Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I Am NOT Amused

So I went to the Financial Aid office today.

That sounds foreboding all on it's own, doesn't it?

But I got my Award's letter last week. Can't recall whether it was Friday or Thursday...But I got it last week :)

Read over it (several times) with myself, and then read it aloud to my mum on Sunday. Btw she came over this weekend :)

Decided that the PLUS loan was really not applicable. Sure, it'd pay off all of Fall term, but all of my subsequent terms cost about $2,000 less and with the loans you have to have an equal amount per term....so it just seemed worthless.

So I'm getting about $1,750 per term in free money (Pell grant, surprise surprise), $1,800 per term of a subsidized loan per term (the government pays the interest as long as I'm still in school), and like a $800 dollar un-subsidized loan. You can figure out the reciprocal bit, I think.

Not bad. bout $4,000 per term. That should square my tuition AND my room and board. And if I pull my head out of my arse I might even get my foodstamp form sent in sometime this week.

Is it a crime if I claim I don't have any CDs? :D Mum says that since they are less than $2,000 they don't need to know about them, technically.....lol

I love my mum.

So I get there fully expecting that I have to see a Loan Counselor, you know? Cause they put all over the paper-work (and the bloody walls of every building as well) that Loan Counseling is mandatory after signing your awards letter......

Turns out it's an ONLINE thingy. So I got pushed into signing a copy of my award letter there at the office and then was shoved out with a thingamabobber that gave me online stuff. Like my Master Promissory Note.

And the Online Loan Counseling. You have to score 12/15 on the quiz to get the money....I got 14 :)

I'm ridiculously proud of myself. Specially since I got 15/30 on a quiz in Spanish last Friday (and I even STUDIED!) and 50% on a Writing Quiz today >.< I'm certainly on a roll here. Oh, and I also spent my "lunch hour" reading Benjamin Franklin's autobiography when that bloody class was CANCELED today.

What the heck.

So I was pretty proud I passed that silly quiz first try.

Just got an email. The Pell Grant went to my bill. I officially hate how the bills and things are laid out online: I can't read them. Not if you paid me to do it. They make no sense. And have silly numbers all over the place. and how the $1,750 from my grant covered a $3,500 bill with $650 extra is BEYOND ME.

The Loans didn't show up on there, that's for sure.

There is one thing I think I understood from the email though. I can't pick up my refund check until one business day after the money has gone to my tuition. Which means tomorrow.



The good news is....I'll be able to pay rent and all that! *cheers*

It's impossible to find a job around here. And other than the "clean the litter box once a week" New Years Resolution it's probably the only resolution I'm going to fail at. Finding a job, I mean.

So Miki has internet set up to be installed on the 22nd....I'm starting to get far too comfortable with waking up at 2 in the morning and going to the 24 hour lab down the street, so I'm thinking this is good.

Oh, and btw? Even though she was crying over Margarine....It turns out that Miki put a COOKIE in the microwave for 4 minutes. She's mostly distressed that she put it in longer than she wanted, which was 4 minutes, and she thinks THAT's the problem.

I can't convince her that 4 minutes would've annihilated that poor cookie just fine and that 30 seconds would have been MUCH more proper.

But there WAS margarine in it (a word I just recently learned how to spell). They were butter cookies, you know, like what you buy in those gigantic blue tins from the Boyscouts every year? Except she made them with margarine.

I've yet to figure out why. But I won't argue: She made me one special in the shape of the cutest cat head (including whiskers) that I've EVER seen.

So I've finished the FAFSA and I'm still being pulled through hoops....Wish me luck :)

Regards from Purgatory,

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