Monday, January 4, 2010

What am I, A Trick Poodle?

So I lost my temper and stomped my way to Financial Aid today. Big Mistake.

I irritably handed over my i.d. card at the desk and said that I wanted to know what the heck was going on. And the blasted lady looked at me in confusion and asked sweetly "You're check wasn't downstairs, sweetie?"

And looked quite shocked when I said I didn't even have my awards letter yet. Of course she did, she herself had told me that I was supposed to get it over a month ago.

So she called someone. Who hauled me into her office and very loudly told me that I needed to do the darned thing all over again. From new.

What The Hell? O.o

So I explained to her how the first letter I had received said that and that the second said something totally different and she pulled out her copies and concurred. I guess the fifteen minutes I spent in the hall waiting for her to call me in she..."looked in on my situation".

Makes me feel like a juvenile delinquent.

But she said that the first letter was the one that was correct. Also that no matter how many times I corrected the blasted forms my social security number was still popping up wrong in odd places. It wasn't my fault anymore: there was a glitch with my information.

So they want it all new.

So she handed me copies of all the information I need, tax stuff you know? cause I said that I had given it all to the office (true) and that I had to do all the paperwork myself.

Loudly she told me to contact my mum to use her pin number to save the form. Softly she informed me that I was the second young lady in that same day with the exact same situation and that she used her mum's pin and tax info too.

That made me feel better.

After all that I had to go hunt down the business offices (literally) and get another deferment. I don't know whether the lady who gave it to me just didn't notice I owed stuff from last term, or what. But she gave me a deferment no problem. But when I asked for bookstore credit to buy my books....She called the financial aid office.

And talked to the lady who helped me, I guess. But I didn't like sitting there as she cooed "Yes? Yes? Oooooh! Pooor thing! The poor deary! Really? Oh well that's a shame."

Made it sound like someone's puppy had died, not that I had bloody well put my social security number down wrong 4 months ago.


I have no idea why she needed confirmation. Sounded more like she was looking for gossip, really. The last guy who helped me didn't do that. He acted like he was sharing a secret and gave me $500 credit out of the goodness in his heart.

She only gave me $400. I thought that'd be enough, you know? A good dictionary for Spanish (I have a falling apart one and a children's one), The Norton Anthology ($60 something brand new), a book for linguistics (grammar book, $100 USED), and then I thought I'd get the Spanish book, you know?

I survived without it last term because I was too lazy to even try buying it. And I didn't need all the bells and whistles: just the book. But while the college is footing the bill (even if I have to pay it off later) I thought I'd get it, you know?


No fudging WAY!

So I ditched the Spanish book idea. It's only like $60 to buy just the book online, but I don't have the money either way.

I didn't buy the book for writing because I conveniently forgot which teacher I have >.< But I'm sure there'll be a copy there for me tomorrow after I have the class.

Wish me luck with counseling. I have a feeling I need it.

Regards from Purgatory,

Monica (financial aid ppl must DIE!)

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