Friday, September 16, 2011

They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha Ha!

They're coming to take me away, hee hee, hoo hoo, to the funny farm!


So I'm sure I've got plenty to post about but all of it is swirling around in my head in such a conflagration of a melting pot (I'm sure that made sense before I wrote it) that I can't possibly get it out so I'll just say this.

I woke up to see my cat in the china cupboard this morning (Ryou). And yes, literally woke up, opened my eyes, and saw her there (I've been sleeping on the couch where it's cooler in this heat but now that it's getting cold I'm going to move back upstairs.)

And she was itching her fleas.

I found blood on one of my coffee mugs, which is wrong on so many levels I can't even explain. To sum it up--I'm getting another child lock (immediately) and I'm sanitizing everything in there (and hauling out the rags that cushion the mugs).

Then I'm going to pretend that I never saw that.


That is all.

Regards from Purgatory,


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