Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I Wish I Knew What Was Up With Me

I haven't written in a while.

I don't even have a very good excuse as to why. Life is going all right, I'm writing just about everything else (besides letters) so maybe pretty much abandoning my blog has to do with me not writing letters to anyone.

If you're one of the people I usually write to and I haven't--I apologize. I have no excuses, none whatsoever. I just...have no motivation.

Blogger seems to have changed around a bit. I think I like the new editing format. It doesn't seem to freeze my computer anymore, which is a gigantic plus. It's minimalist and pretty and yeah, it's fun. I really like it because it doesn't have anything to distract me and it's super easy to use. Those are all pluses in my book.



It was over 80 degrees outside to me. It was hot and miserable and I didn't like it much, but it really reminded me of Japan so it wasn't really that bad. Last summer when it was hot I kinda just wanted to die, but it was so humid today that all I could think of was sitting on slightly air conditioned trains mopping my face with a My Neighbor Totoro wash cloth I got at the Ghibli Museum while watching other older women, salary men, and school girls do the same.

I think I even saw a hooker pull out a Hello Kitty wash cloth and rub her face with it.

I wanted my wash cloth pretty bad. Today was pretty much one of the few days I didn't have it on me "just in case" and even though I wasn't outside for very long, I kinda missed it. There aren't a lot of opportunities for me to wipe sweat off my brow here in America. Especially not any opportunities I would actively seek.

It's supposed to be over 90 degrees tomorrow. The weather forecast has it at 94.

I think my brain might melt.

Because I can't think of anything interesting right off the top of my end right this second (although I've got plenty floating around somewhere, I'm sure) I'll share a story my roommate Jake just shared with me about his busride home from Salem today:

The bus wasn't full, per se, but there was a person in every row. So this guy, when he got on, instead of asking someone if he could sit next to them he went to the folded up seats that are folded up in case someone in a wheelchair needs to get on the bus. Then he proceeded to spend several minutes fiddling trying to get them down and just couldn't succeed.

Jake watched him with concern wondering if he should offer to help, then he noticed the man's hat which said "Army Strong," and as the busdriver reluctantly went back to help the man put the seats down, Jake thought, "Yeah right, more like Army Derp."

Okay. That's the end of sharing time. Hope to get back on soon!

Regards from Purgatory,


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