Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Getting a Package

It'll be old hat to me soon. But you know what's the neatest thing in the world? Getting mail. I got excited about it while I still lived at home too, so no worries.

My boyfriend decided to send me a package not to long ago. I waited on pins and needles. I was SO EXCITED. But the day before it arrived, the whole computer system went down. So they couldn't catalog a whole days worth of packages. I got an email that Tuesday morning, waited until 4 to go get it, and skipped all the way to the Resident Service Center. Then I had to wait in line with 8 other people. About 1 in 3 got to get their package. This is the story I heard from the clerk:

"Since they couldn't process packages yesterday, they are doing those today, and 100 new packages came in today so you might not get them until tomorrow"

"But I got an email!"

"It might be processed, but it hasn't arrived hear for you to be picked up yet. Please come back tomorrow"

I heard that for almost every person in front of me, so I was prepared (disappointed, yes. but still prepared) for when the guy said "Sorry, it's not here yet." I didn't freak out like the girl in front of me. Seriously, why? She shoulda heard the story, he told it to every person in front of us! Self centered.....AHEM. So I asked "When does the sorting center close?"


We both glanced at the clock and it said 4:40. So I asked "Shall I come back afterwards later tonight to see if It's made it?"

He said sure, I did, and it came!

I was SO excited that I ripped it open on my way to my dorm. With every package I've received since, it's been the same. I went over for my Iliad yesterday, and Ovid today. Hopefully I should have paypal money on my card in the next few days and then I'll order Greek Comedy and Greek Tragedy.

And then, possibly after that, I'll buy a novel just to get another package in the mail :)

If I could, I'd give out my box just to get stuff! ;)

Regards from Purgatory,


  1. It's so fun to read your story, because unlike most books, I can hear your voice and imagine you running around with your box of present. XD

  2. Well after reading this, we're going to have to send you more packages aren't we? :)


  3. Well, after reading this, we're going to have to send you more packages aren't we? :)

