Sunday, October 25, 2009


So I know that a few people here and there read my blog...but now i have 4 followers! *cheers* of course I am very sad about one because she hasn't updated her equally interesting blog in AGES :(

But....A holiday is coming soon!

Yes, I am distracting myself from murdering squirrels. I almost trod on one by...accident, on my way to the library in fact. I'm a bit irritated because I need to use a tracing table (I'm about to go upstairs and see if I can get away with using the large windows upstairs ....) And I KNOW that there are people in the art building, I can see the lights, but the doors are LOCKED.

Which is lame because I am a serious art student but evidently not serious enough to get a fob (electronic key) to get into the building. That irritates me more than a little really. But I'm just an art minor *shrugs* so what can I do?

So here I am, in the library (am supposed to be writing a paper)...Hold on. This guy keeps putting his phone on the table and if it vibrates one more time you'll see an article in the paper about a girl committing homocide in the library in front of 50 witnesses.

Okay, better. But if he keeps tapping his damn fingers I can't make any promises =.=

So yeah, Halloween.

Better start at the beginning, shall I?

I decided, rather off the beaten path, that I wanted to be a kitty girl for Halloween. At this point that might not happen, but still. So I went onto Ebay looking for the least expensive but not too crappy ear and tail set I could find....Found One! Found the right buyer without too terribly bad of a shipping rate...even better!

So I hit "Order" And then thought nothing of it. I get the feeling that the college takes things hostage when I send them out, but they are good at getting things TO me.

But a couple days later...I got curious. So I clicked random buttons trying to figure out how and when my package was getting to me.

Hmm...No tracking number. *shrugs* No biggy! Okay, what day was it shipped? mkay...the 12th. Today! YAY! 'here' to ask the Seller how long it will take.

Well, at first it just sent me to a FAQ which said....

Seller is shipping from Hong Kong. Usually ships within 2 days of purchase, item will arrive in 5-21 days.


So I had to find a backup.

So as this fiasco is going on I am slowly but surely eliminating Halloween type things I can do. Bought a small pumpkin after Pinky's dinner last Wednesday. Can't have candles in dorm and it's kinda small anyways.


The Halloween dance this thursday I SO wanted to go to? (or is it on the 27th?) Either way, it is on the night of my drawing class. Which ends at 9 =.=


Movie? 27th. Night of Drawing.


Pumpkin carving? 27th.


Homecoming Football game on the 31st: Have no money.

Check. (wouldn't wanna go anyways)

Trick-or-treating: Aren't you too old?


If I bloody well wanna go Trick-or-treating, then I will. It's not like I'm gonna go lobbing eggs at peoples houses. Although if I have more than one person tell me That it's "wrong" for me to want to Trick-or-treat...I MIGHT.


Seriously ppl! I haven't had an amazing holiday and God knows how long. I WANT ONE so bad.

One year for Halloween I spent bawling because my mum yelled at me for no reason. Another I was out until super late on a mandatory Cross Country run. May I say that my night vision SUCKED at the time (better glasses help) and I almost ran down a little ghost, pumpkin, and I knocked over a Princess?

I could hear her crying all the way down the street. >.<;;; I won't go into the rest. But I am determined to dress up and Go Out. And I have lots of foreign friends that want to too. Do you think we can do it? I DO! And I don't want anyone telling me otherwise. We're a bunch of girls looking to giggle and have fun, BIG DEAL! Where I lived, you'd see groups of adults with no children in sight going from door to door. So There.


Case and Point.

So yes, foreign friends.

I have to say that explaining holidays and traditions I've never thought anything of is not my most favorite thing in the world, seriously.
Thanksgiving just sounds stupid. Good thing I didn't have to explain the Candy thing. But I DID have to explain the Jack-o-Lantern thing.

Btw, I made a Jack-o-lantern!

The girls (Sabrina, Miki, Pinky, Daisy, and I) planned to have dinner and watch movies last night (Sabrina had to bail last minute for a play) and afterwards we went to Waremart and got pumpkings.

I literally spent the morning cleaning my room to find change under my bed for THAT one. Which is a shame. I have money on my Paypal, which I've been using for textbooks, but for some reason it blocked my bankaccount so I can only use it online >.< Shame.

I DID find change though. And bought a bigger pumpkin for 84 cents :)

Miki had to go home and study, But Daisy and I went to Pinky's and proceeded to demolish her kitchen. Of course, practical person that I am, I stole newspapers from downstairs at the "encouraging reading station" and layered them on the kitchen table :)

Sorry WOU! :P

Mine isn't all that cool, I don't think. Daisy's is WAY cooler, can you tell which is which?

:D Pinky didn't wanna do hers. She cringed when she saw us using flimsy knives (they were pretty sharp though) and spoons to scrape out the junk.

She's waiting for her roomie to come home with her pumpkin carving supplies. Wimp :)

Miki was excited too, I sent her all the photos and I could hear her giggling in the other room.

I tried baking the pumpkin seeds and I thought they were done...but the insides are still green so I'm thinking not. Do you think it'd hurt to bake them again? 0.o

Soo....The cat ears still haven't come. Contacted the Seller day before yesterday and they confirmed that they had shipped on the 12th and that the items should've been here in 10 days.

Am I hallucinating? Or has it been longer than 10 days? Mayeb WOU is holding my incoming package hostage...If My package is stuck in customs, I really WILL kill someone.

So I saw a sign for a costume sale...From the drama club. Old costumes from plays they didn't want anymore. It said 5 or 10 dollar donations. I figured "donations, yeah? I can donate 5 dollars maybe. And if I don't have enough, big deal yeah?"

Turns out they weren't asking, they were extorting. I saw a pants and top, hated the pants, and substituted a short skirt with it. And was charged 10 dollars. I wanted to be livid, but I just handed over my last nine dollars (goodbye food)

And went to class 20 minutes late feeling like an idiot.

Specially since the only reason why I was late was cause class started at 2 and I thought the sale started at 2 as well, turned out it started at 1 >.<;;;;


So I DID get a costume though! And it'll still work with or without the cat ears :)

I'm gonna be a sailor fuki japanese school girl! *squeals*

I'm so excited. Aren't you guys? Might get to see pictures....;)

So that's this holiday in a nutshell. Whatcha think, my cat ears will make it?

Should I trick-or-treat prudes with sticks up there *coughs* be damned?

Regards from Purgatory,


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