Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Mighty Spill

It's been getting colder and colder everyday. In fact, I've been wearing honest to goodness sweaters under my sweatshirts and fleece lined pants for almost a week now. Which is why when I wanted to go to library on Sunday I gave up the ghost and took my bicycle instead. Now the library isn't that far. Across the parking lot and one block up College Street pretty much. But it was COLD so I didn't want to be out in it. And I was irritated. I had gotten a library statement one day after my DVDs were due (which I never got to watch) so I returned them and 4 days later I got an overdue notice saying they were 5 days overdue! I had turned them in!

So I peddled over there as fast as I could and jammed my bike into the rack (who's gonna steal that hunk of junk, anyways? Note that I registered it with security just in case even though I never lock it up....) I ran up the stairs and looked on the shelves.

My DVD's weren't there. Shit!

I came around a corner and spotted Mikiko studying by the window. I paused a moment, then my memory spun back to when I left the dorm. I posted a new cheap whiteboard (you can tell cause it's already falling apart >.<) for us to leave notes for eachother and she had left a cute drawing of a pig (she loves pigs!) reading in the library to let me know that's where she was.

So I snuck up on her and went BOO!

I think she was disappointed when she found out that I was there to track down the DVDs, not to read. But I read all the time at home, Mikiko! :)

So I stomp down the stairs and accost the checkout librarian. The look on her face and her words when I mention what movies they were confirms that THEY are the ones that fucked up.

NOT ME!!!!!!!!!!


So I pedal home as fast as I can. This is the one day this week it hasn't rained btw. So I go in front of the Physical Plant and go over a speed bump and then turn to get on the sidewalk to park my bike at the Dining Hall.

Well I guess I was in mid air when I turned my bicycle. I don't turn the tire like most, I lean into it. So the bike landed at an angle and as it crumpled together I threw myself off.

Which was actually pretty darned awesome.

I hit the ground like you are supposed to. Smack the ground with your hands and forearms and then roll to keep impact from breaking something. Still knocked myself about pretty bad though. And as I'm wheezing on the ground saying I'm okay the lady chattering at me changes tacts and starts scolding me about not wearing a helmet >.<

It was great for an adrenaline rush, though!

So I'm covered in scrapes and bruises, and my knees finally stopped swelling enough that I can walk. But I doubt that I will be able to model for a while >.<

It was still worth the look on Miki's face when I came home with bloody bandages all over!

Regards from Purgatory,


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