Thursday, October 8, 2009

The End of the World

I can't even recall which morning this was. But I think it started when classes started, the morning of the 28th. I woke at exactly 6:58 to our entire building shuddering. And my first thought was:

It's the end of the world.

Now don't take me wrong! I'm not chicken little :) BUT I know the difference between a building shuddering for odd reasons and an earthquake. Don't ask me how, I've only been in one earthquake that I've noticed but I can tell the difference.

So the building is shaking and shuddering and I'm hiding under the covers debating if it's armageddon and whether or not classes would be canceled when I heard Mikiko shut the window with a snap and the beeping stopped.

"Miki? Did you just shut the window?" I ask groggily.

"Moe-nica! I didn't wake you up, did I?"

"No, did you shut the window?"

"Yes, I left it open and the construction is LOUD."

Well that explains that.

But EVERY MORNING SINCE they've been shaking the building (how can they DO that when they're just digging in another lot?) and fucking BEEPING. The beeping drives me nuts. There are lots of different kinds. The backing up beeping, the hysterical beeping of one of the cab machinery as it swings around, the beeping of several other electronic devices....The SQUEALING OF TIRES!

It's been driving me to distraction. Last Thursday was my first and only day to sleep in, no such luck. In theory today should've been too, but I have homework to do and I didn't think I could sleep through the blasted noise.

I was right.

I don't even need my alarm clock nowadays. If people ask me how I wake up so early in the morning, it's because....

The world is ending :)

Regards from Purgatory,


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