Monday, January 4, 2010

Winter Term Starts...Now!

So I'm still working on more posts about break: they are coming.

But here's a quick (ha) update for now.

I'm on academic probation.

Yeah, you heard me. All those grades I was so scared about? Well I did a bit better in Literature than I though I would. I fully expected a D, I got a C (thank goodness).

But I got a D in both Spanish and Linguistics. Linguistics was a tiny surprise. I did all the homework, studied, did most of the reading. Did pretty poorly the first test, but I was pretty confident on the second. Heck, it was exactly the same as the study sheet! Which I had done. But nooo.....I got a D. Therefore I got lower than a 2.0 which means....

They are now watching me.


If I do it again it means I'll be on probation. According the the adviser I was required to see (because of my warning) that means I could lose financial aid. *Laughs hysterically* What financial aid?

Lit. Studies I was hoping for a B. But oddly enough he gave me my best grade on my worst paper: unfinished, tacky, all around terrible. I worked for ages on my last paper, it was my best out of all 4? 5 papers?

I got a bloody D on the blasted thing. I worked really hard! I don't understand at all. So I added a bit of flair to it. That happens. But all of the classmates and assorted people I asked to read it said it was written well. He didn't mind when I added flair to the other papers. I thought that was what critiquing was about! *grumbles*

So I got a C in Lit. Studies. Which was a disappointment. It's not bad...But it would've kept my GPA up higher if I hadn't have done so horridly on the paper.

So I went and saw a terribly apathetic adviser who spent half of our extremely short session (in and out of the advising offices in 10 minutes, I swear) berating me for not having been in there before. And the other half doing absolutely nothing to convince me as to WHY I should be there, or should visit in the future.

In other words: I wasted time on an absolutely useless meeting just because I could be suspended if I didn't.

He did listen to my problems (I'd have beef if he didn't) and how it was mostly test taking and yes I prepared, and yes I studied, and isn't it embarrassing that I failed the same class I tutored someone in and helped THEM pass?

So he eyed me over my folder (that he was clutching like the bible, I swear), stated that I seemed pretty darn prepared to him and that a tutor would likely do me no good if I studied that much, and sent me to the Health Center.

No joke, an academic adviser sent me to the doctor.

Toto? We're not in Kansas anymore.

So I went. Just for kicks, you know? I figured it couldn't hurt. Heck, I'd decided to go for counseling during Fall Term, just cause. And never got around to it. Now's as good of a time as any.

Sides, the adviser (with the unpronounceable Spanish name) seemed to think that the counseling center good give me help/tips on testing.

But when I get there the receptionist stares at me blankly and summons a counselor. Who smiles and says yes i am at the right place and yes please make an appointment and by the way we will be testing you for Learning Disabilities and ADHD nothing to worry about.


So you're saying that if I have problems testing (I didn't give them anymore information that the fact I draw blanks during tests) I have a disability? What a load of crap! I certainly hope that this is a normal thing, something they do for intake for anyone else in my position.

Otherwise I'll have a nice little temper tantrum.

For some odd reason, the idea of a learning disability scares the crap out of me. I couldn't tell you why, to be honest.

Something that I usually shove to the back of my mind, but was unearthed after the adviser shoved pamphlets at me this morning....I'm a kinetic learner. If I remember correctly that means I learn better from hands on things, and while moving. It's probably why I tap my feet and swing around while reading or doing homework on the computer.

I don't like to think about it because there's not much I can do to accommodate my odd quirks in a lecture class. Believe me, there isn't.

They recommend that we give ourselves lots of room to move in a testing environment, and to take lab classes. Well that's fine and dandy. Cept there aren't lab classes for an English major and if you haven't learned too well int he class there's no way moving around during the test is going to help you.

I'm pretty good at multiple choice. And essay's are always fun. Short answers usually aren't a problem for me either. But Linguistics and Spanish offered two ways for me to fail (obviously).

One, Spanish: The good old we expect you to memorize specific words and fill in the blank. I can repeat and study those words until I'm saying them in my sleep; I'll still forget them as soon as I glance at the test.

Better yet, I'll sit there and second guess my instincts and dig myself a deeper hole.

Linguistics offered a brand new torture. She did Short answers AND memorizing/fill in the blank. Sorta. It was all short answer on her tests....But she wanted you to answer in specific ways. It didn't matter if your content was the same, if you didn't use the words she wanted you too she'd mark it as wrong. She wanted us to sound like real linguistics.

So of course as soon as we were required to memorize certain phrases and the like they went straight out of my mind.

No idea what happened on the last test in that class. Heck, I wrote stuff from my study sheet that I got straight from the book!

So, update:

I'm poor. I owe money to the college from last term because of THEIR mess up. I owe interest (lovely). No idea what my financial aid is doing. Got two notices in the mail. The first said to redo everything. The second made more sense: It threatened me for not complying (nice school, yeah?) and asked me to do a corrections form. Not redo the FAFSA.

Thanks for communicating well the first time, guys. Thanks.

Did all that. No more notices. It's been almost a month. In fact? No more ANYTHING. So I can't get a loan until I get financial aid. And I can't get a deferment to stave off interest until the loan goes through until I pay the money they forgot to charge me for until AFTER I paid last term.

And I can't pay that money until I get the loan.

Oh, and I can't get my text books either. Usually if you're waiting for your financial aid you can get a deferment and they'll give you a slip to charge books onto your account....But I'm without options. Sucky, huh?

Oh, and I got my first electric bill!

For $10.

I was excited until I read that it was only for Dec 10th-15th.


Regards from Purgatory,


p.s. I has a mailbox now! And Miki is the only one with mail in it >.< time to go hunt down my letters, yeah?

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