Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Food Plan

Ever wonder how poor college students eat while living in dorms? Well here's the kick: they force you to spend money you don't have and buy a meal plan while you're on campus. What's a meal plan, you ask? It's an amount of money you have on account that you use to buy your food on campus. It's kinda convenient, really. You swipe your i.d. card and WHAMMO.

You have food.

And if you use the plan, you get everything wholesale. Don't get me wrong. Everything is rather inexpensive regardless. But with my handy dandy card I get a grilled cheese for 60 cents.

Before I came here, I never knew where my next meal would be coming from. When you don't eat enough, your stomach starts to shrink. Even though I was still mostly hungry all the time, it took far less than it should to fill me up. In fact, whenever I ate my stomach would get upset and tell me that I had fed it more than enough, no matter how little I ate.

When I came here, I had 3 meals a day. THREE MEALS A DAY! I mean, I quickly became bored/disgusted with my choices. But I was ecstatic, you know?

As a consequence, I have now spent too much money on food. I think I've averaged anywhere between 4 and 10 dollars a day. Which isn't that bad. If I was going out into the real world and buying food everyday, that'd be relatively cheap for 3 meals a day.

But here, obviously not.

I didn't have the smallest plan, but it isn't that much. My plan started out with $225. I officially have $73 left and it's the 4th week of school. I did the math. To be able to stretch that, I'll have to keep it down to 2 dollars a day. FUCK!

According to the chart I should still have $130 left at the end of this week. That means I've spent $60 more than I should've. I'm such a retard. So I might have been used to not eating much, but now that I've gotten used to regular meals, I'm not sure what to do. I did without breakfast this morning, and got the smallest lunch I could, and now I have $1 left for dinner.


I can get a grilled cheese, that's about it.

I mean, There are some times I eat less that others, and some times when a friend feeds me, and of course I'll be gone for a few days for Thanksgiving...But this means no more snacks when my tummy starts to ache at night (which it does even when I've had three large meals) and no more filling up my appetite. This BITES. I've finally been gaining the weight back I lost from my horrible eating habits since January, and now that's going to go down the tube.

Life sucks.

Regards from Purgatory,
Monica (i'm hungry!)

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