Although after learning that there is a book called Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, I'd bet good money I could accomplish it.

So I tossed everything into the wind and invited Mikiko to my house for dinner, as I would any good friend. I've yet to figure out how this works. Mikiko and I get along a bit like two Lovers living together, and then at the same time we're perfect strangers and it shows at odd moments.

But I would a time turner everyday to see the look of surprise joy on her face when I invited her. Even if it was ruined a few seconds later when her expression screwed up to ask me what Thanksgiving was :D


Her mum, as Miki puts it, is excited enough for both of us. I guess that Miki has somehow put it that I've taken her under her wing. Which I don't mind. Miki has friends, and goes out and does things herself during the day, but each night we come home and we always have interesting discussions.

They've started small, but slowly we talk about things, and concepts, and words. We talked about illegal and legal today. And when you say yes or no to "don't you like this?" "Do you like this?"

You would have no idea how many people respond incorrectly to the first. According to Linguistics a double negative is okay. But answering "Don't you like this?" with "No, I like it" is just WRONG! :p

So I even found a ride up to Astoria at least for us. I should be able to get us home from their. I know the area, it's no problem. We are leaving on Wed the 25th of November and I am SUPER excited!!! *cheers*

Miki is super surprised that we get "so much" time off for it. oddly enough someone told me the holiday lasts until the 30th. which is on a Monday, I think. Does that mean we have that day off? Or we're returning that day? 0.o

I think my family is glad I am bringing her with. I wouldn't want to leave Miki behind you know. But I like including her in some American things. I like the idea of her telling her future family about her adventures and the things she learns. Makes me feel warm inside.

Well, maybe next time I'll backtrack and talk about Halloween!

Regards from Purgatory,

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